Section 106.63. Application  

Latest version.
  • (a) Application required. Applicants shall submit applications to participate in an AEEP grant on forms provided by the Department at the address set forth on the application.

    (b) Application requirements. An application for an AEEP grant will not be considered by the Department unless the following items are included:

    (1) The name, address and contact information (to include telephone, facsimile and website, as available) of the participating organization or individual.

    (2) The name and direct contact information for the designated grant contact.

    (3) A signature by the individual, or an authorized organizational representative, attesting to compliance with the terms and conditions for participation in the AEEP grant.

    (4) A detailed description of the project, including objectives, goals and materials to be funded by the grant.

    (5) A reasonable and accurate statement of the estimated cost of the project. The statement shall include a separate breakdown of the personnel portion of the costs based on a verifiable hourly rate per person, the materials portion of the costs and any other necessary or anticipated costs associated with the project. The applicant shall provide any documentation or financial statements available to support the estimated project costs including a statement of the portion of the principal investigators’ salaries being funded from grant funds. Applications that charge a general overhead fee will not be accepted. All cost components shall be listed.

    (6) A statement regarding the amount of tuition to be charged for courses or workshops held as a part of the AEEP grant project.

    (7) Information regarding the breadth of the AEEP grant project, including individuals or groups taking part as partners, individuals or groups to be served by the AEEP grant project and the geographic area to be served by the AEEP grant project.

    (8) Information regarding the skills, knowledge or experience to be gained from the AEEP grant project.

    (9) A copy of the official organization board minutes when action was taken on the project or an authorized, signed statement attesting to the applicant’s commitment to the AEEP grant project.

    (10) A biographical sketch of the principal investigator involved in the project that indicates the skills, knowledge, training and prior experience of the person developing and administering the AEEP grant project.

    (c) Obtaining an application and assistance. An application for an AEEP grant under this subchapter shall be made on a form prepared by the Department. For AEEP grant applications and assistance, contact the Aquaculture Program, Bureau of Market Development, Department of Agriculture, 2301 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110, telephone (717) 783-8462, facsimile (717) 787-5643.

    (d) Additional information. The Department may require an applicant to submit additional documentation as may be necessary to complete, verify or clarify the AEEP grant application.

    (e) Application deadlines. AEEP applications for participation under this subchapter shall be postmarked by June 30 of the fiscal year prior to the fiscal year for which the funds are to be spent.