Section 185.3. Groups of consecutive axles  

Latest version.
  • Except as provided in § 185.4 (relating to six-axle combinations) no combination registered and having a gross weight in excess of 73,280 pounds shall be driven on a highway with a weight on any group of consecutive axles in excess of the applicable weight shown on the following table:

    For Determining Maximum Axle Weights When Registered
    and Gross Weight Exceed 73,280 Pounds

    Maximum load in pounds carried on any
    Center-to-center distance ingroup of 2 or more consecutive axles
    feet between the first and
    last axles of any group of 2
    or more consecutive axles2 axles3 axles4 axles5 axles6 axles7 axles
    4 …34,000
    5 …35,000
    6 …36,000AXLE GROUPS IN
    7 …37,000THESE SPACINGS
    8 38,00042,000IMPRACTICAL
    9 …39,00043,000
    10 …40,00043,500
    11 …44,500
    12 45,00050,000
    13 …46,00050,500
    14 …46,50051,500
    15 …47,50052,000
    16 48,00052,50058,000
    17 …49,00053,50058,500
    18 …49,50054,00059,500
    19 …50,50054,50060,000
    20 51,00055,50060,50066,000
    21 …52,00056,00061,00066,500
    22 …52,50056,50062,00067,000
    23 …53,50057,50062,50068,000
    24 54,00058,00063,00068,50074,000
    25 …55,00058,50063,50069,00074,500
    26 …55,50059,50064,50069,50075,000
    27 …56,50060,00065,00070,00076,000
    28 57,00060,50065,50071,00076,500
    29 …58,00061,50066,00071,50077,000
    30 …58,50062,00067,00072,00077,500
    31 …59,50062,50067,50072,50078,000
    32 60,00063,50068,00073,00078,500
    33 …64,00068,50074,00079,500
    34 …64,50069,50074,50080,000

    35 …65,50070,00075,000
    36 68,00070,50075,500
    37 …68,00071,00076,000
    38 …68,00072,00077,000
    39 …68,00072,50077,500
    40 68,50073,00078,000
    41 …69,50073,50078,500
    42 …70,00074,50079,000
    43 …70,50075,00080,000

    44 71,50075,500
    45 …72,00076,000
    46 …77,000
    47 …77,500
    48 78,000
    49 …78,500
    50 …79,500

    51 and over …80,00080,00080,000
    All distances shall be measured longitudinally to the nearest foot.