Section 171.124. Identification  

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  • (a) Required. Every school vehicle and every motor vehicle described in § 171.121 (relating to applicability) shall bear the words, ‘‘School Students,’’ in black letters at least 6 inches in height on a background of National School Bus Yellow—see Appendix B—on two separate signs attached to the front and rear of the vehicle or on one two-sided sign located approximately in the center of the vehicle and visible from both the front and rear. Signs shall be a minimum of 44 inches long mounted in a horizontal position and clearly visible to oncoming vehicles. Front and rear mounted signs shall be mounted at a height of not less than 12 inches from the ground measuring from the bottom of the sign and securely fastened to prevent the sign from swinging. When space permits, signs may be painted on the vehicle in a straight line as high as possible. Decals or magnetic signs are permitted. Lettering shall conform to Series B of Standard Alphabets for Highway Signs.

    (b) Additional markings. School vehicles and motor vehicles described in § 171.121 shall have the name of the school district, contractor’s name, or private or parochial school, lettered on each side of the body in letters of not less than 2 inches in height and not more than 4 inches in height. Decals are permitted.

The provisions of this § 171.124 adopted August 19, 1983, effective August 20, 1983, 13 Pa.B. 2561; readopted December 4, 1987, effective December 5, 1987, 17 Pa.B. 5052; amended September 13, 1996, effective September 14, 1996, except subsection (b) effective September 15, 1997, 26 Pa.B. 4411. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (122816).



The provisions of this § 171.124 amended under the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S. § § 4103, 4551—4553 and 6103.