Section 171.60. Metal treatment  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. Metal used in the construction of a school bus body shall be zinc or aluminum coated or treated by an equivalent process before the school bus is constructed. This requirement includes such items as structural members, inside and outside panels, door panels and floor sills. Excluded from this requirement are such items as door handles, grab handles, interior decorative parts and other interior plated parts.

    (b) Painted parts. Metal parts that are painted shall first be chemically cleaned, etched, zinc phosphate coated and zinc chromate or epoxy primed or conditioned by an equivalent process.

    (c) Special areas. Particular attention shall be given lapped surfaces, welded connections of structural members, cut edges, punched or drilled hole areas in sheet metal, closed or box sections, unvented or undrained areas and surfaces subjected to abrasion during school bus operation.

    (d) Testing. As evidence that the requirements of this section have been met, samples of materials and sections used in construction of the school bus body, when subjected to a 1000-hour salt spray test as provided for in the latest revision of ASTM Standard B-117—see Appendix A—may not lose more than 10% of material by weight.

The provisions of this § 171.60 adopted August 19, 1983, effective August 20, 1983, 13 Pa.B. 2561; readopted December 4, 1987, effective December 5, 1987, 17 Pa.B. 5052. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (83750) to (83751).