Section 3490.1. Applicability
Section 3490.2. Purposes
Section 3490.3. Legal base
Section 3490.4. Definitions
Section 3490.5. Waivers
Section 3490.11. Reporting suspected child abuse
Section 3490.12. Required reporters
Section 3490.13. Reports by employes who are required reporters
Section 3490.14. Privileged communication
Section 3490.15. Taking a child into protective custody
Section 3490.16. Notifying the county agency
Section 3490.17. Notifying the child’s parents, guardians or other custodians
Section 3490.18. Filing of a written report by a required reporter
Section 3490.19. Reporting to the coroner
Section 3490.20. Other medical information
Section 3490.21. Release of information on prior abuse reports
Section 3490.31. Receipt of reports
Section 3490.32. ChildLine reporting to the county agency
Section 3490.33. Files
Section 3490.34. Pending complaint file
Section 3490.35. Statewide Central Register
Section 3490.36. Providing information to the county agency
Section 3490.37. Release of information: Statewide Central Register, pending complaint file and file of unfounded reports
Section 3490.38. Authorized studies of child abuse data
Section 3490.39. Expunction from the Statewide Central Register
Section 3490.40. Notifications regarding indicated reports
Section 3490.40a. Notifications regarding founded reports
Section 3490.41. Determination of time
Section 3490.42. Performance audit and reviews
Section 3490.43. [Reserved]
Section 3490.51. [Reserved]
Section 3490.52. Receipt of reports
Section 3490.53. Functions of the county agency for child protective services
Section 3490.54. Independent investigation of reports
Section 3490.55. Investigation of reports of suspected child abuse
Section 3490.56. County agency investigation of suspected child abuse perpetrated by persons employed or supervised by child care services and residential facilities
Section 3490.57. Protective custody
Section 3490.58. Notifications
Section 3490.59. Action by the county agency after determining the status of the report
Section 3490.60. Services available through the county agency
Section 3490.61. Supervisory review and child contacts
Section 3490.62. Repeated child abuse
Section 3490.63. [Reserved]
Section 3490.64. [Reserved]
Section 3490.65. [Reserved]
Section 3490.66. [Reserved]
Section 3490.67. Written reports to ChildLine
Section 3490.68. Retention of information on unfounded reports
Section 3490.69. Reports not received within 60-calendar days
Section 3490.70. Expunction and amendment of report by the county agency
Section 3490.71. Guardian ad litem and court designated advocate
Section 3490.72. [Reserved]
Section 3490.73. Petitioning the court
Section 3490.81. Responsibilities of the Department and the county agency
Section 3490.91. Persons to whom child abuse information shall be made available
Section 3490.92. Requests by and referrals to law enforcement officials
Section 3490.93. Requests by designated county officials
Section 3490.94. Release of the identity of a person who made a report of child abuse or cooperated in a subsequent investigation
Section 3490.95. Release of information to required reporters
Section 3490.101. Sanctions
Section 3490.102. Criminal liability for breach of confidentiality
Section 3490.103. Nonabuse reports received by the county agency or other public agency from ChildLine
Section 3490.104. Release of information to a subject of a report
Section 3490.105. Request by the subject of a founded or indicated report for expunction or amendment of an abuse report, when the report was received by ChildLine prior to July 1, 1995
Section 3490.105a. Request by a perpetrator to amend or expunge an indicated report of child abuse received by ChildLine after June 30, 1995
Section 3490.106. Hearings and appeals proceedings for reports received by ChildLine prior to July 1, 1995
Section 3490.106a. Hearings and appeals proceedings for indicated reports received by ChildLine after June 30, 1995
Section 3490.107. Notification of Secretary’s decision to amend or expunge a report of child abuse
Section 3490.108. Cooperation of county agencies and law enforcement agencies
Section 3490.109. Report from law enforcement agencies
Section 3490.121. Definitions
Section 3490.122. Responsibilities of an applicant, prospective operator or legal entity of a child care service
Section 3490.123. Responsibilities of prospective adoptive parents, prospective foster parents, foster family care agencies and adoption investigators
Section 3490.124. Departmental procedures for replying to a request for verification
Section 3490.125. Voluntary certification of child caretakers
Section 3490.126. Sanctions
Section 3490.127. Information relating to prospective child care personnel
Section 3490.131. Definitions
Section 3490.132. Responsibilities of an administrator
Section 3490.133. Responsibilities of an applicant
Section 3490.134. Information relating to prospective school employes
Section 3490.135. Responsibilities of the Department
Section 3490.136. Sanctions


Cross References

   This subchapter cited in 55 Pa. Code §  3490.321 (relating to standards for risk assessment).