Section 2430.91. Generally  

Latest version.
  • (a) A satellite facility is one operated by a vendor at the same time that the vendor is operating another assigned facility.This situation may occur when no qualified vendor, displaced vendor, or qualified trainee accepts award of a vacancy.

    (b) The Office of Blindness and Visual Services (BVS) will advertise a vacant satellite facility within the district in which it is located. The letter is the standard one used for vacancies with a statement added to note that the offer is for a satellite facility. The special conditions of the satellite shall be noted in the letter as follows:

    (1) The satellite operation is a temporary condition with the vendor being assured of the assignment for at least 90-consecutive days before a further action may be taken regarding the assignment. An action within the 90-day period may be taken only after appropriate notice to the vendor operating the satellite.

    (2) The vendor shall apportion his time between the two facilities as necessary to assure proper operation of both facilities. Consideration shall be given to vendors who apply; however, a basic consideration for selection shall be the proximity of the satellite to the base location of the vendor in order that the shared time between the facilities is practical and efficient.

    (3) The satellite shall be assigned by the regular promotion procedure with primary consideration being given to the senior interested vendor in good standing.

    (c) BVS will review the satellite program at least every 90 days and distribute a Statewide list of satellite stands to vendors and trainees. The list shall be in a form similar to the standard bid proposal and note that the satellites are being offered for award in accordance with the standard procedure for assignment of a vending facility as set forth in § § 2430.41—2430.52 (relating to advertisement of facility vacancy).