Section 2430.101. Standards  

Latest version.
  • (a) The vendor shall operate the facility in the manner necessary to achieve the goal of economic independence. The items to be sold and their sales price are to some extent determined under the agreement with the owner; however, the vendor shall have sufficient flexibility within those limitations to make an adequate profit. The vendor shall establish controls over sales and expenses necessary to produce a reasonable profit. An assigned business enterprises agent from the Office of Blindness and Visual Services (BVS) shall advise and counsel the vendor; however, final decisions shall be made by the vendor.

    (b) The vendor shall be physically present whenever possible to the facility to provide full-time supervision and to operate the facility in accordance with the following standards:

    (1) Generally. The vendor shall comply with applicable Federal, State, and local statutes and regulations.

    (2) Facility standards. The facility shall be attractive, clean, and sanitary and meet the following standards:

    (i) Attractive atmosphere. The interior must be well lighted, with convenient access to service points and movable equipment placed to produce a pleasant and visually-pleasing effect.

    (ii) Cleanliness. Surfaces must be free from dust and litter, with furniture and displays neatly arranged, in good repair and free of stains and discoloration. Waste containers must be conveniently placed and free of litter overflow, stains, grease, and unpleasant odors.

    (iii) Sanitary conditions. Food preparation areas and accessories must be clean and free of objects other than food being prepared. Food preparation vessels and utensils must be free of dirt, grime, stains, and discoloration and stored in protected areas; garbage and trash disposal must be made in clean containers in a protected area without litter overflow and free of noxious odors.

    (3) Personnel. Staff must be neatly groomed and display pleasant demeanor with customers and visitors. Uniforms are encouraged but not required.

    (4) Management. Reports, with supporting records, payment for goods and services, with supporting receipts, and request for maintenance and repair of equipment must be timely. The stock must be adequate and of appropriate variety. Service must be effective and timely.