Section 2390.153. Content of the ISP  

Latest version.
  • The ISP, including annual updates and revisions under § 2390.156 (relating to ISP review and revision) must include the following:

    (1) Services provided to the client and expected outcomes chosen by the client and client’s plan team.

    (2) Services provided to the client to develop the skills necessary for promotion into a higher level of vocational programming or into competitive community-integrated employment as required under § 2390.158 (relating to provider services).

    (3) Current status in relation to an outcome and method of evaluation used to determine progress toward that expected outcome.

    (4) A protocol and schedule outlining specified periods of time for the client to be without direct supervision, if the client’s current assessment states the client may be without direct supervision and if the client’s ISP includes an expected outcome which requires the achievement of a higher level of independence. The protocol must include the current level of independence and the method of evaluation used to determine progress toward the expected outcome to achieve a higher level of independence.

    (5) A protocol to address the social, emotional and environmental needs of the client, if medication has been prescribed to treat symptoms of a diagnosed psychiatric illness.

    (6) A protocol to eliminate the use of restrictive procedures, if restrictive procedures are utilized, and to address the underlying causes of the behavior which led to the use of restrictive procedures including the following:

    (i) An assessment to determine the causes or antecedents of the behavior.

    (ii) A protocol for addressing the underlying causes or antecedents of the behavior.

    (iii) The method and timeline for eliminating the use of restrictive procedures.

    (iv) A protocol for intervention or redirection without utilizing restrictive procedures.

    (7) Assessment of the client’s potential to advance in the following:

    (i) Vocational programming.

    (ii) Competitive community-integrated employment.

The provisions of this § 2390.153 adopted August 27, 2010, effective August 28, 2010, 40 Pa.B. 4935.



The provisions of this § 2390.153 issued under sections 911 and 1021 of the Public Welfare Code (62 P. S. § § 911 and 1021).