Section 2050.71. Sources  

Latest version.
  • Sources of family monthly gross income include but are not limited to:

    (1) Money, wages or salary earned by individuals 16 years of age or older before deductions for taxes, Social Security, bonds, pensions, union dues, health insurance, and similar purposes for work performed as an employe including commissions, tips, piece-rate payments, and cash bonuses.

    (2) Armed Forces pay which includes base pay plus cash housing and subsistence allowances but does not include the value of rent-free quarters.

    (3) Voluntary or court-ordered support received by a present or former spouse.

    (4) Net income from self-employment, farm or nonfarm.

    (5) Voluntary or court-ordered child support.

    (6) Net income from the rental of real property.

    (7) Social Security pensions, survivors’ benefits, permanent disability insurance payments, and special benefit payments made by the Social Security Administration before deductions of health insurance premiums.

    (8) Railroad retirement, disability, and survivors’ benefits payments made by the United States Government under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974 (45 U.S.C.A. § § 231—231v) before deductions of health insurance premiums.

    (9) Private pensions and annuities, including retirement benefits paid to a retired person or his survivors by a former employer or by a union, either directly or through an insurance company.

    (10) Government employe pension payments received from retirement pensions paid by Federal, State, county or other governmental agencies to former employes including members of the Armed Forces or their survivors.

    (11) Unemployment compensation received from governmental unemployment insurance agencies or private companies during periods of unemployment and strike benefits received from union funds.

    (12) Workers’s compensation received from private or public insurance companies for injuries incurred at work. The cost of this insurance must have been paid by the employer and not by the worker.

    (13) Payments made by the Veterans Administration to veterans or their families.

    (14) Dividends, including dividends from stockholdings or membership in associations.

    (15) Interest on savings or checking accounts and bonds.

    (16) Income from estates and trust funds.

    (17) Net income from royalties.

    (18) Net income from room and board payments.