Section 148.71. Determination of a person’s incapability to indicate intent  

Latest version.
  • A person is determined incapable of indicating intent if the person:

    (1) Has an I. Q. of 49 or less, or has a mental age of 7 or less, based on tests acceptable to the Office of Mental Retardation.

    (2) Is judged legally incompetent by a court of law.

    (3) Is found incapable of indicating intent based on medical documents obtained from a physician, psychologist or a person licensed by the State in the field of mental retardation.


Cross References

This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 148.31 (relating to noninstitutionalized persons 21 years of age or older); and 55 Pa. Code § 148.51 (relating to institutionalized persons 21 years old or older).