Section 140.515. Deletions to the budget group  

Latest version.
  • Deletions are made to the EMC budget group as follows:

    (1) If a person leaves the household in the first 6 months of the EMC 12-month period, the person is removed effective the first Medical Assistance Identification (MAID) card issuance deadline date that can be met with the appropriate notice. Eligibility for the remaining budget group members is determined at the first quarterly review of the second 6-month period.

    (2) If a person leaves the household in the second 6 months of the EMC 12-month period, the person is removed effective the first MAID card issuance deadline date that can be met with the appropriate notice. Eligibility for the remaining budget group members is determined at the next quarterly review.

    (3) If a child no longer meets the AFDC age requirements and other children are in the budget group, the child is removed in the month following the month the child no longer meets the AFDC age requirements effective the first MAID card issuance deadline date that can be met with the appropriate notice. Prior to terminating EMC, eligibility for other MA Programs shall be determined for the child who is deleted.

The provisions of this § 140.515 adopted October 16, 1992, effective upon publication and apply retroactively to April 1, 1990, 22 Pa.B. 5164.