Pennsylvania Code (Last Updated: April 5, 2016) |
PART I. Public Utility Commission |
Subpart C. Fixed Service Utilities |
Chapter 62. Natural Gas Supply Customer Choice |
Section 62.2. Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
CAP benefitsThe average CAP bill, average CAP credits and average arrearage forgiveness, as applicable.
CAP creditsThe difference between the amount billed at the standard residential rate and the amount billed at the CAP rate.
CAPCustomer Assistance ProgramAn alternative collection method that provides payment assistance to low-income, payment troubled utility customers. CAP participants agree to make regular monthly payments that may be for an amount that is less than the current bill in exchange for continued provision of natural gas utility services.
CARES benefitsThe number of referrals and number of customers accepted into CARES.
CARESCustomer Assistance and Referral Evaluation ServicesA program that provides a cost-effective service that helps selected, payment-troubled customers maximize their ability to pay utility bills. A CARES program provides a casework approach to help customers secure energy assistance funds and other needed services.
Classification of accountsAccounts are classified by the following categories: all residential accounts and confirmed low-income residential accounts.
Collection operating expensesExpenses directly associated with collection of payments due for residential accounts.
Confirmed low-income residential accountAccounts where the NGDC has obtained information that would reasonably place the customer in a low-income designation. This information may include receipt of LIHEAP funds (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program), self-certification by the customer, income source or information obtained in § 56.97(b) (relating to procedures upon rate-payer or occupant contact prior to termination).
Direct dollarsDollars which are applied to a CARES customers natural gas utility account, including all sources of energy assistance applied to utility bills such as LIHEAP, hardship fund grants, and local agencies grants.
Energy assistance benefitsThe total number and dollar amount of LIHEAP grants.
Hardship fundA fund that provides cash assistance to utility customers to help them pay their utility bills.
Hardship fund benefitsThe total number and dollar amount of cash benefits or bill credits.
Impact evaluationAn evaluation that focuses on the degree to which a program achieves the continuation of utility service to program participants at a reasonable cost level and otherwise meets program goals.
LIURPLow-income Usage Reduction ProgramAn energy usage reduction program that helps low-income customers to conserve energy and reduce residential energy bills.
Low-income customerA residential utility customer whose gross household income is at or below 150% of the Federal poverty guidelines. Gross household income does not include the value of food stamps or other noncash income.
NGDCNatural gas distribution companyA natural gas distribution company as defined in 66 Pa.C.S. § 2202 (relating to definitions).
Outreach referral contactsAn address and telephone number that a customer would call or write to apply for the hardship fund. Contact information should be specific to each county in the NGDCs service territory, if applicable.
Payment rateThe total number of full monthly payments received from CAP participants in a given period divided by the total number of monthly bills issued to CAP participants.
Payment troubledA household that has failed to maintain one or more payment arrangements in a 1-year period.
Residential account in arrearsA residential account that is at least 30 days overdue. This classification includes all customer accounts that have payment arrangements.
Successful payment arrangementsA payment arrangement in which the agreed upon number of payments have been made in full in the preceding 12 months.
Universal service and energy conservationThe term as defined in 66 Pa.C.S. § 2202.
This section cited in 52 Pa. Code Chapter 56 Appendix C (relating to definitions (§ 56.231)).