Section 56.382. Contents of the utility company report  

Latest version.
  • A utility company report must include the following:

    (a) A statement of the claim or dispute of the customer and a copy thereof if the claim or notice of dispute was made in writing.

    (b) The position of the utility regarding that claim.

    (c) A statement that service will not be terminated pending completion of the dispute process, including both informal and formal complaints, so long as there is compliance with all requirements of the Commission.

    (d) A statement that if the complaining party does not agree with the utility company report, an informal complaint shall be filed with the Commission to ensure the preservation of all of the complaining party’s rights.

    (e) The office where payment may be made or information obtained listing the appropriate telephone number and address of the utility.

    (f) A full and complete explanation of procedures for filing an informal complaint with the Commission (see § 56.391 (relating to informal complaint filing procedures)). If a written report is not requested by the complaining party or is not deemed necessary by the utility, the utility shall provide the information in § 56.391(1), (2) and (5). In addition, the utility shall always provide the telephone number and address of the office of the Commission where an informal complaint may be filed.

    (g) If the matter in dispute involves a billing dispute, the report must include the following:

    (1) An itemized statement of the account of the complaining customer specifying the amount of credit, if any, and the proper amount due.

    (2) The date on or after which the account will become delinquent unless a payment agreement is entered into or an informal complaint is filed with the Commission. This date may not be earlier than the due date of the bill or 15 days after the issuance of a utility company report, whichever is later.

    (h) If the matter involves a dispute other than a billing dispute, the report must also state the following:

    (1) The action required to be taken to avoid the termination of service.

    (2) The date on or after which service shall be terminated in accordance with the applicable requirements unless the report is complied with or a payment agreement entered into or an informal complaint filed. This date may not be earlier than the original date for compliance with the matter which gave rise to the dispute or 10 days from the date of issuance of the utility company report, whichever is later. If the utility company report is in writing, the information in this paragraph shall be prominently displayed.


Cross References

This section cited in 52 Pa. Code § 56.340 (relating to winter termination procedures); 52 Pa. Code § 56.354 (relating to length of postponement; renewals); 52 Pa. Code § 56.358 (relating to right of utility to petition the Commission); and 52 Pa. Code § 56.381 (relating to general rule).