Section 56.331. General notice provisions and contents of termination notice  

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  • (a) Prior to a termination of service, the utility shall mail or deliver written notice to the customer at least 10 days prior to the date of the proposed termination. In the event of a user without contract as defined in § 56.252 (relating to definitions), the utility shall comply with § § 56.333—56.337, but does not need to provide notice 10 days prior to termination.

    (b) A notice of termination must include, in conspicuous print, clearly and fully the following information when applicable:

    (1) The reason for the proposed termination.

    (2) An itemized statement of amounts currently due, including any required deposit.

    (3) A statement that a reconnection fee will be required to have service restored after it has been terminated if a reconnection fee is a part of the tariff of the utility on file with the Commission. The statement must include the maximum possible dollar amount of the reconnection fee that may apply.

    (4) The date on or after which service will be terminated unless one of the following occurs:

    (i) Payment in full is received.

    (ii) The grounds for termination are otherwise eliminated.

    (iii) A payment agreement is established.

    (iv) Enrollment is made in a customer assistance program or its equivalent, if the customer is eligible for the program.

    (v) A dispute is filed with the utility or the Commission.

    (vi) Payment in full of amounts past due on the most recent payment agreement is received.

    (5) A statement that the customer should immediately contact the utility to attempt to resolve the matter. The statement must include the address and telephone number where questions may be asked, how payment agreements may be negotiated and entered into with the utility, and where applications can be found and submitted for enrollment into the utility’s universal service programs, if these programs are offered by the utility.

    (6) The following statement: ‘‘If you have questions or need more information, contact us as soon as possible at (utility phone number). After you talk to us, if you are not satisfied, you may file a complaint with the Public Utility Commission. The Public Utility Commission may delay the shut off if you file the complaint before the shut off date. To contact them, call (800) 692-7380 or write to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, P. O. Box 3265, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105-3265.’’

    (7) A serious illness notice in compliance with the form in Appendix A (relating to medical emergency notice) except that, for the purpose of § 56.336 (relating to post-termination notice), the notice must comply with the form in Appendix B (relating to medical emergency notice).

    (8) If the utility has universal service programs, information indicating that special assistance programs may be available and how to contact the utility for information and enrollment, and that enrollment in the program may be a method of avoiding the termination of service.

    (9) Information indicating that special protections are available for victims under a protection from abuse order and how to contact the utility to obtain more information on these protections.

    (10) Information indicating that special protections are available for tenants if the landlord is responsible for paying the utility bill and how to contact the utility to obtain more information on these protections.

    (11) Information indicating that if service is shut off, the customer may be required to pay more than the amount listed on the notice to have service turned back on.

    (12) Information indicating that if service is shut off, the customer shall contact the utility after payment has been made to arrange reconnection of the service.

    (13) Information in Spanish directing Spanish-speaking customers to the numbers to call for information and translation assistance. Similar information shall be included in other languages when census data indicates that 5% or more of the residents of the utility’s service territory are using that language.

    (14) Contact information for customers with disabilities that need assistance.


Cross References

This section cited in 52 Pa. Code § 56.252 (relating to definitions); 52 Pa. Code § 56.266 (relating to transfer of accounts); 52 Pa. Code § 56.336 (relating to post-termination notice); 52 Pa. Code § 56.340 (relating to winter termination procedures); 52 Pa. Code § 56.357 (relating to termination upon expiration of medical certification); 52 Pa. Code § 56.358 (relating to right of utility to petition the Commission); and 52 Pa. Code § 56.393 (relating to termination pending resolution of the dispute).