Chapter 53. Tariffs for Noncommon Carriers  

Section 53.1. Paper, alterations and reproductions
Section 53.2. Looseleaf form
Section 53.3. Changes and additions
Section 53.4. Bound form
Section 53.5. Name changes
Section 53.6. Separate tariffs
Section 53.7. Numbering and designation
Section 53.8. Page identification
Section 53.9. Index of tariffs
Section 53.10. Letter of transmittal
Section 53.21. Title page
Section 53.22. List of modifications
Section 53.23. Table of contents
Section 53.24. Index of communities served
Section 53.25. Standard rules and regulations
Section 53.26. Schedule of rates
Section 53.31. Requirement of notice
Section 53.41. File of tariffs
Section 53.42. Notice of the public file
Section 53.43. Maintenance and availability of the public file
Section 53.44. Notice in an agency not operated by a public utility
Section 53.45. Notice of new tariffs and tariff changes
Section 53.51. General
Section 53.52. Applicability; public utilities other than canal, turnpike, tunnel, bridge and wharf companies
Section 53.53. Information to be furnished with proposed general rate increase filings in excess of $1 million
Exhibit A.
Exhibit C.
Exhibit D. WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITIES I. STATEMENT OF INCOME 1. Provide comparative operating statements for the historic test year and the immediately preceding 12 months showing increases and decreases between the two periods. These statements should supply detailed explanation of the causes of the major (greater than 15%) variances between the historic test year and preceding year by detailed account number. Limit the explanation to differences of $10,000 or greater. 2. Prepare an income statement for the various time frames of the rate proceeding including: Col. 1—Book recorded income statement for the test year. 2—Adjustments to book recorded income statement to annualize and normalize under present rates. 3—Income statement under present rates after adjustments in Col. 2. 4—Adjustments to Col. 3 for revenue increase requested. 5—Income statement under proposed rates. 3. If a company has separate operating divisions, an income statement must be shown for each division, plus an income statement for the company as a whole. 4. Provide operating income claims under: a. Present rates. b. Pro forma present rates (annualized & normalized). c. Proposed rates (annualized & normalized). 5. Provide rate of return on original cost under: a. Present rates. b. Pro forma present rates. c. Proposed rates. II. OPERATING REVENUES
Section 53.54. Small water and wastewater utilities
Section 53.55. Applicability; canal, turnpike, tunnel, bridge and wharf companies
Section 53.56. Supporting data for future test year
Section 53.57. Definitions
Section 53.58. Offering of competitive services
Section 53.59. Cost support requirements and effective filing dates for tariff filings of noncompetitive services
Section 53.60. Supporting documentation for promotional offerings, joint or bundled service packages, and toll services
Section 53.61. Purpose
Section 53.62. Additional information to be filed by gas utilities with gross annual intrastate operating revenues in excess of $40 million seeking a change in base rates
Section 53.63. Categories of gas utilities
Section 53.64. Filing requirements for natural gas distributors with gross intrastate annual operating revenues in excess of $40 million
Section 53.65. Special provisions relating to natural gas distributors with gross intrastate annual operating revenues in excess of $40 million with affiliated interests
Section 53.66. Filing requirements for small gas utilities
Section 53.67. [Reserved]
Section 53.68. Notice requirements
Section 53.69. Fixed rate option
Section 53.71. Previous rates and posting of supplement
Section 53.72. Suspension of part of a tariff
Section 53.73. Waiver of number of supplements rule
Section 53.74. Vacation of suspension
Section 53.81. Advance payments
Section 53.82. Deposits
Section 53.83. [Reserved]
Section 53.84. Penalties and discounts
Section 53.91. Evidence of concurrence
Section 53.92. Size and number of forms
Section 53.93. Serial designation
Section 53.94. Posting of tariffs
Section 53.95. Revocation
Section 53.96. Power of attorney form
Section 53.97. Concurrence form
Section 53.101. Statutory notice
Section 53.102. Exception to requirement for statutory notice
Section 53.103. Concurrently furnished information
Appendix I. [Reserved]
Appendix II. [Reserved]



   The provisions of this Chapter 53 issued under the Public Utility Code, 66 Pa.C.S. §  501, unless otherwise noted.


   The provisions of this Chapter 53 adopted February 18, 1946, amended February 5, 1962, unless otherwise noted.

Cross References

   This chapter cited in 52 Pa. Code §  31.46 (relating to tariff regulations); 52 Pa. Code §  63.104 (relating to disclosure requirements for competitive services); 52 Pa. Code §  63.106 (relating to noncompetitive services and tariffs); and 52 Pa. Code §  63.107 (relating to applications for authority).