Section 23.112. Advance sale of commutation and term tickets  

Latest version.
  • (a) In order that all purchasers of monthly, quarterly, or other forms of commutation and term tickets, not including 500 and 1,000 mile tickets, may obtain the full benefit of the period during which such tickets are valid, and for the further convenience of passengers using such forms of tickets to or from nonagency stations, they shall be sold, upon application, at least one day in advance of the date the initial trip is to be made.

    (b) If the initial trip is to be made on a Monday, tickets may be purchased on the preceding Saturday or Sunday.

    (c) In applying for a term ticket, the purchaser shall declare the date upon which such initial trip is to be made, which date should be prominently shown on the ticket, accompanied by a statement indicating that the ticket will not be valid prior to the date of the initial trip indicated.