Pennsylvania Code (Last Updated: April 5, 2016) |
Title 31. INSURANCE |
PART II. Automobile Insurance |
Chapter 67. Catastrophic Loss Benefits Continuation Fund |
Section 67.6. Appeals
(a) A claimant who disputes a determination by the Administrator or Fund concerning eligibility for or allowance of benefits, may file a written complaint with the claims manager. The written determination by the Fund or Administrator shall advise the claimant how to file a complaint with the claims manager. A complaint is timely filed by the claimant if received by the claims manager no later than 33 days after the date of the written determination from the Administrator or the Fund denying eligibility for or allowance of benefits.
(b) The claims manager will issue a written determination notifying the claimant of the results of the claims managers review. If the claimant is not satisfied with the results of the claims managers review, the claimant may request in writing a formal administrative hearing before the Commissioner. The written determination by the claims manager will advise the claimant how to request a hearing. A request for hearing is timely if received by the Department no later than 33 days after the date of the written determination from the claims manager.
(c) Appeals are conducted in accordance with 1 Pa. Code Part II (relating to the General Rules of Administrative Practice and Procedure) as applicable to the Department and in accordance with Chapter 56 (relating to special rules of administrative practice and procedure).
The provisions of this § 67.6 amended October 30, 1998, effective October 31, 1998, 28 Pa.B. 5482. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (131438).