Section 139.17. Neonatal intensive care units (Levels II and III)  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the general requirements for the equipment of neonatal care units, the following provisions shall be required for all new construction, renovation or expansion of neonatal intensive care units and shall be available to all present neonatal intensive care units:

    (1) The construction and arrangement of the neonatal intensive care unit shall permit personnel to observe the infants and have immediate access to them. Total neonatal care unit space, exclusive of anteroom, shall provide adequate floor space consistent with the Guidelines.

    (2) Each infant requiring heat or air control, or both, shall have a separate incubator or other warming device and an individual environment with individualized heat, oxygen, suction and air turnover controls, as appropriate. Any infant whose condition permits may be placed in a bassinet.

    (3) At least one oxygen outlet shall be provided for each patient station. Suction apparatus shall be easily available for each infant. A source of medically pure compressed air shall be available.

    (4) A double-grounded electrical outlet shall be provided for each incubator or radiant warmer. Sufficient extra outlets should be provided for other electronic patient care equipment. Some electrical outlets in the unit shall be on the emergency electrical circuit of the hospital and shall be so marked.

    (5) Resuscitation equipment shall be available within the neonatal intensive care unit. An effective method for preventing heat loss by the infant shall be available while the infant is undergoing any treatment.

    (6) Air within neonatal intensive care units may not be recirculated and shall be frequently turned over each hour.