Chapter 117. Emergency Services  

Section 117.1. Provision of services
Section 117.11. Emergency services plan
Section 117.12. Procedures
Section 117.13. Scope of services
Section 117.14. Required minimal services
Section 117.15. Community-based plan
Section 117.21. Staffing and organization
Section 117.22. Organizational plan
Section 117.23. Departmental structure
Section 117.24. Director
Section 117.25. Emergency medical services
Section 117.26. Physician on-call schedule for basic and general emergency service
Section 117.27. Specialists and consultants
Section 117.28. Emergency nursing services
Section 117.29. Training and education
Section 117.30. Emergency paramedic services
Section 117.31. Principle
Section 117.32. Location
Section 117.33. Instruments and supplies
Section 117.41. Emergency patient care
Section 117.42. Control register
Section 117.43. Medical records
Section 117.51. Scope
Section 117.52. Minimum requirements for sexual assault emergency services
Section 117.53. Emergency contraception
Section 117.54. Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases
Section 117.55. Emergency contraception informational materials
Section 117.56. Information regarding payment for sexual assault emergency services
Section 117.57. Religious and moral exemptions
Section 117.58. Exemption for hospitals providing limited emergency services