Section 53.1. Legal basis, scope and definitions  

Latest version.
  • (a) This chapter implements section 809.2 of the act (35 P. S. § 448.809b).

    (b) This chapter contains standards which are applicable to the following:

    (1) All entities licensed as health care facilities under the act.

    (2) The private practice of a physician.

    (c) The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings:

    Direct care—The actual delivery of health care services or assistance with activities of daily living to a consumer or patient.

    Employee—An employee or a physician of any of the following who delivers direct care to a consumer:

    (i) A health care facility.

    (ii) A health care provider.

    (iii) The private practice of a physician.

    (iv) An employment agency.

    Employment agency—A public or private organization that provides employment services for persons seeking employment and for potential employers seeking employees who provide direct care to consumers.

    Employment status—Full-time, part-time, temporary, contractual or other classification of work that indicates the relationship between the employee and the health care facility, health care provider or employment agency.

    Health care facility—A facility licensed by the Department under the act.

    Health care provider—An individual, a trust or estate, a partnership, a corporation (including associations, joint stock companies and insurance companies), the Commonwealth or a political subdivision or instrumentality (including a municipal corporation or authority) thereof, that operates a health care facility.

    Outside of the health care facility or employment agency—Health care services that are provided to patients and consumers at a location other than a health care facility or employment agency, such as at the patient or consumer’s residence.

    Private practice of a physician

    (i) A circumstance in which a health care practitioner or an employee under a health care practitioner’s supervision provides direct care to a patient or consumer.

    (ii) This does not include a physician practice group which is owned and operated by a health care provider.

    Title—A license, certification or registration held by the employee.