Section 302.801. Training and continuing education  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Department will designate all approved training and continuing education into one of the following categories:

    (1) Wastewater.

    (2) Water.

    (3) Bioperable.

    (4) Security training as established in § 302.804 (relating to system security training requirements).

    (b) The Department may approve, deny, suspend or revoke any training sponsor, training program, training course or conference session.

    (c) The Department may audit, examine, inspect, and review the activities and documentation of approved training sponsors, training programs, approved instructors, courses, course content, conference sessions, teaching materials and facilities as related to water operator training and wastewater operator training and continuing education.

    (d) The Department will develop training approval process guidelines that define the standards for the approval of training providers as training sponsors, training programs, instructors, courses and course content, conference sessions and other teaching materials and facilities used for the development and delivery of water and wastewater operator training and continuing education.

    (e) Decisions of the Department related to this section are reviewable by the Board.