Section 277.101. Two-phase process
Section 277.111. General
Section 277.112. Facility plan
Section 277.113. Maps and related information
Section 277.114. Description of geology, soils and hydrology—general requirements
Section 277.115. Geology and groundwater description
Section 277.116. Groundwater quality description
Section 277.117. Soils description
Section 277.118. Surface water information
Section 277.119. Alternative water supply information
Section 277.120. Mineral deposits information
Section 277.121. Notification of proximity to airport
Section 277.122. Modification to expand existing landfill
Section 277.131. Basic requirements
Section 277.132. Operation plan
Section 277.133. Map and grid requirements
Section 277.134. Plan for access roads
Section 277.135. Access control plan
Section 277.136. Nuisance minimization and control plan
Section 277.137. Litter control plan
Section 277.138. Recycling plan
Section 277.139. Daily volume
Section 277.140. Radiation protection action plan
Section 277.141. Compaction and cover plan
Section 277.142. Revegetation plan
Section 277.151. Soil erosion and sedimentation control plan
Section 277.152. Water quality monitoring plan
Section 277.161. Liner system and leachate control plan
Section 277.162. Leachate treatment plan
Section 277.163. Modifications in leachate treatment plan
Section 277.164. Application requirements for noncoal mine disposal
Section 277.171. Gas monitoring and recovery plan
Section 277.181. Contingency plan
Section 277.191. Postclosure land use plan
Section 277.192. Closure plan