Section 275.311. General requirements  

Latest version.
  • (a) In addition to the requirements of Subchapter C (relating to general operating requirements for the land application of sewage sludge), a person or municipality that applies sewage sludge for agricultural utilization shall comply with this section and § § 275.312—275.316 (relating to site characteristics; application to soil; weather; water quality monitoring; and soil-pore water monitoring), unless the person or municipality has obtained a permit from the Department for land reclamation or surface land disposal. In that case, the person or municipality shall comply with the applicable provisions of Subchapter E or F (relating to additional requirements for land reclamation; and Reserved).

    (b) No person or municipality may apply sewage sludge for agricultural utilization that contains a constituent in such high concentrations that it requires a loading rate which would give the sludge little or no nutrient value in the soil.