Section 273.513. Sewage sludge  

Latest version.
  • Prior to receipt at a landfill, sewage sludge shall meet one of the processes to significantly reduce pathogens or one of the processes to further reduce pathogens set forth in Chapter 271, Subchapter J, Appendix A (relating to pathogen treatment processes) and one of the vector attraction reduction standards in § 271.933(b) (relating to vector attraction reduction). The Department may approve as part of a permit another method if the operator demonstrates that the method will control pathogens, vectors and odors.

The provisions of this § 273.513 amended December 22, 2000, effective December 23, 2000, 30 Pa.B. 6685. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (226244).


Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 273.412 (relating to sewage sludge plan).