Section 273.132. Operation plan  

Latest version.
  • An application shall contain a description of the municipal waste landfill operations proposed during the life of the facility within the proposed permit area, including, at a minimum, the following:

    (1) A narrative describing the type and method of municipal waste landfill procedures, procedures for inspection and monitoring of incoming waste, sequence of landfilling activity, type of landfilling activity, proposed engineering techniques and the major equipment to be used under § 273.215 (relating to equipment), using the maps and grids required by § 273.133 (relating to map and grid requirements) as a basis for the description.

    (2) A narrative explaining the method and schedule for construction, operation, modification, use, maintenance and removal of the following components of the proposed facility, unless their retention is proposed for postclosure land use as follows:

    (i) Dams, embankments, ditches and other impoundments.

    (ii) Borrow pits, soil storage and handling areas and structures.

    (iii) Scales and weigh station, if required.

    (iv) Water and air pollution control facilities.

    (v) Erosion control facilities.

    (vi) Equipment storage and maintenance buildings, and other buildings.

    (vii) Access roads.

    (3) A construction schedule and sequence of operations tied to the grid coordinate system required by § 273.211 (relating to signs and markers), a site preparation plan and a schedule for disposing of solid waste at the site, including the maximum daily weight or volume of waste that will be received at the facility.

    (4) An explanation of how the applicant intends to comply with § 273.214 (relating to measurement and inspection of waste).

    (5) A plan for assuring that solid waste received at the facility is consistent with § 273.201 (relating to basic limitations).

    (6) The proposed operating hours of the proposed facility. The operating hours include those hours related to construction and other activities related to operation of the facility.

The provisions of this § 273.132 amended December 22, 2000, effective December 23, 2000, 30 Pa.B. 6685. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (226173) to (226174).


Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 273.131 (relating to basic requirements).