Section 271.831. Contents of general permits  

Latest version.
  • (a) A general permit issued by the Department will include, at a minimum:

    (1) A clear and specific description of the category of waste and the category of beneficial use or processing of municipal waste eligible for coverage under the general permit.

    (2) The standards in § 271.811(a) (relating to authorization for general permit), and a brief description of the reasons for the Department’s determination that the category of beneficial use or processing is eligible for coverage under a general permit in accordance with these standards.

    (3) A specification of registration or determination of applicability requirements established in accordance with § 271.841 (relating to inclusion in a general permit) and the fee imposed on registrants or applicants for coverage under the general permit.

    (4) A set of terms and conditions governing the beneficial use or processing of municipal waste covered by the general permit as are necessary to assure compliance with the act, this article and the environmental protection acts, including provisions for the protection of groundwater. At a minimum, the conditions shall include:

    (i) The limits on the physical and chemical properties of waste that may be beneficially used or processed. The permit shall also include a requirement that persons or municipalities that conduct activities authorized by the general permit shall immediately notify the Department, on forms provided by the Department, of a change in the physical properties or chemical characteristics of the municipal waste, including leachability, or of a change in the information required by § 271.841(f).

    (ii) A requirement that persons or municipalities that conduct activities authorized by the general permit shall allow authorized representatives of the Commonwealth, without advance notice or a search warrant, upon presentation of appropriate credentials, and without delay, to have access to areas in which the activities covered by the general permit will be, are being or have been conducted to ensure compliance with the act, regulations promulgated thereunder and a permit, license or order issued by the Department under the act.

    (iii) A requirement that the activities authorized by the general permit will not harm or present a threat of harm to the health, safety or welfare of the people or environment of this Commonwealth. At a minimum, for beneficial use of municipal waste, the use of the waste as an ingredient in an industrial process or as a substitute for a commercial product may not present a greater harm or threat of harm than the use of the product or ingredient which the waste is replacing.

    (iv) An effective date and a fixed permit term, which may not exceed 10 years from the effective date. If the Department renews a general permit, the term may not exceed the term of the original permit.

    (v) A requirement that a person or municipality operating under the permit shall immediately notify the Department within the time stated in the permit and if no time is stated no later than 45 days, in writing, of any changes in the following:

    (A) The company’s name, address, owners, operators and responsible officials.

    (B) Land ownership of land at the permitted facility.

    (C) The physical and chemical characteristics of the municipal waste.

    (D) The generators of the municipal waste.

    (E) The status of any permit issued to the permittee or any agent of the permittee engaged in activities under the permit by the Department or Federal government under the environmental protection acts.

    (vi) A requirement that the activities conducted under the authorization of a general permit shall be conducted in accordance with the permittee’s application. Except to the extent that a general permit states otherwise, the permittee shall operate as described within the permit application.

    (5) A requirement that a person or municipality that registers for coverage under a general permit or applies to the Department for a determination of applicability under a general permit shall submit a copy of the registration or application to each municipality in which processing activities or the primary beneficial use activities will be located, prior to initiating operations. If additional locations are identified during the term of the permit that were not known at the time of a registration or application, including an application by the original applicant, written notice shall be provided to the municipalities.

    (b) A general permit may include a requirement that persons or municipalities who conduct activities authorized by the general permit shall submit periodic reports, analyses of waste and other information to ensure that the quality of the waste to be beneficially used or processed does not change.


Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 271.611 (relating to chemical analysis of waste); and 25 Pa. Code § 271.824 (relating to approval or denial of an application).