Section 270a.204. Procedures for preparing a draft standardized permit  

Latest version.
  • 40 CFR 124.204 (relating to what must I do as the director of the regulatory agency to prepare a draft standardized permit?) is not incorporated by reference. Draft standardized permits are prepared in accordance with the following:

    (1) The Department will review the Notice of Intent and supporting information submitted by the facility owner or operator.

    (2) The Department will determine whether the facility is or is not eligible to operate under the standardized permit.

    (i) If the facility is eligible for the standardized permit, the Department will propose terms to include in a supplemental portion. If the Department determines that these terms and conditions are necessary to protect human health and the environment and cannot be imposed, coverage under the standardized permit will be denied.

    (ii) If the facility is not eligible for the standardized permit, the Department will tentatively deny coverage under the standardized permit. Cause for ineligibility may include the following:

    (A) Failure of the owner or operator to submit all the information required under 40 CFR 270.275 (relating to what information must I submit to the permitting agency to support my standardized permit application?).

    (B) Information submitted that is required under 40 CFR 270.275 is determined to be inadequate.

    (C) The facility does not meet the eligibility requirements (activities are outside the scope of the standardized permit).

    (D) A demonstrated history of significant noncompliance with applicable requirements.

    (E) Permit conditions cannot ensure protection of human health and the environment.

    (3) The Department will prepare a draft permit decision within 120 days after receiving the Notice of Intent and supporting documents from a facility owner or operator. The tentative determination under this section to deny or grant coverage under the standardized permit, including any proposed site-specific conditions in a supplemental portion, constitutes a draft permit decision. During the initial 120-day review period the Department may notify the permit applicant and take up to an additional 30 days to prepare a draft permit decision if determined necessary to complete review of documents submitted with the Notice of Intent.

    (4) The Department’s draft permit decision will be accompanied by a statement of basis or fact sheet as provided for in § 270a.10(c)(10)—(12) (relating to general application requirements and permit issuance procedures).


Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 270a.203 (relating to switching from an individual RCRA permit to a standardized permit).