Section 270a.3. Payment of fees  

Latest version.
  • 40 CFR 270.3 is not incorporated by reference, and the following fees are established:

    (1) Applications for a permit for hazardous waste storage, treatment and disposal facilities shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable permit application fee in the form of a check payable to the “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania” according to the following schedule:

    (i) Land disposal facilities—commercial—$125,000.

    (ii) Land disposal facility—captive—$71,400.

    (iii) Surface impoundments:

    (A) Commercial—$36,000.

    (B) Captive—$14,000.

    (iv) Postclosure permits—$25,000.

    (v) Treatment facilities:

    (A) Commercial—$36,000.

    (B) Captive—$14,000.

    (vi) Storage facilities:

    (A) Commercial—$36,000.

    (B) Captive—$14,000.

    (vii) Incinerators:

    (A) Commercial—$93,000.

    (B) Captive—$54,000.

    (2) If more than one permitted activity is located at a site, or more than one activity occurs, the fees are cumulative.

    (3) Module I applications and permit modification applications for a permit for hazardous waste storage, treatment and disposal facilities shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable permit application fee in the form of a check payable to the “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania” according to the following schedule:

    (i) Module I and Generic Module I applications:

    (A) Module I—$300.

    (B) Generic Module I—$1,500.

    (ii) Class 3 permit modifications—50% of fees listed in paragraph (1).

    (iii) Class 1 and Class 2 permit modifications—$700.

The provisions of this § 270a.3 amended December 13, 2002, effective December 14, 2002, 32 Pa.B. 6102. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (282472) to (282473) and (255041).


Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 261a.6 (relating to requirements for recyclable materials); 25 Pa. Code § 265a.13 (relating to general and generic waste analysis); 25 Pa. Code § 266a.80 (relating to applicability and requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 270a.10 (relating to general application requirements and permit issuance procedures); and 25 Pa. Code § 270a.201 (relating to incorporation by reference, scope and applicability).