Section 269a.45. Land use  

Latest version.
  • (a) New facilities. Treatment and disposal facilities located on lands either designated for industrial use by existing municipal zoning or indicated as industrial in officially adopted county or municipal comprehensive plans or land use maps are deemed to be acceptable. If this standard cannot be met, the applicant shall provide information and analysis to allow the Department to assess the compatibility of the design of the proposed facility with zoning or land use controls. Where no zoning exists, the applicant shall provide information and analysis to allow the Department to assess compatability with existing land use.

    (b) Existing facilities. Treatment and disposal facilities located on sites where solid waste or hazardous waste operations—treatment, storage, recovery and disposal—or both, are currently being conducted under authority of the act are deemed to comply with the land use criterion.


Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 269a.13 (relating to Phase II); and 25 Pa. Code § 269a.154 (relating to local health, safety, economic impact and planning).