Pennsylvania Code (Last Updated: April 5, 2016) |
PART I. Department of Environmental Protection |
Subpart D. Environmental Health and Safety |
Article VI. General Health and Safety |
Chapter 250. Administration of Land Recycling Program |
Appendix A.
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) ACENAPHTHENE 83-32-9 0.06 I 4,900 3.8 1,5,6 279 1.24 ACENAPHTHYLENE 208-96-8 0.06 S 4,500 16.1 5,6,7 280 2.11 ACEPHATE 30560-19-1 0.004 I 0.0087 I 3 818,000 6 340 ACETALDEHYDE 75-07-0 0.009 I 0.0000022 I 4.1 X 1,000,000 1 13,100 15,100 X 20 ACETONE 67-64-1 0.9 I 31 D 0.31 X 1,000,000 1 13,100 15,000 X 56 18.07 ACETONITRILE 75-05-8 0.06 I 0.5 X 1,000,000 1 13,100 15,000 X 82 4.50 ACETOPHENONE 98-86-2 0.1 I 170 5,500 1 X 203 ACETYLAMINOFLUORENE, 2- (2AAF) 53-96-3 3.8 C 0.0013 C 1,600 10.13 7 303 0.69 ACROLEIN 107-02-8 0.0005 I 0.00002 I 0.56 X 208,000 1,2,4 13,100 15,100 X 53 4.50 ACRYLAMIDE 79-06-1 0.0002 I 4.5 I 0.0013 I 25 X 2,151,000 4 13,000 15,000 193
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) ACRYLIC ACID 79-10-7 0.5 I 0.001 I 29 X 1,000,000 2 13,000 14,900 X 141 1.39 ACRYLONITRILE 107-13-1 0.04 D 0.54 I 0.002 I 0.000068 I 11 X 73,500 1 13,100 15,100 X 77 5.50 ALACHLOR 15972-60-8 0.01 I 0.056 C 110 140 2 378 ALDICARB 116-06-3 0.001 I 22 6,000 2 287 0.40 ALDICARB SULFONE 1646-88-4 0.001 I 10 8,000 5 317 ALDICARB SULFOXIDE 1646-87-3 0.001 I 0.22 330,000 5 307 ALDRIN 309-00-2 0.00003 I 17 I 0.0049 I 48,000 0.02 4,5,6 330 0.22 ALLYL ALCOHOL 107-18-6 0.005 I 0.0003 P 3.2 X 1,000,000 2 13,100 15,000 X 97 18.07 AMETRYN 834-12-8 0.009 I 389 185 5 345 AMINOBIPHENYL, 4- 92-67-1 21 C 0.006 C 110 1,200 5 302 18.07 AMITROLE 61-82-5 0.94 C 0.00027 C 120 280,000 4 258 0.69 AMMONIA 7664-41-7 0.97 H 0.1 I 3 X 310,000 2,5,7 13,100 15,000 X -33 AMMONIUM SULFAMATE 7773-06-0 0.2 I 3 2,160,000 10 603
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) ANILINE 62-53-3 0.007 P 0.0057 I 0.001 I 0.0000016 C 190 X 33,800 1 13,000 14,900 X 184 ANTHRACENE 120-12-7 0.3 I 21,000 0.066 1,5,6,7,8,9 340 0.28 ATRAZINE 1912-24-9 0.035 I 0.23 C 130 70 2,4,5 313 AZINPHOS-METHYL (GUTHION) 86-50-0 0.003 D 0.01 D 407.4 31.5 1,2 421 BAYGON (PROPOXUR) 114-26-1 0.004 I 31 2,000 2,4,5 decomp. 4.50 BENOMYL 17804-35-2 0.05 I 1,900 2 5 520 BENTAZON 25057-89-0 0.03 I 13 500 2 415 BENZENE 71-43-2 0.004 I 0.055 I 0.03 I 0.0000078 I 58 X 1,780.5 1,2,3,4 13,100 15,000 X 81 0.35 BENZIDINE 92-87-5 0.003 I 230 I 0.067 I 530,000 520 1,2,4 400 15.81 BENZO[A]ANTHRACENE 56-55-3 0.73 N 0.00011 C 350,000 0.011 1,5,6 438 0.19 BENZO[A]PYRENE 50-32-8 7.3 I 0.0011 C 910,000 0.0038 1,5,6 495 0.24 BENZO[B]FLUORANTHENE 205-99-2 0.73 N 0.00011 C 550,000 0.0012 5,6,7 357 0.21
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) BENZO[GHI]PERYLENE 191-24-2 0.06 S 2,800,000 0.00026 1,5,6 500 0.19 BENZO[K]FLUORANTHENE 207-08-9 0.073 N 0.00011 C 4,400,000 0.00055 5,6,7 480 0.06 BENZOIC ACID 65-85-0 4 I 32 2,700 2,3,4,5 249 BENZOTRICHLORIDE 98-07-7 13 I 920 53 1,5,13 X 221 121,413.60 BENZYL ALCOHOL 100-51-6 0.5 P 100 40,000 1,2,3 X 205 BENZYL CHLORIDE 100-44-7 0.002 P 0.17 I 0.001 P 0.000049 C 190 X 493 1 13,000 15,000 X 179 20.90 BETA PROPIOLACTONE 57-57-8 14 C 0.004 C 4 X 370,000 2 13,100 15,000 X 162 0.01 BHC, ALPHA 319-84-6 0.008 D 6.3 I 0.0018 I 1,800 1.7 4,5,6,7 288 0.94 BHC, BETA- 319-85-7 1.8 I 0.00053 I 2,300 0.1 6 304 1.02 BHC, GAMMA (LINDANE) 58-89-9 0.0003 I 1.1 C 0.00031 C 1,400 7.3 4,5,6 323 1.05 BIPHENYL, 1,1- 92-52-4 0.05 I 1,700 7.2 1 255 18.07 BIS(2-CHLOROETHOXY) METHANE 111-91-1 0.003 P 61 100,500 4,6,7,9,10,11 X 218
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) BIS(2-CHLOROETHYL) ETHER 111-44-4 1.1 I 0.00033 I 76 X 10,200 1,4,5 13,000 14,900 X 179 0.69 BIS(2-CHLORO-ISOPROPYL)ETHER 108-60-1 0.04 I 0.07 H 0.00001 H 62 X 1,700 5 13,000 14,900 X 189 0.69 BIS(CHLOROMETHYL) ETHER 542-88-1 220 I 0.062 I 16 X 22,000 6 13,100 15,100 X 105 57,270.57 BIS[2-ETHYLHEXYL] PHTHALATE 117-81-7 0.02 I 0.014 I 0.0000024 C 87,000 0.285 4,5,6 X 384 0.65 BISPHENOL A 80-05-7 0.05 I 1,500 120 4 220 0.69 BROMACIL 314-40-9 0.1 M 58 815 2 421 BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 74-97-5 0.01 M 27 X 16700 4 13,100 15,000 X 68 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE 75-27-4 0.02 I 0.062 I 0.000037 C 93 X 4,500 6 13,100 15,000 X 87 BROMOMETHANE 74-83-9 0.0014 I 0.005 I 170 X 17,500 2 13,100 15,000 X 4 6.66 BROMOXYNIL 1689-84-5 0.02 I 300 130 2 329 BROMOXYNIL OCTANOATE 1689-99-2 0.02 I 18,000 0.08 12 414 5.75
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) BUTADIENE, 1,3- 106-99-0 3.4 C 0.002 I 0.00003 I 120 X 735 1 13,200 15,000 X -4.5 4.50 BUTYL ALCOHOL, N- 71-36-3 0.1 I 3.2 X 74,000 1 13,000 14,900 X 118 4.68 BUTYLATE 2008-41-5 0.05 I 540 X 45 2 13,200 15,200 X 138 BUTYLBENZENE, N- 104-51-8 0.04 N 2,500 X 15 1,6,7 13,100 15,100 X 183 BUTYLBENZENE, SEC- 135-98-8 0.04 N 890 X 17 1,6,7 13,100 15,000 X 174 BUTYLBENZENE, TERT- 98-06-6 0.04 N 680 X 30 1,6,7 13,100 15,000 X 169 BUTYLBENZYL PHTHALATE 85-68-7 0.2 I 0.0019 P 34,000 2.69 4,5,6 X 370 1.39 CAPTAN 133-06-2 0.13 I 0.0023 C 0.00000066 C 200 0.5 4 259 589.39 CARBARYL 63-25-2 0.1 I 190 120 2,4,5 315 4.22 CARBAZOLE 86-74-8 0.02 H 2,500 1.2 1,5,6 355 CARBOFURAN 1563-66-2 0.005 I 43 700 2 311
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) CARBON DISULFIDE 75-15-0 0.1 I 0.7 I 300 X 2,100 1,2,3 13,100 15,100 X 46 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 56-23-5 0.0007 I 0.13 I 0.19 D 0.000015 I 160 X 795 1,2,3 13,100 15,000 X 77 0.07 CARBOXIN 5234-68-4 0.1 I 260 170 5,6,8 407 CHLORAMBEN 133-90-4 0.015 I 20 700 2 210 CHLORDANE 57-74-9 0.0005 I 0.35 I 0.0007 I 0.0001 I 98,000 0.056 4,5,7 351 0.09 CHLORO-1,1-DIFLUOROETHANE, 1- 75-68-3 50 I 22 X 1,400 4 13,100 15,000 X -9 CHLORO-1-PROPENE, 3- (ALLYL CHLORIDE) 107-05-1 0.021 C 0.001 I 0.000006 C 48 X 3,300 1,3,5,7,10 13,100 15,000 X 45 18.07 CHLOROACETOPHENONE, 2- 532-27-4 0.00003 I 76 1,100 3 247 4.50 CHLOROANILINE, P- 106-47-8 0.004 I 0.2 P 460 3,900 1 232 CHLOROBENZENE 108-90-7 0.02 I 0.05 P 200 X 490 3 13,100 15,000 X 132 0.84
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) CHLOROBENZILATE 510-15-6 0.02 I 0.11 C 0.000031 C 2,600 13 4 415 3.60 CHLOROBUTANE, 1- 109-69-3 0.4 P 580 X 680 1,2,3,4 13,200 15,000 X 79 CHLORODIBROMO- METHANE 124-48-1 0.02 I 0.084 I 0.000027 C 83 X 4,200 4,6,7,9 13,100 15,100 X 116 1.39 CHLORODIFLUORO- METHANE 75-45-6 50 I 59 X 2,899 4 13,200 15,000 X -41 CHLOROETHANE 75-00-3 0.4 N 0.0029 N 10 I 42 X 5,700 1 13,100 15,000 X 12 4.50 CHLOROFORM 67-66-3 0.01 I 0.098 D 0.000023 I 56 X 8,000 1,2,3 13,100 15,000 X 61 0.01 CHLORONAPHTHALENE, 2- 91-58-7 0.08 I 8,500 11.7 1 256 CHLORONITROBENZENE, P- 100-00-5 0.001 P 0.0063 P 0.0006 P 480 220 1 242 CHLOROPHENOL, 2- 95-57-8 0.005 I 400 X 24,000 1,3,4 12,900 14,900 X 175 CHLOROPRENE 126-99-8 0.02 H 0.007 H 50 X 1,736 9 13,100 15,000 X 59 0.69 CHLOROPROPANE, 2- 75-29-6 0.1 H 260 X 3,100 1,3,5 13,200 15,000 X 47
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) CHLOROTHALONIL 1897-45-6 0.015 I 0.0031 C 0.00000089 C 980 0.6 2 350 CHLOROTOLUENE, O- 95-49-8 0.02 I 760 X 422 14,15 13,100 15,000 X 159 CHLOROTOLUENE, P- 106-43-4 0.07 P 375 X 106 12 13,000 14,900 X 162 CHLORPYRIFOS 2921-88-2 0.003 I 4,600 1.12 2,4,6,7 377 CHLORSULFURON 64902-72-3 0.05 I 11 192 2,5,6,8,9 531 CHLORTHAL-DIMETHYL (DACTHAL) (DCPA) 1861-32-1 0.01 I 6,500 0.5 2,5,7 360 1.37 CHRYSENE 218-01-9 0.0073 N 0.000011 C 490,000 0.0019 1 448 0.13 CRESOL(S) 1319-77-3 0.005 S 0.06 C 25 X 20,000 2 13,000 14,900 X 139 5.16 CRESOL, 4,6-DINITRO-O- 534-52-1 0.0001 P 257 150 4 312 6.02 CRESOL, O- (METHYLPHENOL, 2-) 95-48-7 0.05 I 22 X 2,500 3,5,6 13,000 14,900 191 18.07 CRESOL, M (METHYLPHENOL, 3-) 108-39-4 0.05 I 35 2,500 2 X 202 5.16
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) CRESOL, P (METHYLPHENOL, 4-) 106-44-5 0.005 H 49 22,000 6 202 9.03 CRESOL, P-CHLORO-M- 59-50-7 0.005 S 780 3,846 2 235 CROTONALDEHYDE 4170-30-3 1.9 S 5.6 X 180,000 3 13,000 14,900 X 104 18.07 CROTONALDEHYDE, TRANS- 123-73-9 1.9 H 6.1 X 156,000 1 13,100 15,100 X 104 18.07 CUMENE (ISOPROPYL BENZENE) 98-82-8 0.1 I 0.4 I 2,800 X 50 1,5,6 13,100 15,100 X 152 15.81 CYANAZINE 21725-46-2 0.002 M 0.84 H 199 171 2.5 369 CYCLOHEXANE 110-82-7 6 I 479 X 55 1,2,4,5,6 13,100 15,100 X 81 CYCLOHEXANONE 108-94-1 5 I 66 X 36,500 1,2,4,5 13,000 14,900 X 157 CYFLUTHRIN 68359-37-5 0.025 I 130,000 0.001 2 448 CYROMAZINE 66215-27-8 0.0075 I 1,200 11,000 12 222 DDD, 4,4- 72-54-8 0.002 P 0.24 I 0.000069 C 44,000 0.16 5,6,7 350 0.02 DDE, 4,4- 72-55-9 0.34 I 0.000097 C 87,000 0.04 5 348 0.02
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) DDT, 4,4- 50-29-3 0.0005 I 0.34 I 0.000097 I 240,000 0.0055 5,6,7 260 0.02 DI(2-ETHYLHEXYL)ADIPATE 103-23-1 0.6 I 0.0012 I 47,000,000 200 5 X 214 4.50 DIALLATE 2303-16-4 0.061 H 190 40 2,4,6,8 X 328 1.39 DIAMINOTOLUENE, 2,4- 95-80-7 3.8 C 0.0011 C 36 7,470 4 292 0.69 DIAZINON 333-41-5 0.0007 D 500 50 2,4,6,8 X 306 DIBENZO[A,H]ANTHRA- CENE 53-70-3 7.3 N 0.0012 C 1,800,000 0.0006 1,5,6 524 0.13 DIBENZOFURAN 132-64-9 0.001 P 10,233 4.48 1,6,7,9 287 7.23 DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE, 1,2- 96-12-8 0.0002 P 0.8 P 0.0002 I 0.006 P 140 X 1,000 4 13,000 15,000 X 196 0.69 DIBROMOBENZENE, 1,4- 106-37-6 0.01 I 1,600 20 1 220 DIBROMOETHANE, 1,2- (ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE) 106-93-4 0.009 I 2 I 0.009 I 0.0006 I 54 X 4,150 1,2,3,5 13,100 15,100 X 131 2.11 DIBROMOMETHANE 74-95-3 0.01 H 110 X 11,400 1 13,100 15,100 X 96 4.50
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) DIBUTYL PHTHALATE, N- 84-74-2 0.1 I 1,600 400 1,2,3 X 340 11.00 DICAMBA 1918-00-9 0.03 I 0.27 5,600 4,5,6,8,10 329 DICHLOROACETC ACID 76-43-6 0.004 I 8.1 X 1,000,000 1 12,900 14,900 X 194 DICHLORO-2-BUTENE, 1,4- 764-41-0 0.0042 P 180 X 850 9 13,100 15,000 X 156 DICHLORO-2-BUTENE, TRANS-1,4- 110-57-6 0.0042 S 215 X 850 9 12,900 14,800 X 155 DICHLOROBENZENE, 1,2- 95-50-1 0.09 I 0.2 H 350 X 147 1,4,5,6,7 13,100 15,100 X 180 0.69 DICHLOROBENZENE, 1,3- 541-73-1 0.003 N 360 X 106 1 13,100 15,100 X 173 0.69 DICHLOROBENZENE, P- 106-46-7 0.07 D 0.0054 C 0.8 I 0.000011 C 510 X 82.9 1 12,900 14,900 174 0.69 DICHLOROBENZIDINE, 3,3- 91-94-1 0.45 I 0.00034 C 22,000 3.11 4,5,6 368 0.69 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE (FREON 12) 75-71-8 0.2 I 0.2 H 360 X 280 1 13,200 15,000 X -30 0.69
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) DICHLOROETHANE, 1,1- 75-34-3 0.2 P 0.0057 C 0.5 H 0.0000016 C 52 X 5,000 2 13,100 15,000 X 57 0.16 DICHLOROETHANE, 1,2- 107-06-2 0.02 P 0.091 I 2.4 D 0.000026 I 38 X 8,412 1,2,3,4 13,100 15,000 X 83 0.07 DICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1- 75-35-4 0.05 I 0.2 I 65 X 2,500 1,4,5 13,100 15,000 X 32 0.19 DICHLOROETHYLENE, CIS-1,2- 156-59-2 0.01 P 49 X 3,500 1 13,100 15,000 X 60 0.01 DICHLOROETHYLENE, TRANS-1,2- 156-60-5 0.02 I 0.06 P 47 X 6,300 1 13,100 15,000 X 48 0.01 DICHLOROMETHANE (METHYLENE CHLORIDE) 75-09-2 0.06 I 0.0075 I 1 D 0.00000047 I 16 X 20,000 1,2,3 13,100 15,000 X 40 4.50 DICHLOROPHENOL, 2,4- 120-83-2 0.003 I 160 4,500 1 210 5.88 DICHLOROPHENO- XYACETIC ACID, 2,4- (2,4-D) 94-75-7 0.01 I 59 677 4,5,6,7,10 215 1.39
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed ValueTABLE 5PHYSICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL PROPERTIES A. Organic Regulated Substances(Continued)
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) DICHLOROPROPANE, 1,2- 78-87-5 0.09 D 0.036 C 0.004 I 0.00001 C 47 X 2,700 1,3,4 13,100 15,000 X 96 0.10 DICHLOROPROPENE, 1,3- 542-75-6 0.03 I 0.1 I 0.02 I 0.000004 I 27 X 2,700 6 13,100 15,000 X 108 22.38 DICHLOROPROPIONIC ACID, 2,2- (DALAPON) 75-99-0 0.03 I 62 X 500,000 5 13,000 14,900 X 190 2.11 DICHLORVOS 62-73-7 0.0005 I 0.29 I 0.0005 I 0.000083 C 50 10,000 2,4,5 X 234 DICYCLOPENTADIENE 77-73-6 0.008 P 0.007 P 810 X 40 5 13,000 14,900 167 DIELDRIN 60-57-1 0.00005 I 16 I 0.0046 I 11,000 0.17 4,5,6 385 0.12 DIETHANOLAMINE 111-42-2 0.003 C 4 1,000,000 2,3,9 X 269 DIETHYL PHTHALATE 84-66-2 0.8 I 81 1,080 4,5,6 X 298 2.25 DIFLUBENZURON 35367-38-5 0.02 I 1,000 0.2 2 201 DIISOPROPYL METHYLPHOSPHONATE 1445-75-6 0.08 I 10 X 160,000 9 13,000 14,900 X 190 DIMETHOATE 60-51-5 0.0002 I 110 25,000 4 361 2.26
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed ValueTABLE 5PHYSICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL PROPERTIES A. Organic Regulated Substances(Continued)
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) DIMETHOXYBENZIDINE, 3,3- 119-90-4 0.014 H 1,300 60 9 331 0.69 DIMETHRIN 70-38-2 0.3 M 27,000 0.036 13 353 DIMETHYLAMINOAZO- BENZENE, P- 60-11-7 4.6 C 0.0013 C 1,000 13.6 7 335 4.50 DIMETHYLANILINE,N,N- 121-69-7 0.002 I 180 X 1,200 5,6,7,9 13,000 14,900 X 192 0.69 DIMETHYLBENZIDINE, 3,3- 119-93-7 11 H 22,000 1,300 10 300 18.07 DIMETHYL METHYLPHOSHONATE 756-79-6 0.06 P 0.0017 P 5 X 1,000,000 14 13,000 14,900 X 181 DIMETHYLPHENOL,2,4- 105-67-9 0.02 I 130 7,869 1,4,6,7 X 211 18.07 DINITROBENZENE,1,3- 99-65-0 0.0001 I 150 523 3,5,6,7 291 0.69 DINITROPHENOL,2,4- 51-28-5 0.002 I 0.79 5,600 2,4,5,6,7 332 0.48 DINITROTOLUENE,2,4- 121-14-2 0.002 I 0.31 C 0.000089 C 51 270 4,5,6 300 0.69 DINITROTOLUENE,2,6- (2,6-DNT) 606-20-2 0.001 P 74 200 6 300 0.69 DINOSEB 88-85-7 0.001 I 120 50 5 223 1.03
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) DIOXANE,1,4- 123-91-1 0.1 D 0.011 I 3.6 D 0.0000077 C 7.8 X 1,000,000 5 13,000 14,900 X 101 0.69 DIPHENAMID 957-51-7 0.03 I 200 260 5 210 DIPHENYLAMINE 122-39-4 0.025 I 190 300 3 302 4.50 DIPHENYLHYDRAZINE, 1,2- 122-66-7 0.8 I 0.00022 I 660 0.252 6 309 0.69 DIQUAT 85-00-7 0.0022 I 2.6 700,000 5 355 DISULFOTON 298-04-4 0.00004 I 1,000 25 4,5,6 X 332 6.02 DITHIANE, 1,4- 505-29-3 0.01 I 22.7 X 3,000 15 13,000 14,900 199 DIURON 330-54-1 0.002 I 300 42 2,4,5 354 ENDOSULFAN 115-29-7 0.006 I 2,000 0.48 4 401 2.78 ENDOSULFAN I (ALPHA) 959-98-8 0.006 S 2,000 0.5 6 401 ENDOSULFAN II (BETA) 33213-65-9 0.006 S 2,300 0.45 6 390 ENDOSULFAN SULFATE 1031-07-8 0.006 S 2,300 0.117 7,9 409
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) ENDOTHALL 145-73-3 0.02 I 120 100,000 2 350 ENDRIN 72-20-8 0.0003 I 11,000 0.23 4,6,7,9 245 EPICHLOROHYDRIN 106-89-8 0.006 P 0.0099 I 0.001 I 0.0000012 I 35 X 65,800 1,3,4 13,000 14,900 X 116 4.50 ETHEPHON 16672-87-0 0.005 I 2 1,240,000 12 201 ETHION 563-12-2 0.0005 I 8,700 0.85 4,6,9,10 X 415 ETHOXYETHANOL,2- (EGEE) 110-80-5 0.4 H 0.2 I 12 X 1,000,000 2 13,200 15,000 X 136 4.50 ETHYL ACETATE 141-78-6 0.9 I 59 X 80,800 1,2,3,4,5,6 13,100 15,000 X 77 18.07 ETHYL ACRYLATE 140-88-5 0.048 H 110 X 15,000 1,2,6 13,100 15,100 X 100 18.07 ETHYL BENZENE 100-41-4 0.1 I 1 I 220 X 161 1,3,4 13,100 15,000 X 136 1.11 ETHYL DIPROPYLTHIOCARBA- MATE, S-(EPTC) 759-94-4 0.025 I 240 X 365 2 12,900 14,900 X 127 ETHYL ETHER 60-29-7 0.2 I 68 X 60,400 1 13,100 15,100 X 35 ETHYL METHACRYLATE 97-63-2 0.09 H 22 X 4635.5 9,10 13,100 15,000 X 117
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) ETHYLENE GLYCOL 107-21-1 2 I 0.4 C 4.4 X 1,000,000 2 13,100 15,100 X 198 10.54 ETHYLENE THIOUREA (ETU) 96-45-7 0.00008 I 0.045 C 0.000013 C 0.23 20,000 2 347 4.50 ETHYLP-NITROPHENYL PHENYLPHOSPHORO- THIOATE 2104-64-5 0.00001 I 1,200 3.1 4 215 FENAMIPHOS 22224-92-6 0.00025 I 300 329 2 390 FENVALERATE (PYDRIN) 51630-58-1 0.025 I 4,400 0.085 5 X 300 FLUOMETURON 2164-17-2 0.013 I 68 97.5 2,5,6,8 318 FLUORANTHENE 206-44-0 0.04 I 49,000 0.26 1,5,6 375 0.29 FLUORENE 86-73-7 0.04 I 7,900 1.9 1 298 2.11 FLUOROTRICHLORO- METHANE (FREON11) 75-69-4 0.3 I 0.7 H 130 X 1,090 1,4,5,6 13,100 15,000 X 24 0.35 FONOFOS 944-22-9 0.002 I 1,100 13 5,6,8 X 324 FORMALDEHYDE 50-00-0 0.2 I 0.0098 D 0.000013 I 3.6 X 55,000 1 13,100 15,100 X -21 18.07 FORMIC ACID 64-18-6 2 H 0.003 P 0.54 X 1,000,000 2 13,000 14,900 X 101 18.07
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) FOSETYL-AL 39148-24-8 3 I 310 120,000 2 464 FURAN 110-00-9 0.001 I 130 X 10,000 1 13,100 15,000 X 31 2.25 FURFURAL 98-01-1 0.003 I 0.05 H 6.3 X 91,000 1,2,3 13,000 14,900 X 162 GLYPHOSATE 1071-83-6 0.1 I 3,500 12,000 1,5,6 417 HEPTACHLOR 76-44-8 0.0005 I 4.5 I 0.0013 I 6,800 0.18 4,6,7 310 46.84 HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE 1024-57-3 0.000013 I 9.1 I 0.0026 I 21,000 0.311 4,6,7,9 341 0.23 HEXACHLOROBENZENE 118-74-1 0.0008 I 1.6 I 0.00046 I 3,800 0.006 1,4,5 319 0.06 HEXACHLOROBUTA- DIENE 87-68-3 0.001 P 0.078 I 0.000022 I 4,700 2.89 4,5,6,7 X 215 0.69 HEXACHLOROCYCLO- PENTADIENE 77-47-4 0.006 I 0.0002 I 7,200 1.8 5,6,7 X 239 4.50 HEXACHLOROETHANE 67-72-1 0.001 I 0.014 I 0.000004 I 2,200 X 50 1 13,000 15,000 187 0.69 HEXANE 110-54-3 0.06 H 0.7 I 3,600 X 9.5 1,5,6 13,100 15,000 X 69 HEXAZINONE 51235-04-2 0.033 I 41 330,000 1,2 408 HEXYTHIAZOX (SAVEY) 78587-05-0 0.025 I 6,500 0.5 2 539
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) HMX 2691-41-0 0.05 I 4 5 16 436 HYDRAZINE/HYDRAZINE SULFATE 302-01-2 3 I 0.0002 C 0.0049 I 0.0053 X 1,000,000 2 13,000 15,000 X 114 18.07 HYDROQUINONE 123-31-9 0.04 P 0.056 P 10 70,000 2,3,5 285 18.07 INDENO[1,2,3-CD]PYRENE 193-39-5 0.73 N 0.00011 C 31,000,000 0.062 5 536 0.17 IPRODIONE 36734-19-7 0.04 I 1,100 13 2 545 ISOBUTYL ALCOHOL 78-83-1 0.3 I 60 X 81,000 1,2,3,4,5 13,000 14,900 X 108 17.57 ISOPHORONE 78-59-1 0.2 I 0.00095 I 2 C 31 12,000 2,4,5 X 215 4.50 ISOPROPYL METHYLPHOSPHONATE 1832-54-8 0.1 I 1.64 50,000 13 X 230 KEPONE 143-50-0 0.0005 D 16 C 0.0046 C 55,000 7.6 4 350 0.17 MALATHION 121-75-5 0.02 I 1,300 143 4 X 351 2.46 MALEIC HYDRAZIDE 123-33-1 0.5 I 2.8 6,000 4 260 MANEB 12427-38-2 0.005 I 1 23 9,13 351
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) MERPHOS OXIDE 78-48-8 0.00003 I 53,000 2.3 8,10,12 X 392 METHACRYLONITRILE 126-98-7 0.0001 I 0.0007 H 21 X 25,700 1 13,100 15,100 X 90 METHAMIDOPHOS 10265-92-6 0.00005 I 5 2,000,000 5 223 METHANOL 67-56-1 0.5 I 4 C 2.8 X 1,000,000 2 13,100 15,100 X 65 36.14 METHOMYL 16752-77-5 0.025 I 20 58,000 2 228 METHOXYCHLOR 72-43-5 0.005 I 63,000 0.045 4,5,6 346 0.69 METHOXYETHANOL, 2- 109-86-4 0.003 P 0.02 I X 1,000,000 2 13,100 15,000 X 124 4.50 METHYL ACETATE 79-20-9 1 H 30 X 243,500 4,5,6 13,100 15,100 X 57 METHYL ACRYLATE 96-33-3 0.03 H 55 X 52,000 1,2,5 13,100 15,100 X 70 18.07 METHYL CHLORIDE 74-87-3 0.004 M 0.013 H 0.09 I 0.0000018 H 6 X 6,180 1,2,3,4 13,200 15,000 X -24 4.50 METHYL ETHYL KETONE 78-93-3 0.6 I 5 I 32 X 275,000 1,2,3,4,5 13,100 15,100 X 80 2.57 METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE 108-10-1 0.08 H 3 I 17 X 19,550 1,2,4,5 13,100 15,100 X 117 18.07
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) METHYL ISOCYANATE 624-83-9 0.001 C 10 X 100,000 7 13,000 15,000 X 40 METHYL N-BUTYL KETONE (2-HEXANONE) 591-78-6 0.04 N 0.005 N 54 X 17,500 1 13,100 15,100 X 128 METHYL METHACRYLATE 80-62-6 1.4 I 0.7 I 10 X 15,600 1 13,100 15,100 X 100 4.50 METHYL METHANESULFONATE 66-27-3 0.099 C 0.000028 C 5.2 200,000 2 X 203 METHYL PARATHION 298-00-0 0.00025 I 790 25 4,5,6 348 3.61 METHYL STYRENE (MIXED ISOMERS) 25013-15-4 0.006 H 0.04 H 2,200 X 89 9 13,100 15,000 X 163 METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER (MTBE) 1634-04-4 0.0018 C 3 I 0.00000026 C 12 X 45,000 1,2,4,6 13,100 15,100 X 55 0.69 METHYLCHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID (MCPA) 94-74-6 0.0005 I 112 1,000 5,6,8,9 287 1.39 METHYLENE BIS(2-CHLOROANILINE), 4,4- 101-14-4 0.002 P 0.1 P 0.00043 C 3,000 13.9 10 379
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) METHYLNAPHTHALENE, 2- 91-57-6 0.004 I 0.003 S 16,000 25 1 241 METHYLSTYRENE, ALPHA 98-83-9 0.07 H 660 X 560 9 13,100 15,100 X 165 METOLACHLOR 51218-45-2 0.15 I 182 X 530 1.5 13,000 15,000 X 100 METRIBUZIN 21087-64-9 0.025 I 95 1,200 1.5 367 MONOCHLOROACETIC ACID 79-11-8 0.01 M 0.24 X 858,000 17 13,000 14,900 189 NAPHTHALENE 91-20-3 0.02 I 0.003 I 950 30 3 218 0.98 NAPHTHYLAMINE,1- 134-32-7 1.8 S 0.00051 S 3,200 1,690 2 301 0.69 NAPHTHYLAMINE,2- 91-59-8 1.8 C 0.00051 C 87 6.4 6 306 0.69 NAPROPAMIDE 15299-99-7 0.1 I 880 70 2 399 NITROANILINE,M- 99-09-2 0.0003 P 0.021 P 0.001 P 18 100 3 306 NITROANILINE,O- 88-74-4 0.003 P 0.0001 P 27 1,200 6 284 NITROANILINE,P- 100-01-6 0.004 P 0.02 P 0.006 P 15 800 2 332 NITROBENZENE 98-95-3 0.002 I 0.009 I 0.00004 I 130 2,000 2 X 211 0.64
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) NITROGUANIDINE 556-88-7 0.1 I 0.13 4,400 9 231 NITROPHENOL,2- 88-75-5 0.008 S 37 2,100 1,2,3,4,5,6 215 9.01 NITROPHENOL,4- 100-02-7 0.008 N 230 16,000 2 279 25.81 NITROPROPANE,2- 79-46-9 0.02 I 0.0027 H 20 X 16,700 1,3,4,5 13,000 14,900 X 120 0.69 NITROSODIETHYLAMINE, N- 55-18-5 150 I 0.043 I 26 X 93,000 10 13,000 14,900 X 176 0.69 NITROSODIMETHYL AMINE, N- 62-75-9 0.000008 P 51 I 0.014 I 8.5 X 1,000,000 2 13,000 14,900 X 154 0.69 NITROSO-DI-N-BUTYL AMINE, N- 924-16-3 5.4 I 0.016 I 450 1,200 0,13 X 235 0.69 NITROSODI-N-PROPYL AMINE, N- 621-64-7 7 I 0.002 C 11 9,900 6 X 206 0.69 NITROSODIPHENYL AMINE, N- 86-30-6 0.02 P 0.0049 I 0.0000026 C 580 35 1 269 3.72 NITROSO-N-ETHYLUREA, N- 759-73-9 27 C 0.0077 C 2 13,000 9 223 1,734.48 OCTYL PHTHALATE, DI-N- 117-84-0 0.04 P 980,000,000 3 5 X 234 0.69
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) OXAMYL (VYDATE) 23135-22-0 0.025 I 7.1 280,000 2 334 PARAQUAT 1910-42-5 0.0045 I 16,200 660,000 6,8 352 PARATHION 56-38-2 0.006 H 2,300 20 2,4,5,6,7 X 375 PCB-1016 (AROCLOR) 12674-11-2 0.00007 I 0.07 I 0.00002 I 110,000 0.25 5 X 325 PCB-1221 (AROCLOR) 11104-28-2 2 I 0.00057 I 1,900 0.59 5 X 275 PCB-1232 (AROCLOR) 11141-16-5 2 I 0.00057 I 1,500 1.45 7 X 290 PCB-1242 (AROCLOR) 53469-21-9 2 I 0.00057 I 48,000 0.1 5 X 325 PCB-1248 (AROCLOR) 12672-29-6 2 I 0.00057 I 190,000 0.054 7,9,11 X 340 PCB-1254 (AROCLOR) 11097-69-1 0.00002 I 2 I 0.00057 I 810,000 0.057 5 X 365 PCB-1260 (AROCLOR) 11096-82-5 2 I 0.00057 I 1,800,000 0.08 5 385 PEBULATE 1114-71-2 0.05 H 630 92 5 X 303 PENTACHLOROBENZENE 608-93-5 0.0008 I 32,000 0.74 1,5,6,7 277 0.37 PENTACHLOROETHANE 76-01-7 0.09 P 1,905 X 480 1,3 13,100 15,100 X 160
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) PENTACHLORONITRO- BENZENE 82-68-8 0.003 I 0.26 H 7,900 0.44 4,6,8 328 0.36 PENTACHLOROPHENOL 87-86-5 0.03 I 0.12 I 0.0000046 C 20,000 14 1,2,4,5 310 0.17 PHENACETIN 62-44-2 0.0022 C 0.00000063 C 110 763 2,3,9 341 4.50 PHENANTHRENE 85-01-8 0.3 S 38,000 1.1 1,4,5 341 0.63 PHENOL 108-95-2 0.3 I 0.2 C 22 X 84,300 1,2,3,4 13,000 14,900 182 36.14 PHENYL MERCAPTAN 108-98-5 0.00001 H 562 X 653 5.9 13,000 15,000 X 170 PHENYLENEDIAMINE,M- 108-45-2 0.006 I 12 351,000 3 286 4.50 PHENYLPHENOL,2- 90-43-7 0.0019 H 5,700 700 5 280 18.07 PHORATE 298-02-2 0.0002 H 810 50 2 X 319 PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE 85-44-9 2 I 0.02 C 79 6,170 2 285 13,490.40 PICLORAM 1918-02-1 0.07 I 15 430 2 373
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (AROCLORS) (PCBS) 1336-36-3 2 I 0.00057 I 0.0505 10,13 360 PROMETON 1610-18-0 0.015 I 346 750 2,5 347 PRONAMIDE 23950-58-5 0.075 I 200 15 2 321 PROPANIL 709-98-8 0.005 I 160 225 2 355 PROPANOL, 2- (ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL) 67-63-0 7 C 25 X 1,000,000 2 13,000 14,900 X 82 PROPAZINE 139-40-2 0.02 I 155 8.6 1,5 X 318 PROPHAM 122-42-9 0.02 I 51 250 5 257 PROPYLBENZENE,N- 103-65-1 0.04 N 720 X 52 6 13,100 15,100 X 159 PROPYLENE OXIDE 75-56-9 0.24 I 0.03 I 0.0000037 I 25 X 405,000 1 13,100 15,000 X 34 PYRENE 129-00-0 0.03 I 68,000 0.132 1 393 0.07 PYRIDINE 110-86-1 0.001 I 0.0066 X 1,000,000 2 13,100 15,000 X 115 18.07 QUINOLINE 91-22-5 3 I 1,300 60,000 1,3,5 X 238 12.65
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) QUIZALOFOP (ASSURE) 76578-14-8 0.009 I 580 0.3 2 220 RDX 121-82-4 0.003 I 0.11 I 0.0000031 I 70 59.9 1.9 353 RESORCINOL 108-46-3 2 TE 2 717,000 280 RONNEL 299-84-3 0.05 H 580 40 2 349 SIMAZINE 122-34-9 0.005 I 0.12 H 110 5 5 225 STRYCHNINE 57-24-9 0.0003 I 280 143 5 270 4.50 STYRENE 100-42-5 0.2 I 1 I 910 X 300 5 13,100 15,100 X 145 1.20 TEBUTHIURON 34014-18-1 0.07 I 620 2,500 2 394 TERBACIL 5902-51-2 0.013 I 53 710 2 396 TERBUFOS 13071-79-9 0.000025 H 510 5 6 X 332 TETRACHLOROBEN- ZENE, 1,2,4,5- 95-94-3 0.0003 I 1,800 0.583 1,5,6,7 245 0.69 TETRACHLORODI- BENZO-P-DIOXIN, 2,3,7,8- (TCDD) 1746-01-6 0.000000001 D 130,000 C 0.00000004 C 38 C 4,300,000 0.0000193 6 412 0.21
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) TETRACHLOROETHANE, 1,1,1,2- 630-20-6 0.03 I 0.026 I 0.0000074 I 980 X 1,100 1 13,000 14,600 X 131 3.79 TETRACHLOROETHANE, 1,1,2,2- 79-34-5 0.004 P 0.2 I 0.000058 I 79 X 2,860 2 13,100 15,100 X 147 0.56 TETRACHLOROETHY- LENE (PCE) 127-18-4 0.01 I 0.052 N 0.5 N 0.00000058 N 300 X 162 1,2,3,4,5 13,100 15,000 X 121 0.03 TETRACHLOROPHENOL, 2,3,4,6- 58-90-2 0.03 I 6,200 183 6 288 0.69 TETRAETHYL LEAD 78-00-2 0.0000001 I 4,900 0.8 5 X 202 4.50 TETRAETHYLDI- THIOPYROPHOSPHATE 3689-24-5 0.0005 I 550 25 2 X 349 TETRAHYDROFURAN 109-99-9 0.2 N 0.0076 N 0.3 N 0.00000194 N 43 X 300,000 1,6,7 13,100 15,100 X 66 THIOFANOX 39196-18-4 0.0003 H 0.022 5,200 9 280 THIRAM 137-26-8 0.005 I 1,000 30 4 339 TOLUENE 108-88-3 0.08 I 5 I 130 X 532.4 1,2,3,4 13,100 15,000 X 111 9.01 TOLUIDINE,M- 108-44-1 0.18 S 0.000051 S 140 15,030 6 X 203
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) TOLUIDINE,O- 95-53-4 0.18 C 0.000051 C 410 15,000 1,3,5 X 200 18.07 TOLUIDINE,P- 106-49-0 0.19 H 320 7,410 1,2,3 200 TOXAPHENE 8001-35-2 1.1 I 0.00032 I 1,500 3 2,4,5 432 TRIALLATE 2303-17-5 0.013 I 2,000 4 5 X 343 TRIBROMOMETHANE (BROMOFORM) 75-25-2 0.02 I 0.0079 I 0.0000011 I 130 X 3,050 1,2,3,4 13,100 15,100 X 149 0.69 TRICHLORO-1,2,2- TRIFLUOROETHANE, 1,1,2- 76-13-1 30 I 30 H 1,200 X 170 1 13,100 15,000 X 48 0.35 TRICHLOROBENZENE, 1,2,4- 120-82-1 0.01 I 0.0036 C 0.004 P 1,500 44.4 1,4,6,7 X 213 0.69 TRICHLOROBENZENE, 1,3,5- 108-70-3 0.006 M 0.004 S 3,100 5.8 5 208 TRICHLOROETHANE, 1,1,1- 71-55-6 2 I 5 I 100 X 1,495 1,4,5,6 13,100 15,000 X 74 0.05 TRICHLOROETHANE, 1,1,2- 79-00-5 0.004 I 0.057 I 0.000016 I 76 X 4,420 1 13,100 15,100 X 114 0.03
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) TRICHLOROETHYLENE (TCE) 79-01-6 0.006 N 0.011 N 0.5 D 0.0000017 N 93 X 1,100 1 13,100 15,000 X 87 0.02 TRICHLOROPHENOL, 2,4,5- 95-95-4 0.1 I 2,400 1,000 1,2,4 246 0.14 TRICHLOROPHENOL, 2,4,6- 88-06-2 0.001 P 0.011 I 0.0000031 I 1,100 850 1,2,4,5 246 0.14 TRICHLOROPHEN- OXYACETIC ACID,2,4,5-(2,4,5-T) 93-76-5 0.01 I 43 278 2,4,5 279 1.39 TRICHLOROPHEN- OXYPROPIONIC ACID,2,4,5- (2,4,5-TP)(SILVEX) 93-72-1 0.008 I 1,700 140 2 353 TRICHLOROPROPANE, 1,1,2- 598-77-6 0.005 I 24 X 2,700 14 13,100 15,000 X 117 TRICHLOROPROPANE, 1,2,3- 96-18-4 0.006 I 7 H 0.005 N 280 X 1,896 1,4,6 13,100 15,100 X 157 0.35 TRICHLOROPROPENE, 1,2,3- 96-19-5 0.01 P 0.001 P 190 X 2,700 14 13,100 15,000 X 142 TRIETHYLAMINE 121-44-8 0.007 I 51 X 55,000 1,4 13,100 15,100 X 90
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value
TF TF Regulated Aqueous Aqueous Vol from Vol from Organic Boiling Degradation Substance CAS RfDo CSFo RfCi IUR Koc VOC? Sol Sol Surface SubSurface Liquid Point Coefficient (mg/kg-d) (mg/kg-d)-1 (mg/m3) (µg/m3)-1 (L/KG) (mg/L) Reference1 Soil Soil (degrees C) (K)(yr-1) TRIFLURALIN 1582-09-8 0.0075 I 0.0077 I 720 4 2,5,6,7 382 TRIMETHYLBENZENE, 1,3,4- (TRIMETHYLBENZENE, 1,2,4-) 95-63-6 0.05 P 0.007 P 2,200 X 56 1 13,100 15,000 X 169 4.50 TRIMETHYLBENZENE, 1,3,5- 108-67-8 0.05 P 0.006 P 660 X 48.9 1 13,100 15,100 X 165 TRINITROGLYCEROL (NITROGLYCERIN) 55-63-0 0.0001 P 0.017 P X 1,800 2,3,5 13,000 15,000 X 190 18.07 TRINITROTOLUENE, 2,4,6- 118-96-7 0.0005 I 0.03 I 1 100 2 240 VINYL ACETATE 108-05-4 1 H 0.2 I 2.8 X 20,000 1 13,200 15,000 X 73 VINYL BROMIDE (BROMOETHENE) 593-60-2 0.003 I 0.000032 H 150 X 4,180 12 13,100 15,000 X 16 0.09 VINYL CHLORIDE 75-01-4 0.003 I 0.72 I 0.1 I 0.0000044 I 10 X 2,700 1 13,200 15,000 X -13 0.09 WARFARIN 81-81-2 0.0003 I 910 17 4 356 4.50 XYLENES (TOTAL) 1330-20-7 0.2 I 0.1 I 350 X 175 13 13,100 15,000 X 140 0.69 ZINEB 12122-67-7 0.05 I 19 10 4 474
1 Aqueous solubility references are keyed to the numbered list found at § 250.304(f). Where there are multiple sources cited, the table value is the median of the values in the individual references.
Toxicity Value Sources:
C = California EPA Cancer Potency Factor
D = ATSDR Minimal Risk Level
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
M = EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories
N = EPA NCEA Provisional Values
P = EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
S = surrogate
TE = TERA ITER Peer-Reviewed Value