Pennsylvania Code (Last Updated: April 5, 2016) |
PART I. Department of Environmental Protection |
Subpart D. Environmental Health and Safety |
Article VI. General Health and Safety |
Chapter 245. Administration of the Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Program |
Section 245.614. Requirements for closure
(a) Tank systems shall be cleaned, rendered free from hazardous vapors and ventilated if left onsite or shall be emptied and removed from the site in a manner consistent with current industry practices and Bureau of Waste Management requirements such as Chapters 263a and 299 (relating to transporters of hazardous waste; and storage and transportation of residual waste). Piping shall be removed or capped and fill ports shall be secured, capped or dismantled.
(b) The owner shall conduct a visual examination of the surface, soil and area surrounding and underlying the storage tank system for obvious indications or evidence of a release of regulated substance.
(1) If a release is suspected, it shall be investigated in accordance with § 245.304 (relating to investigation of suspected releases).
(2) If a release is confirmed, it shall be reported to the appropriate Department regional office responsible for the county in which the tank is located in accordance with § 245.305 (relating to reporting releases).
(c) The owner shall complete and submit an amended tank registration form to the Department within 30 days of:
(1) The completion of permanent closure.
(2) Change-in-service status of the tank.
(3) Temporary removal from service.
(d) Temporary removal from service requires that the owner/operator empty the tank system of regulated substances and conduct a visual examination of the area surrounding the tank as required in subsection (b), excluding the surface and soil underlying any tank bottom in contact with the ground. A tank may be considered to be in a temporary removal from service status when the tank is emptied and intended to remain out of use for 1 year or more.
(1) Temporary removal from service may not exceed 5 years, unless the owner can demonstrate an operational need to retain the tank in temporary removal-from-service beyond 5 years and the Department agrees to extend this time frame.
(2) Monitoring standards in § 245.613 (relating to monitoring standards) are not required when a tank is reported to the Department as temporarily removed from service.
(3) Inspection of tanks temporarily removed from service shall be performed in accordance with § 245.616 (relating to inspection requirements). In-service inspection interval may be delayed for a tank that is temporarily removed-from-service. The delayed inspection shall be conducted prior to placing regulated substance in a tank and returning the tank to operating status. Deficiencies noted during inspection shall be addressed and remedied and an amended registration form submitted to the Department prior to returning a tank to operating status.
The provisions of this § 245.614 amended November 9, 2007, effective November 10, 2007, 37 Pa.B. 5979. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (317239) to (317240).
This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 245.616 (relating to inspection requirements).