Section 245.141. Training approval  

Latest version.
  • (a) Providers of training for which approval is required under this chapter shall, at least 120 days prior to the scheduled date of the training program, request approval from the Department for the training program.

    (b) An application for approval must include the following information:

    (1) The name and address of the person offering the training.

    (2) The title of the course.

    (3) The name, title, affiliation and professional background of each course instructor and a detailed outline of the course which includes a description of the subject matter to be presented, the order of presentation and the amount of time scheduled for the presentation.

    (4) A narrative describing the preparation and administration of a test to be given at the conclusion of the course. This test must test the participant’s knowledge of the technical, administrative and legal requirements related to the subject matter of the course. The narrative must also describe a procedure for conducting and grading of the test that assures careful monitoring and expeditious transmission of test results to the applicant and the Department.

    (c) Training approval shall be for 3 years from the date of issuance. An applicant for renewal shall submit a completed application for renewal to the Department 60 to 120 days prior to the expiration date.

    (d) The Department may approve industry recognized training without the submission of an application as provided in subsection (a).

The provisions of this § 245.141 amended November 9, 2007, effective November 10, 2007, 37 Pa.B. 5979. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (234695) to (234696).


Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 245.102 (relating to requirement for certification); 25 Pa. Code § 245.105 (relating to certification examinations); 25 Pa. Code § 245.108 (relating to supervision of certification); 25 Pa. Code § 245.111 (relating to certified installer experience and qualifications); 25 Pa. Code § 245.114 (relating to renewal and amendment to certification); 25 Pa. Code § 245.236 (relating to operator training); and 25 Pa. Code § 245.411 (relating to inspection frequency).