Section 245.114. Renewal and amendment of certification  

Latest version.
  • (a) Certification categories renewed after January 9, 2008, will have a uniform expiration date of 3 years from the issuance date of the first category after January 9, 2008.

    (b) After the conversion to a uniform expiration date as provided in subsection (a), the issued certification will be valid for 3 years from the previous expiration date, unless suspended or revoked before that date.

    (c) An applicant shall meet the following minimum training requirements or number of activities in the appropriate category for renewal of installer certification:

    Categorytraining Total Number of Activities Completed
    (Renewal by activities to be phased out November 10, 2009)
    UMR Examination or Technical training
    6 removals
    UMX Examination or Technical training
    9 installations or major modifications
    UTT Testing equipment manufacturer’s certification
    AMMX Examination or Technical training
    9 installations or major modifications
    AMNX Examination or Technical training
    9 installations or major modifications
    AFMX Examination or Technical training
    12 installations or major modifications
    AFR Examination or Technical training
    6 removals
    AMR Examination or Technical training
    6 removals
    AMEX Examination or Technical training
    12 installations or major modifications
    ACVL Examination or Technical training
    12 installations or major modifications
    TL Manufacturer’s certification
    9 tank linings

    (d) An applicant shall meet the following requirements in the appropriate category for renewal of inspector certification:

    CategoryQualifications and Training
    IUM Department inspector training
    IAM API 653 certification
    STI Inspector certification
    Department approved inspector certification
    Department inspector training
    IAF API 653 certification
    Department-approved inspector certification
    Department inspector training

    (e) Renewal of categories based on number of activities completed without technical training or examination as provided in subsection (c) will be a method of renewal until November 10, 2009.

    (f) Technical and administrative training shall be obtained within 2 years prior to application submission.

    (1) Administrative training will be provided by the Department. Administrative training in subsection (c) is required after November 10, 2009.

    (2) Technical training is category-specific and must be approved by the Department in accordance with § 245.141 (relating to training approval).

    (g) An applicant for renewal shall:

    (1) Submit a completed application for renewal to the Department 60 to 120 days prior to the expiration date or examination test date. Applicants who fail to submit a renewal application within 60 days following the expiration date shall meet the experience, qualifications and examination requirements for initial certification as required in § 245.111 or § 245.113 (relating to certified installer experience and qualifications; certified inspector experience and qualifications) and the requirements in § 245.105 (relating to certification examinations).

    (2) The applicant shall certify completion of safety training which is appropriate for the certification category. Training must be in accordance with regulatory requirements and industry standards and procedures such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements in 29 CFR 1910 (relating to occupational and health standards for industry).

    (3) Successfully complete training programs which may be required by the Department. Successful completion means attendance at all sessions of training and attainment of the minimum passing grade established by the Department in the approval of the training course under § 245.141 for all sections of all qualifying tests given as part of the training course.

    (h) A certified installer or certified inspector shall notify the Department and seek amendment of the certification from the Department whenever:

    (1) There is a change in the information provided in the application for the certification. This request shall be made within 14 days from the date of a change in information.

    (2) The certified installer or certified inspector wishes to conduct tank handling or inspection activities in installer or inspector certification categories other than those approved by the Department as set forth on the certification.

    (3) The certified installer or certified inspector wishes to eliminate installer or inspector certification categories from the certification.

    (4) The EQB amends certification categories or qualification requirements and establishes a phase-in period for the new requirements.

    (i) Certified installers or certified inspectors required to amend their certifications in accordance with paragraph (1) or (3) shall apply for amendment on a form provided by the Department.

    (j) Certified installers or certified inspectors required to amend their certifications in accordance with subsection (h)(2) shall comply with the applicable requirements of this chapter related to application, experience, qualifications and examination.

The provisions of this § 245.114 amended September 27, 1996, effective September 28, 1996, 26 Pa.B. 4735; amended November 9, 2007, effective November 10, 2007, 37 Pa.B. 5979. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (234690) to (234691).


Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 245.1 (relating to definitions); and 25 Pa. Code § 245.142 (relating to training courses).