Section 245.105. Certification examinations  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Department will establish separate administrative and technical content for the examinations and the standards and criteria against which they will be evaluated to be used in determining the fitness of candidates for certification as certified installers or certified inspectors under the categories established by this chapter.

    (b) The Department will schedule a date and location for the examinations for certified installer and certified inspector at least once in each calendar year.

    (c) Only applicants who have been authorized by the Department, in accordance with this chapter, to take an examination will be admitted to an examination or issued a certification as a result of passing an examination. Authorization to take an examination will be based on compliance with this chapter. Applicants who are authorized to take an examination are eligible to take the examination for up to 1 year from the date of authorization.

    (d) To receive a passing grade on the examinations, the applicant for certification shall achieve a minimum score of 80% on each technical section and a minimum score of 80% on the administrative section of the examination.

    (e) An applicant who fails an examination is eligible to retake the examination for up to 1 year from the failed examination test date, but no later than 18 months from date of authorization.

The provisions of this § 245.105 amended September 27, 1996, effective September 28, 1996, 26 Pa.B. 4735; amended November 9, 2007, effective November 10, 2007, 37 Pa.B. 5979. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (234680) to (234681).


Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 245.114 (relating to renewal and amendment of certification).