Section 245.102. Requirement for certification  

Latest version.
  • (a) A person may not conduct tank handling or tightness testing activities unless that person holds a current installer certification issued by the Department for the applicable certification category as indicated in § 245.110 (relating to certification of installers), except as provided in § 245.31 (relating to underground storage tank tightness testing requirements). Installer certification will only be issued by the Department to a person who:

    (1) Possesses minimum experience and qualifications as provided under § 245.111 (relating to certified installer experience and qualifications).

    (2) Achieves a passing grade on a certification examination administered or approved by the Department for one or more of the certified installer categories described in § 245.110 for which the person is requesting certification.

    (3) Submits an accurate and complete application.

    (4) Is not found to be in violation of the act or this chapter, or has not had a certification revoked by the Department under § 245.109 (relating to revocation of certification).

    (b) A person may not conduct inspection activities at a storage tank system or storage tank facility required by the Department under the act and this part unless that person holds a current inspector certification issued by the Department for the applicable inspector certification category. Inspector certification will only be issued by the Department to a person who:

    (1) Possesses minimum experience and qualifications as provided under § 245.113 (relating to certified installer experience and qualifications).

    (2) Achieves a passing grade on a certification examination administered or approved by the Department for one or more of the certified inspector categories described in § 245.112 for which the person is requesting certification.

    (3) Submits an accurate and complete application.

    (4) Is not found to be in violation of the act or this chapter, or has not had a certification revoked by the Department under § 245.109.

    (c) Certified installers and certified inspectors shall successfully complete additional periodic training and testing administered or approved by the Department to maintain their certification. Successful completion means attendance at all sessions of training and attainment of the minimum passing grade established by the Department in the approval of the training course under § 245.141 (relating to training approval), for all sections of all qualifying tests given as part of the training program.

    (d) After March 23, 1992, a certified installer or certified inspector may not perform tank handling or inspection activities as an employee of a company unless the company holds a valid certification issued by the Department under this chapter.

    (e) If the EQB deletes or consolidates certification categories or amends qualifications for certification prior to the expiration date of an installer or inspector’s category certification, the category certification may still be used until the expiration date of that category certification.

The provisions of this § 245.102 amended September 27, 1996, effective September 28, 1996, 26 Pa.B. 4735; amended November 9, 2007, effective November 10, 2007, 37 Pa.B. 5979. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (234678) to (234679).


Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 245.104 (relating to application for installer or inspector certification).