Section 145.205. Emission reduction credit provisions  

Latest version.
  • The following conditions shall be satisfied in order for the Department to issue a permit or plan approval to the owner or operator of a unit not subject to this subchapter that is relying on emission reduction credits (ERCs) or creditable emission reductions in an applicability determination under Chapter 127, Subchapter E (relating to new source review), or is seeking to enter into an emissions trade authorized under Chapter 127 (relating to construction, modification, reactivation and operation of sources), if the ERCs or creditable emission reductions were, or will be, generated by a unit subject to this subchapter.

    (1) Prior to issuing the permit or plan approval, the Department will permanently reduce the Commonwealth’s CAIR NOx trading budget or CAIR NOx Ozone Season trading budget, or both, as applicable, beginning with the sixth control period following the date the plan approval or permit to commence operations or increase emissions is issued. The Department will permanently reduce the applicable CAIR NOx budgets by an amount of allowances equal to the ERCs or creditable emission reductions relied upon in the applicability determination for the non-CAIR unit subject to Chapter 127, Subchapter E or in the amount equal to the emissions trade authorized under Chapter 127, as if these emissions had already been emitted.

    (2) The permit or plan approval must prohibit the owner or operator from commencing operation or increasing emissions until the owner or operator of the CAIR unit generating the ERC or creditable emission reduction surrenders to the Department an amount of allowances equal to the ERCs or emission reduction credits relied upon in the applicability determination for the non-CAIR unit under Chapter 127, Subchapter E or the amount equal to the ERC trade authorized under Chapter 127, for each of the five consecutive control periods following the date the non-CAIR unit commences operation or increases emissions. The allowances surrendered must be of present or past vintage years.