Section 145.202. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

    Demand side management—The management of customer consumption of electricity or the demand for electricity through the implementation of any of the following:

    (i) Energy efficiency technologies, management practices or other strategies in residential, commercial, institutional or government customers that reduce electricity consumption by those customers.

    (ii) Load management or demand response technologies, management practices or other strategies in residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and government customers that shift electric load from periods of higher demand to periods of lower demand.

    (iii) Industrial by-product technologies consisting of the use of a by-product from an industrial process, including the reuse of energy from exhaust gases or other manufacturing by-products that are used in the direct production of electricity at the facility of a customer.

    Demand side management energy efficiency qualifying resource—A demand side management energy efficiency measure that has no associated NOx emissions and that generates certified alternative energy credit.

    EIA—The Energy Information Administration of the United States Department of Energy or its successor.

    MWh-Megawatt-hour—One million watt-hours.

    Pennsylvania Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard—An applicable standard promulgated under the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act (73 P. S. § § 1648.1—1648.8).

    Renewable energy

    (i) Renewable energy generated by one or more of the following fuels, energy resources or technologies, and that does not emit NOx or SO2:

    (A) Solar photovoltaic or solar thermal energy.

    (B) Wind energy.

    (C) Fuel cells that do not employ a fuel processor that emits NOx.

    (D) Ocean thermal, wave or tidal energy.

    (E) Low-impact hydro energy.

    (F) Geothermal energy.

    (ii) The term does not include energy generated from nuclear fuel, biomass, landfill gas, fuel cells that employ a fuel processor that emits NOx, or hydro using pumped storage.

    Renewable energy certificate—The tradable alternative energy credit instrument generated under, and used to establish, verify and monitor compliance with, the Pennsylvania Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard. A unit of credit shall equal 1 megawatt-hour of electricity from an alternative energy source.

    Renewable energy qualifying resource—A renewable energy measure that generates renewable energy certificates.