Section 123.108. Source emissions monitoring requirements  

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  • The owner and operator of each NOx affected source shall comply with the following requirements:

    (1) NOx emissions from each NOx affected source shall be monitored as specified by this section and in accordance with the procedures contained in the document titled, ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program.’’

    (2) The owner or operator of each NOx affected source shall submit to the Department and the NOx budget administrator a monitoring plan in accordance with the procedures outlined in the document titled, ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program.’’

    (3) New and existing unit emission monitoring systems, as required and specified by this section, shall be installed and be operational and shall have met all of the certification testing requirements in accordance with the procedures and deadlines specified in the document titled, ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program’’ in a manner consistent with Chapter 139 (relating to sampling and testing).

    (4) Monitoring systems are subject to initial performance testing and periodic calibration, accuracy testing and quality assurance/quality control testing as specified in the document titled ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program.’’ Notwithstanding this provision, Non-Part 75 Sources which have Department approved NOx CEMS reporting in accordance with § 139.101 (relating to gen-eral requirements) in units of pounds of NOx per hour shall complete the periodic self-audits listed in the quality assurance section of § 139.102(3) (relating to references) at least annually and no sooner than 6 months following the previous periodic self-audit. If practicable, the audit shall be conducted between April 1 and May 31.

    (5) During a period when valid data is not being recorded by devices approved for use to demonstrate compliance with this subchapter, missing or invalid data shall be replaced with representative default data in accordance with 40 CFR Part 75 (relating to continuous emission monitoring) and the document titled, ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program.’’ Notwithstanding this provision, Non-Part 75 Sources which have Department approved NOx CEMS reporting in accordance with § 139.101 in units of pounds of NOx per hour shall report this data to the NETS and shall continue report submissions as required under Chapter 139 to the Department.

    (6) Sources subject to 40 CFR Part 75 shall demonstrate compliance with this section with a certified Part 75 monitoring system.

    (i) If the source has a flow monitor certified under Part 75, NOx in pounds per hour shall be determined using the Part 75 NOx CEMS and the flow monitor. The NOx emission rate in pounds per million Btu shall be determined using the procedure in 40 CFR Part 75 Appendix F, Section 3 (relating to procedures for NOx emission rate). The hourly heat input shall be determined by using the procedures in 40 CFR Part 75 Appendix F, Section 5 (relating to procedures for heat input). NOx in pounds per hour shall be determined by multiplying the NOx per million Btu by the Btus per hour.

    (ii) If a Part 75 source does not have a certified flow monitor, but does have a certified NOx CEMS, NOx emissions in pounds per hour emissions shall be determined by using the NOx CEMS to determine the NOx emission rate in pounds per million Btu and the heat input shall be determined by using the procedures in 40 CFR Part 75 Appendix D (relating to optional SO2 emissions data protocol for gas-fired and oil-fired units). NOx in pounds per hour shall be determined by multiplying the NOx per million Btu and Btus per hour.

    (iii) If the owner or operator of a source uses the procedures in 40 CFR Part 75, Appendix E (relating to optional NOx emissions estimation protocol for gas-fired peaking units and oil-fired peaking units) to determine the NOx emission rate, NOx emissions in pounds per hour shall be determined by multiplying the NOx emission rate determined by using the Appendix E procedures times the heat input determined using the procedures in 40 CFR Part 75, Appendix D.

    (iv) If the owner or operator of a source uses the procedures in 40 CFR Part 75, Subpart E (relating to alternative monitoring systems) to determine NOx emission rate, NOx emissions in pounds per hour shall be determined using the alternative monitoring method approved under 40 CFR Part 75 Subpart E and the procedures contained in the document titled, ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program.’’

    (v) If the source emits to common or multiple stacks, or both, the source shall monitor emissions according to the procedures contained in the document titled, ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program.’’

    (7) Sources not subject to 40 CFR Part 75 and not meeting the requirements of paragraph (11) shall meet the monitoring requirements of this section by:

    (i) Preparing and obtaining approval of a monitoring plan as specified in the document titled, ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program.’’

    (ii) Determining NOx emission rate and heat input using a methodology specified in paragraphs (8) and (9) respectively or determining NOx concentration and flow using a methodology specified in paragraphs (8) and (9) respectively.

    (iii) Calculating NOx emissions in pounds per hour using the procedure described in paragraph (10).

    (8) The owner or operator of a NOx affected source which is not subject to 40 CFR Part 75, may implement an alternative emission rate monitoring method. The NOx emission rate in pounds per million Btu or NOx concentration in ppm shall be determined using one of the following methods:

    (i) The owner or operator of a NOx affected source that has a maximum rated heat input capacity of 250 MMBtu/hr or greater which is not a peaking unit as defined in 40 CFR 72.2 (relating to definitions), which combusts any solid fuel or is required to or has installed a NOx continuous emissions monitoring system (NOx CEMS) for the purposes of meeting either the requirements of 40 CFR Part 60 (relating to standards of performance for new stationary sources) or another Department or Federal requirement, shall use that NOx CEMS to meet the requirements of this section. If the owner or operator of the unit monitors flow according to paragraph (9), the owner or operator may use the NOx CEMS to measure NOx in ppm, otherwise the NOx CEMS shall be used to measure the emission rate in lb/MMBtu. The owner or operator shall install, certify, operate and maintain this monitor in accordance with the ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program.’’ When a NOx CEMS cannot be used to report data for this program because it does not meet the requirements of the ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program,’’ missing data shall be substituted using the procedures in that document. In addition, the NOx CEMS shall meet the initial certification requirements contained in the ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program.’’

    (ii) The owner or operator of a source that is not required to have a NOx CEMS, may request approval from the Department to use any of the following appropriate methodologies to determine the NOx emission rate:

    (A) Boilers or turbines may use the procedures contained in 40 CFR Part 75 Appendix E to measure NOx emission rate in pounds/MMBtu, consistent with the ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program.’’

    (B) Owners and operators of combustion turbines that are subject to this section and § § 123.101—123.107 and 123.109—123.120 may also meet the monitoring requirements of this section and § § 123.101—123.107 and 123.109—123.120 by using default emission factors to determine NOx emissions in pounds per hour as follows:

    (I) For gas-fired turbines, the default emission factor is 0.7 pounds NOx per MMBtu.

    (II) For oil-fired turbines, the default factor is 1.2 pounds NOx per MMBtu.

    (III) Owners and operators of gas turbines or oil-fired turbines may perform testing, consistent with ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program,’’ to determine unit specific maximum potential NOx emission rates.

    (C) Owners and operators of boilers that are subject to this section and § § 123.101—123.107 and 123.109—123.120 may meet the monitoring requirements of this section and § § 123.101—123.107 and 123.109—123.120 by using a default emission factor of 2.0 pounds per MMBtu if they burn oil and 1.5 lb/MMBtu if they burn natural gas to determine NOx emissions in pounds per hour, or may perform testing consistent with the ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program,’’ to determine a unit specific maximum potential emission rate.

    (9) The owner or operator of a source which is not subject to 40 CFR Part 75, and not meeting the requirements of paragraph (11), shall determine heat input in MMBtu or flow in standard cubic feet per hour using one of the following methods:

    (i) The owner or operator of a source may install and operate a flow monitor according to 40 CFR Part 75.

    (A) The owner or operator may either use the flow CEMS to monitor stack flow in standard cubic feet per hour and a NOx CEMS to monitor NOx in ppm.

    (B) In the alternative, the owner or operator may use the flow CEMS and a diluent CEMS to determine heat input in MMBtu and a NOx CEMS to monitor NOx in lbs/MMBtu.

    (ii) The owner or operator of a source that does not have a flow CEMS may request approval from the Department to use any of the following methodologies to determine their heat input rate:

    (A) The owner or operator of a source may determine heat input using a flow monitor and a diluent monitor meeting 40 CFR Part 75 and the procedures in 40 CFR Part 75, Appendix F Section 5.

    (B) The owner or operator of a source that combusts only oil or natural gas may determine heat input using a fuel flow monitor meeting 40 CFR Part 75 Appendix D and the procedures of 40 CFR Part 75, Appendix F Section 5.

    (C) The owner or operator of a source that combusts only oil or natural gas which uses a unit specific or generic default NOx emission rate, may determine heat input by measuring the fuel usage for a specified frequency of longer than an hour. This fuel usage shall then be reported on an hourly basis by apportioning the fuel based on electrical load in accordance with the following formula:

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    (D) The owner or operator of a source that combusts any fuel other than oil or natural gas, may request permission from the Department to use an alternative method of determining heat input. Alternative methods include:

    (I) Conducting fuel sampling and analysis and monitoring fuel usage.

    (II) Using boiler efficiency curves and other monitored information such as boiler steam output.

    (III) Other methods approved by the Department and which meet the requirements in the ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program.’’

    (E) Alternative methods for determining heat input are subject to both initial and periodic relative accuracy, and quality assurance testing as prescribed by ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program.’’

    (10) If the owner or operator determines NOx emission rate in pounds per million Btu in accordance with paragraph (6)(iii) and heat input rate in MMBtu per hour in accordance with paragraph (7), the two values shall be multiplied to result in NOx emissions in pounds per hour. If the owner or operator determines NOx emissions in ppm and flow in standard cubic feet per hour, the procedures in ‘‘Guidance for Implementation of Emission Monitoring Requirements for the NOx Budget Program’’ may be used to determine NOx emissions of this rule in pounds per hour. This value shall be reported to the NETS.

    (11) Non-Part 75 sources which have Department approved NOx CEMS reporting in accordance with § 139.101 in units of pounds of NOx per hour may meet the monitoring requirements of paragraph (7); or shall comply with the following:

    (i) Calibration standards used shall be in accordance with both 40 CFR Part 75, Appendix A, Section 5.2 (relating to concentrations) and with § 139.102(3).

    (ii) Testing listed in 40 CFR Part 75, Appendix A, Section 6.4 (relating to cycle time/response time test) not already conducted as part of the response time testing in § 139.102(3) shall be conducted.

    (iii) Bias testing of the relative accuracy test data in accordance with 40 CFR Part 75, Appendix A, Section 6.5 (relating to relative accuracy and bias tests) shall be conducted. Data from previously conducted relative accuracy testing may be used to meet this requirement.

    (iv) Adjustment of data due to failure of bias test (in accordance with 40 CFR Part 75, Appendix A, Section 7.6.5 (relating to bias adjustment) and Appendix B, Section 2.3.3 (relating to bias adjustment factor)) or relative accuracy greater than 10% but less than or equal to 20% (by multiplying the NOx emissions rate by 1.1), or both, shall be conducted only for reporting to the NOx budget administrator for purposes of this section.

    (v) A Data Acquisition Handling System verification demonstrating that both the missing data procedures and formulas as applicable to this section shall be conducted.

The provisions of this § 123.108 adopted October 31, 1997, effective November 1, 1997, 27 Pa.B. 5683.


Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 123.101 (relating to purpose); 25 Pa. Code § 123.103 (relating to general NOx allowance provisions); 25 Pa. Code § 123.110 (relating to source compliance requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 123.111 (relating to failure to meet source compliance requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 123.112 (relating to source operating permit provision requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 123.113 (relating to source recordkeeping requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 123.115 (relating to initial NOx allowance NOx allocations); 25 Pa. Code § 123.116 (relating to source opt-in provisions); 25 Pa. Code § 123.117 (relating to new NOx affected source provisions); 25 Pa. Code § 123.118 (relating to emission reduction credit provisions); 25 Pa. Code § 123.120 (relating to audit); 25 Pa. Code § 123.121 (relating to NOx Allowance Program transition); and 25 Pa. Code § 145.43 (relating to compliance supplement pool).