Section 96.5. Nutrient discharges  

Latest version.
  • (a) Whenever technically and financially feasible, and environmentally sound, land disposal of wastewater shall be used on a continuous or seasonal basis to prevent or minimize to the maximum extent practicable the discharge of nutrients to surface waters, including tributaries thereof, that are determined to be either threatened or impaired by nutrient enrichment.

    (b) When necessary to control eutrophication in a lake, pond, or other impoundment, the Department will develop a TMDL and associated WLAS and LAS based on average annual loading estimates.

    (c) When it is determined that the discharge of phosphorus, alone or in combination with the discharge of other pollutants, contributes or threatens to impair existing or designated uses in a free flowing surface water, phosphorus discharges from point source discharges shall be limited to an average monthly concentration of 2 mg/l. More stringent controls on point source discharges may be imposed, or may be otherwise adjusted as a result of a TMDL which has been developed.


Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 96.4 (relating to TMDLs and WQBELs).