Table 6.  

Latest version.


    Fish and Aquatic Life CriteriaHuman
    PP NO Chemical Name CAS Number Criteria Continuous
    Concentrations (ug/L)
    Criteria Maximum
    Concentration (ug/L)
    Health Criteria (ug/L)
    2M Arsenic 07440382 *148 (As3+) *340 (As3+) N/A-
    4M Cadmium 07440439 *{1.101672-(ln[H]x0.041838)}x Exp(0.7852xln[H]-2.715)
    (ex: @H=100, CCC=2.24)
    *{1.136672-(ln[H]x0.041838)}x Exp(1.128xln[H]-3.6867)
    (ex: @H=100, CMC=4.26)
    5M Chromium, III 16065831 *0.860xExp(0.819xln[H]+0.6848) *0.316xExp(0.819xln[H]+3.7256) N/A-
    (ex: @H=100, CCC=74) (ex: @H=100, CMC=570)
    5M Chromium, VI 18540299 *10.56 *15.73 N/A -
    6M Copper 07440508 *0.960xExp(0.8545xln[H]-1.702) *(0.960xExp(0.9422xln[H]-1.700) N/A
    (ex: @H=100, CCC=8.96) (ex: @H=100, CMC=13.44)
    8M Mercury 07439976 *0.77 *1.44 0.0031 H
    9M Nickel 07440020 *0.997xExp(0.846xln[H]+0.0584 *[0.998xExp(0.846xln[H]+2.255) N/A H
    (ex: @H=100, CCC=52.01) (ex: @H=100, CMC=468.24)
    10M Selenium 07782492 *4.61 N/A N/A -
    13M Zinc 07440666 *0.986xExp(0.8473xln[H]+0.884) *0.978xExp(0.8473xln[H]+0.884) N/A
    (ex: @H=100, CCC=118.14) (ex: @H=100, CMC=117.18)
    14M Cyanide, Free 00057125 5.2 22 600 H
    3A 2,4-Dimethyl-phenol 00105679 N/A N/A 450 H
    5A 2,4-Dinitro-phenol 00051285 N/A N/A 55 H
    9A Pentachlorophenol 00087865 Exp(1.005[pH]-5.134) Exp (1.005[pH]-4.869) N/A-
    @pH= 6.5 7.8 9.0 @pH = 6.5 7.8 9.0
    Crit = 4.05 14.95 49.95 Crit = 5.28 19.49 65.10
    3V Benzene 00071432 N/A N/A 1.2 CRL
    7V Chloro-benzene 00108907 N/A N/A 470 H
    22V Methylene Chloride 00075092 N/A N/A 4.7 CRL
    25V Toluene 00108883 N/A N/A 5600 H
    29V Trichloro-ethylene 00079016 N/A N/A 2.9 CRL
    33B Hexachloro-benzene 00118741 N/A N/A 0.000045 CRL
    36B Hexachloro-ethane 00067721 N/A N/A 0.53 CRL
    4P gamma-BHC (Lindane) 00058899 N/A 0.95 0.47 H
    6P Chlordane 00057749 N/A N/A 0.000025 CRL
    7P 4,4-DDT 00050293 N/A N/A 0.000015 CRL
    10P Dieldrin 00060571 0.056 0.24 0.00000065 CRL
    14P Endrin 00072208 0.036 0.086 N/A-
    18P PCBs N/A N/A 0.00000039 CRL
    25P Toxaphene 08001352 N/A N/A 0.0000068 CRL
    PP 2,3,7,8-TCDD 01746016 N/A N/A 8.6 E-10 CRL
    Parathion 00056382 0.013 0.065 N/A-

    Acronyms and Footnotes to Table 6

    * Indicates dissolved metal criterion; others are total recoverable metals. Each listed dissolved criterion in Table 6 is equal to the corresponding total recoverable criterion before rounding (from the EPA National Ambient Water Quality Criteria Documents) multiplied by the conversion factor (from the Conversion Factors Table); a criterion that is expressed as a hardness (H)-based equation is shown in Table 6 as the conversion factor (listed) multiplied by the hardness criterion equation; an example criterion at hardness=100mg/L is included.

    CAS—Chemical Abstract Service number

    CRL—Cancer risk level at 1 x 10-6

    H—Threshold effect human health criterion; incorporates additional uncertainty factor for some Group C carcinogens.

    ln [H]—Natural Logarithm of the Hardness of stream as mg/l CaCO3

    ug/L—Micrograms per liter

    N/A—Criterion not developed

    PP NO—Priority Pollutant Number

    (c) Wildlife criteria. Wildlife criteria will be developed for the bioaccumulative chemicals of concern (BCCs) in the Great Lakes System using methodologies contained in the Great Lakes guidance in 40 CFR Part 132, Appendix D (relating to Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative methodology for the development of wildlife criteria). The wildlife criteria are contained in the following table: