Pennsylvania Code (Last Updated: April 5, 2016) |
PART I. Department of Environmental Protection |
Subpart C. Protection of Natural Resources |
Article I. Land Resources |
Chapter 77. Noncoal Mining |
Section 77.562. Preblasting surveys
(a) Preblasting surveys will not be required if blasting is designed and conducted below the levels of blasting vibration shown on Figure #1 at the nearest dwelling, school, church, commercial or institutional building neither owned nor leased by the operator. If preblast surveys are not conducted, the operator shall provide a seismograph record including both the particle velocity time-history (wave form) and the particle velocity and vibration frequency levels for each blast.
(1) The vibration frequency shall be displayed and analyzed over the frequency range of 2 Hz through 100 Hz.
(2) The permittee shall obtain Department approval of the analytical method used to determine the predominant frequency before applying this alternative criterion.
(3) If an operator who has not offered preblasting surveys, blasts at a level exceeding the levels of vibration in Figure #1, no additional blasting may be conducted until one of the following applies:
(i) The operator meets the requirements of subsections (b)(e).
(ii) The operator demonstrates that subsequent blasting will produce vibrations at levels below the levels of blasting vibration shown in Figure #1.
Figure # 1.Levels of blasting vibration using a combination of velocity and frequency.
Figure #1.Levels of blasting vibration using a combination of velocity and frequency.
(b) If the operator intends to conduct blasting at vibration levels exceeding the levels of vibration in figure #1 at the nearest dwelling, school, church, commercial or institutional building neither owned nor leased by the operator, the operator shall offer preblast surveys. At least 30 days before commencement of blasting or resumption of blasting in accordance with § 77.562(a)(3)(i) the operator shall notify, in writing, the residents or owners of dwellings or other structures located within 1,000 feet (304.8 meters) of the area where blasting will occur of their right to request a preblasting survey and how to request a preblasting survey. On the request to the Department or operator by a resident or owner of a dwelling or structure that is located within 1,000 feet (304.8 meters) of the area where blasting will occur, the operator shall promptly conduct a preblasting survey of the dwelling or structure. If a dwelling or structure is renovated or added to subsequent to a preblast survey, then, upon request by the resident or owner to the Department or operator, a survey of the additions and renovations shall be performed by the operator in accordance with this section. The operator shall provide the Department with a copy of the request.
(c) The survey shall determine the condition of the dwelling or structure and document preblasting damage and other physical factors that could reasonably be affected by the blasting. Assessments of structures such as pipes, cables, transmission lines and wells and other water systems shall be limited to surface condition and readily available data. Preblasting conditions of wells and other water systems used for human, animal or agricultural purposes shall be ascertained to the extent possible regarding the quantity and quality of the water.
(d) A written report of the survey shall be prepared and signed by the person who conducted the survey. The report may include recommendations of special conditions or proposed adjustments to the blasting procedure which should be incorporated into the blasting plan to prevent damage. Copies of the report shall be provided promptly to the person requesting the survey and to the Department.
(e) Required preblasting surveys requested more than 10 days before planned initiation of blasting shall be completed by the operator before the commencement of blasting.
The provisions of this § 77.562 adopted March 16, 1990, effective March 17, 1990, 20 Pa.B. 1643; amended January 30, 1998, effective January 31, 1998, 28 Pa.B. 619. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (198752) to (198753).
This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 77.108 (relating to permit for small noncoal operations); 25 Pa. Code § 77.453 (relating to blasting agent); 25 Pa. Code § 77.463 (relating to surface mining near underground mining); 25 Pa. Code § 77.561 (relating to general requirements); and 25 Pa. Code § 77.564 (relating to surface blasting requirements).