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Pennsylvania Code (Last Updated: April 5, 2016) |
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PART I. Department of Environmental Protection |
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Subpart C. Protection of Natural Resources |
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Article I. Land Resources |
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Chapter 77. Noncoal Mining |
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Section 77.1. Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
AOCApproximate original contourContouring as defined in this section.
Acid drainageWater with a pH of less than 6 in which total acidity exceeds total alkalinity.
Acid-forming materialsEarth materials that contain sulfide minerals or other materials, which, if exposed to air, water or weathering processes, form acids that may create acid drainage.
ActThe Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. § § 33013326).
Active operationAn operation in which a minimum of 500 tons of minerals for commercial purposes have been removed in the preceding calendar year.
Adjacent areaLand located outside the permit area within 1,000 feet.
Annual administration feeA nonrefundable filing fee assessed on an annual basis for the cost to the Department of inspecting a permitted activity or facility to administer the permit.
ApplicantA person who seeks to obtain a permit from the Department to conduct noncoal mining activities under this chapter.
ApplicationThe documents and other information filed with the Department for the issuance of a permit.
AquiferA zone, stratum or group of strata that can store and transmit water in sufficient quantities for a specific use.
BlastA detonation of explosives.
BlastingThe detonation of explosives.
BondAn instrument by which a permittee assures faithful performance of the requirements of the environmental acts and the act and applicable regulations promulgated thereunder.
Common use roadsExisting roadways that normally are utilized by two or more operators, agencies or persons for access, safety, fire protection and other common purposes.
CompactionIncreasing the bulk density of a material by reducing the voids between the particles which is generally accomplished by controlled placement and mechanical effort, such as from repeated application of wheel, track or roller loads from heavy equipment.
Complete applicationAn application for a permit which contains an application form properly completed, signed and witnessed, a filing fee, proof of publication, the standard reports or forms required by the Department to process a permit and which demonstrates compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
ContouringReclamation of the land affected to approximate original contour so that it closely resembles the general surface configuration of the land prior to mining and blends into and complements the drainage pattern of the surrounding terrain with no highwall, spoil piles or depressions to accumulate water and with adequate provision for drainage.
DegreeThe inclination from the horizontal.
Disturbed areaAn area where vegetation, topsoil or overburden is removed or upon which topsoil, spoil or noncoal waste is placed by surface mining activities. Areas are classified as disturbed until reclamation is complete and the performance bond or other assurance of performance required by Subchapter D (relating to bonding and insurance requirements) is released.
DiversionA channel, embankment or other manmade structure constructed at a controlled slope to divert water from one area to another.
EmbankmentAn artificial deposit of material that is raised above the natural surface of the land and used to contain, divert or store water; support roads or railways; or for similar purposes.
Environmental actsThe term includes the following:(i) The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § § 51720.13).
(ii) The Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. § § 40014015).
(iii) The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. § § 691.1691.1001).
(iv) The Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. § § 693.1693.27).
(v) The Pennsylvania Solid Waste Management Act (repealed) and Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. § § 6018.1016018.1003).
(vi) The Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. § § 1396.11396.19b).
Ephemeral streamA water conveyance which lacks substrates associated with flowing waters and flows only in direct response to precipitation in the immediate watershed or in response to melting snowpack and which is always above the local water table.
Fugitive dustParticulate matter not emitted from a duct or stack which becomes airborne due to the forces of wind or surface noncoal mining activities, or both. During surface noncoal mining activities the term may include emissions from haul roads; wind erosion of exposed surfaces, storage piles, processing facilities and spoil piles; reclamation operations; and other activities in which material is either removed, stored, transported or redistributed.
General areaThe topographic and groundwater basin, with respect to hydrology, surrounding a permit area which is of sufficient size, including areal extent and depth, to include one or more watersheds containing perennial streams and groundwater zones.
General permitA permit that is used for any category of noncoal surface mining activities authorized by the act if the Department determines that the activities in the category are similar in nature and can be adequately regulated utilizing standardized specifications and conditions. A general permit shall specify the design, operating and monitoring requirements necessary to adequately protect life, health, property and the environment and under which the surface mining activities may be conducted.
Ground coverThe area of ground covered by the combined aerial parts of vegetation and the litter that is produced naturally onsite, expressed as a percentage of the total area of measurement.
GroundwaterSubsurface waters of the Commonwealth.
Haul roadRoads that are planned, designed, located, constructed, utilized and maintained for the life of the surface mine activities for the transportation of equipment, fuel, personnel, noncoal and other operating resources from a public highway or common use road to points within the surface mine or between principal operations on the mine site, or both. The term does not include roads within the pit.
HighwallThe face of exposed overburden and mineral in an open cut of a surface mining operation or for entry to underground mining activities.
Hydrologic balanceThe relationship between the quality and quantity of water inflow to, water outflow from and water storage in a hydrologic unit, such as a drainage basin, aquifer, soil zone, lake or reservoir. The term includes the dynamic relationships among precipitation, runoff, evaporation and changes in groundwater and surface water storage.
ImpoundmentA closed basin, naturally formed or artificially built, which is dammed or excavated for the retention of water, sediment or waste.
Intermittent streamA body of water flowing in a channel or bed composed primarily of substrates associated with flowing water which, during periods of the year, is below the local water table and obtains its flow from both surface runoff and groundwater discharges.
Land useSpecific uses or management-related activities. Land uses may be identified in combination when joint or seasonal uses occur. Changes of land uses from one of the following categories to another shall be considered as a change to an alternative land use which is subject to approval by the Department. The term includes the following:(i) Commerical forestlandLand used and managed primarily for the long term production of wood, wood fiber or wood derived products. The term includes land used for facilities in support of forest harvest and management operations which is adjacent to, or an integral part of, these operations. (ii) CroplandLand used for the production of adapted crops for harvest, alone or in a rotation with grasses and legumes, and row crops, small grain crops, hay crops, nursery crops, orchard crops and other similar agronomic and horticultural crops. The term includes land used for facilities in support of cropland farmland operations which is adjacent to, or an integral part of, these operations. (iii) Developed water resourcesLand used for storing water for beneficial uses, such as stockponds, irrigation, fire protection, flood control and water supply. (iv) Fish and wildlife habitatLand and water used wholly or partially for the production, protection or management of species of fish or wildlife. (v) ForestlandLand used for the long term production of wood, wood fiber or wood derived products; watershed protection; site stabilization and for the production, protection and management of species of fish and wildlife. The term includes land used for facilities in support of forestry and watershed management operations which is adjacent to, or an integral part of, these operations. (vi) Industrial/commercial landLand used for the following: (A) Extraction or transformation of materials for fabrication of products, wholesaling of products or for long term storage of lumber and wood processing, chemical manufacturing, petroleum refining and fabricated metal products manufacture. The term includes land used for facilities in support of these operations which is adjacent to, or an integral part of, that operation. Support facilities include, but are not limited to, rail, road and other transportation facilities.
(B) Retail or trade of goods or services, including hotels, motels, stores, restaurants and other commercial establishments. The term includes land used for facilities in support of commercial operations. Support facilities include parking, storage or shipping facilities.
(vii) Pastureland or land occasionally cut for hayLand used primarily for the long term production of adopted, domesticated forage plants to be grazed by livestock or occasionally cut and cured for livestock feed. The term includes land used for facilities in support of pastureland or land occasionally cut for hay which is adjacent to, or an integral part of, these operations. (viii) RecreationLand used for developed recreation facilities, such as parks, camps and amusement areas, and for other undeveloped recreational uses. (ix) ResidentialSingle- and multiple-family housing, mobile home parks and other residential lodgings. The term includes land use for facilities in support of residential operations which is adjacent to, or an integral part of, these operations. Support facilities include, but are not limited to, vehicle parking and open space that directly relate to the residential use. (x) Solid waste disposal areaAn area permitted for use for the disposal of solid waste under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. § § 6018.1016018.1003). (xi) Unmanaged natural habitatLand which does not require a specific management plan after the reclamation and revegetation have been accomplished. (xii) Unmanaged water impoundmentAn impoundment which does not require a specific management plan after reclamation and revegetation have been accomplished.
LandownerThe person or municipality in whom legal title to the land is vested.
Large noncoal permitA mining permit that authorizes the extraction of greater than 10,000 tons per year of noncoal materials.
Major permit revisionA revision to a permit that requires public notice.
Mine opening blastingBlasting conducted for the purpose of constructing a shaft, slope, drift or tunnel mine opening for an underground mine, either operating or under development, from the surface down to the point where the mine opening connects with the mineral strata to be or being extracted.
Minor permit revisionA revision to a permit that does not require public notice.
MulchVegetation residue or other suitable materials that are placed on the soil surface to aid in soil stabilization and soil moisture conservation, thus providing micro-climatic conditions suitable for seed germination and plant growth.
MunicipalityA county, city, borough, incorporated town, township, institution, school district or an authority created by one or more of the foregoing.
NPDESNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
Noncoal explorationThe field gathering of surface or subsurface geologic, physical or chemical data by mapping, trenching, drilling, geophysical or other techniques necessary to determine the quality of overburden and mineral of an area or the gathering of environmental data, where the activities substantially disturb the area, to establish the conditions of an area before beginning noncoal mining activities under this chapter.
Noncoal mineralsAn aggregate or mass of mineral matter, whether or not coherent, that is extracted by surface mining. The term includes, but is not limited to, limestone and dolomite, sand and gravel, rock and stone, earth, fill, slag, iron ore, zinc ore, vemiculite and clay. The term does not include peat, anthracite or bituminous coal or coal refuse, except as provided in section 4 of the act (52 P. S. § 3304).
Noncoal surface mining activitiesThe extraction of minerals from the earth, from waste or stockpiles or from pits or from banks by removing the strata or material that overlies or is above or between them or otherwise exposing and retrieving them from the surface. The term includes strip mining, auger mining, dredging, quarrying and leaching and the surface activity connected with surface or underground mining, including, but not limited to, exploration, site preparation, entry, tunnel, drift, slope, shaft and borehole drilling and construction and activities related thereto. The term does not include mining operations carried out beneath the surface by means of shafts, tunnels or other underground mine openings. The term does not include the following:(i) The extraction of minerals by a landowner for the landowners noncommercial use from land owned or leased by the landowner.
(ii) The extraction of sand, gravel, rock, stone, earth or fill from borrow pits for highway construction purposes of the Department of Transportation or the extraction of minerals under construction contracts with the Department if the work is performed under a bond, contract and specifications that substantially provide for and require reclamation of the area affected in the manner provided by the act.
(iii) The handling, processing or storage of slag on the premises of a manufacturer as a part of the manufacturing process.
(iv) Dredging operations that are carried out in the rivers and streams of this Commonwealth and in Lake Erie.
(v) The extraction, handling, processing or storing of minerals from a building construction excavation on the site of the construction if the minerals removed are incidental to the building construction excavation, regardless of the commercial value of the minerals. For purposes of this section, the minerals removed are incidental if the excavator demonstrates that:
(A) Extraction, handling, processing or storing are conducted concurrently with construction.
(B) The area mined is limited to the area necessary to construction.
(C) The construction is reasonably related to the use proposed for the site.
(vi) The removal and sale of noncoal materials from retail outlets.
Noxious plantsSpecies that have been included on the official State list of noxious plants for the Commonwealth under the Noxious Weed Control Law (3 P. S. § § 255.1255.11).
Occupied dwellingA permanent building or mobile home that has become part of the real estate and currently is being used on a regular or temporary basis for human habitation.
OperatorA person or municipality engaged in a noncoal surface mining as a principal as distinguished from an agent or independent contractor. If more than one person is engaged in noncoal mining activities in a single operation, they shall be deemed jointly and severally responsible for compliance with the environmental acts and the act.
OverburdenThe strata or material overlying a noncoal deposit or in between noncoal deposits in its natural state and material before or after its removal by surface mining.
Perennial streamA body of water flowing in a channel or bed composed primarily of substrates associated with flowing waters and capable, in the absence of pollution or other manmade stream disturbances, of supporting a benthic macroinvertebrate community which is composed of two or more recognizable taxonomic groups of organisms which are large enough to be seen by the unaided eye and can be retained by a United States Standard No. 30 sieve (28 meshes per inch, .595 mm openings) and live at least part of their life cycles within or upon available substrates in a body of water or water transport system.
Permanent diversionA diversion which is to remain after surface noncoal mining activities are completed which has been approved for retention by the Department.
PermitA permit issued by the Department to conduct noncoal mining activities.
Permit application feeA nonrefundable filing fee due at the time of submission of an application. The permit application fee is required for an application to be considered complete.
Permit area(i) For noncoal surface mining activities: the area of land and water within the boundaries of the permit which is designated on the permit application maps, as approved by the Department. The term includes an area which is or will be affected by the surface noncoal mining activities during the term of the permit.
(ii) For the surface effects of noncoal underground mining activities: the area which is designated on the permit application maps as approved by the Department. The term includes a surface area which is or will be affected by the underground noncoal mining activities.
Permit statusAn indicator of the level of progress of mining activity at a permitted facility. Permit statuses are as follows:(i) Not started. Mine sites where the mining permit has been issued, but mining activities have not begun,
(ii) Active. Mine sites that do not qualify for inactive status, not started status or released status,
(iii) Inactive. Mine sites where mineral extraction activity has been completed but final bond release has not been completed,
(iv) Released. Mine sites where the final bond release has been completed.
PermitteeA person holding, or required to hold by the act and the environmental acts, a permit issued by the Department to conduct noncoal mining activities.
PersonA natural person, partnership, association, corporation or municipality; or an agency, instrumentality or entity of Federal or State government.
Precipitation eventA quantity of water resulting from drizzle, rain, snow, sleet or hail in a limited period of time. The term may be expressed in terms of recurrence interval. The term also includes the quantity of water emanating from snow cover as snow melt in a limited period of time.
PropertyReal or personal property.
Public highwayA road designated as a public highway under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it is located and which is maintained by public funds.
Public parkA park area formally designated as a public park by statute or otherwise dedicated or designated by a governmental agency or nonprofit organization for long-term, public recreational use, whether or not the use is limited to certain times or days, and which is part of the public domain for future generations, including land which is leased, severed or held open to the public for that long-term use.
ReclamationActions taken to reclaim the area affected by surface mining activities as required by this chapter.
Recurrence intervalThe interval of time in which a precipitation event is expected, on the average, to occur once. For example, the 10-year, 24-hour precipitation event expected to occur on the average once in 10 years.
Related partyA partner, associate, officer, parent corporation, subsidiary corporation, affiliate or person by or under common control with the applicant, contractor or subcontractor.
Sedimentation pondA primary sediment control structure, including, but not limited to, a barrier, dam or excavated depression which details water runoff to allow sediment to settle out. The term does not include secondary sedimentation control structures, such as straw dikes, riprap check dams, mulches, dugouts and other measures that reduce overland flow velocity, reduce runoff volume or trap sediment, to the extent that secondary sedimentation structures drain to a sedimentation pond.
SlopeAverage inclination of a surface, measured from the horizontal, generally expressed as the ratio of a unit of vertical distance to a given number of units of horizontal distance (for example, 1v:5h). The term may also be expressed as a percent or in degrees.
Small noncoal permitA mining permit that authorizes the extraction of up to 10,000 tons of noncoal minerals per year.
Soil horizonsContrasting layers of soil parallel or nearly parallel to the land surface. Soil horizons are differentiated on the basis of field characteristics and laboratory data. The three major soil horizons are as follows:(i) A horizonThe uppermost mineral layer, often called the surface soil or topsoil. It is the part of the soil in which organic matter is most abundant, and leaching of soluble salts and soil elements is typically the greatest. (ii) B horizonThe layer that typically is immediately beneath the A horizon and often called the subsoil. The middle layer commonly contains more clay, iron or aluminum than the A or C horizon. (iii) C horizonThe deepest layer of soil profile. It consists of loose material or weathered rock that is relatively unaffected by biologic activity and closely resembles the parent material.
SpoilOverburden and reject material that has been removed during surface noncoal mining operations.
Spoil pileThe overburden and reject minerals as piled or deposited in surface mining.
StabilizeTo reduce movement of soil, spoil piles or areas of disturbed earth by modifying the geometry of the mass, or by otherwise modifying physical or chemical properties, such as by providing a protective surface coating.
Stratum (Strata)A section of geologic formation that consists of approximately the same kind of rock material throughout and may consist of an indefinite number of beds.
TerracingGrading where the steepest contour of the highwall is not greater than 35 degrees from the horizontal, with the table portion of the restored area a nearly level plain without depressions to hold water and with adequate provision for drainage, unless otherwise approved by the Department.
TopsoilThe A soil horizon layer of the three major soil horizons.
Toxic-forming materialsEarth material or waste, which, if acted upon by air, water, weathering or microbiological processes, is likely to produce chemical or physical conditions in soils or water that are detrimental to biota or water uses.
Underground noncoal mining activitiesAn operation whereby noncoal minerals are extracted from beneath the surface by means of shafts, tunnels, adits or other mine openings, including underground construction, operation and reclamation of mine openings; underground mining, hauling, pumping and blasting; in situ processing, and other subsurface activities in connection with the mine.
Violation noticeA written notification from a Commonwealth governmental entity of a violation of law, whether by letter, memorandum, legal or administrative pleading or other written communication.
Waters of the CommonwealthRivers, streams, creeks, rivulets, impoundments, ditches, water courses, storm sewers, dammed water, ponds, springs and other bodies or channels of conveyance of surface and underground water, or parts thereof, whether natural or artificial, within or on the boundaries of this Commonwealth.
The provisions of this § 77.1 adopted August 20, 1971, effective August 21, 1971, 1 Pa.B. 1726; reserved December 19, 1980, effective December 20, 1980, 10 Pa.B. 4789; noted May 22, 1981, 11 Pa.B. 1801; republished June 5, 1981, effective August 21, 1971, 11 Pa.B. 1927; reserved July 30, 1982, effective July 31, 1982, 12 Pa.B. 2473; amended March 16, 1990, effective March 17, 1990, 20 Pa.B. 1643; amended October 11, 1991, effective October 12, 1991, 21 Pa.B. 4838; amended January 30, 1998, effective January 31, 1998, 28 Pa.B. 619; amended August 8, 2008, effective August 9, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 4355; amended October 12, 2012, effective October 13, 2012, 42 Pa.B. 6536; amended August 21, 2015, effective August 22, 2015, 45 Pa.B. 4904. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (363924) to (363933).
The provisions of this § 77.1 amended under sections 7(a) and 11 of the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. § § 3307(a) and 3311); sections 1917-A and 1920-A of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § § 510-17 and 510-20); section 5 of The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. § 691.5); and sections 4(a) and 4.2 of the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. § § 1396.4(a) and 1396.4b).
Noncoal Surface Mining
Where activity within the definition of noncoal surface mining is undertaken simply to make land more attractive to potential purchasers, that activity is not concurrent with and incidental to the construction of a building. Linde Enters. v. Department of Environmental Protection, 692 A.2d 645 (Pa. Cmwlth. 1997); appeal denied by 700 A.2d 445 (Pa. 1997).
This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 77.101 (relating to general requirements for permits); 25 Pa. Code § 77.126 (relating to criteria for permit approval or denial); and 25 Pa. Code § 287.2 (relating to scope).