Chapter 73. Standards for Onlot Sewage Treatment Facilities  

Section 73.1. Definitions
Section 73.2. Scope
Section 73.3. Policy
Section 73.11. General
Section 73.12. Site location
Section 73.13. Minimum horizontal isolation distances
Section 73.14. Site investigation
Section 73.15. Percolation tests
Section 73.16. Absorption and spray field area requirements
Table A. Minimum Aggregate Absorption Area Requirements for Treatment Tank Effluent:
Table B.
Section 73.17. Sewage flows
Section 73.21. Specifications
Section 73.22. [Reserved]
Section 73.23. [Reserved]
Section 73.31. Standards for septic tanks
Section 73.32. Standards for aerobic treatment tanks
Section 73.33. [Reserved]
Section 73.34. [Reserved]
Section 73.35. [Reserved]
Section 73.41. General
Section 73.42. Gravity distribution
Section 73.43. Pressurized distribution
Section 73.44. Pressurized distribution design
Section 73.45. Dosing tanks
Section 73.46. Dosing pumps, siphons and lift pumps
Section 73.47. [Reserved]
Section 73.51. General
Section 73.52. Standard trenches
Section 73.53. Seepage beds
Section 73.54. Subsurface sand filter beds and trenches
Section 73.55. Elevated sand mounds
Section 73.61. General
Section 73.62. Standards for holding tanks
Section 73.63. Standards for privies
Section 73.64. Chemical toilet or other portable toilet
Section 73.65. Recycling toilet, incinerating toilet or composting toilet
Section 73.66. [Reserved]
Section 73.71. Experimental sewage systems
Section 73.72. Alternate sewage systems
Section 73.73. [Reserved]
Section 73.74. [Reserved]
Section 73.75. [Reserved]
Section 73.76. [Reserved]
Section 73.77. General requirements for bonded disposal systems
Section 73.81. [Reserved]
Section 73.82. [Reserved]
Section 73.83. [Reserved]
Section 73.84. [Reserved]
Section 73.91. [Reserved]
Section 73.101. [Reserved]
Section 73.111. [Reserved]
Section 73.121. [Reserved]
Section 73.131. [Reserved]
Section 73.141. [Reserved]
Section 73.151. Standards for financial assurances
Section 73.161. General
Section 73.162. Intermittent sand filters
Section 73.163. Spray fields
Section 73.164. Chlorine contact/storage tanks
Section 73.165. Disinfection
Section 73.166. Design of pressure distribution for individual residential spray irrigation systems
Section 73.167. Operation and maintenance
Appendix A. [Reserved]
Appendix B. [Reserved]



   The provisions of this Chapter 73 issued under section 1920-A of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. §  510-20); sections 5 and 402 of The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. § §  691.5 and 691.402); and section 9 of the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (35 P. S. §  750.9), unless otherwise noted.


   The provisions of this Chapter 73 amended through January 21, 1983, effective January 22, 1983, 13 Pa.B. 508, unless otherwise noted.

Notes of Decisions

   This chapter applies only to subsurface absorption areas or retention in holding tanks and thus is inapplicable to the proposed above ground spray irrigation system. Haycock Township v. Department of Environmental Resources, 530 A.2d 514 (Pa. Cmwlth. 1987); appeal denied 544 A.2d 1343 (Pa. 1988).

Cross References

   This chapter cited in 6 Pa. Code §  21.27 (relating to domiciliary care home certification and recertification standards); 7 Pa. Code §  49.45 (relating to sewage); 7 Pa. Code §  78.73 (relating to sewage disposal); 7 Pa. Code §  82.10 (relating to sewage disposal); 25 Pa. Code §  71.21 (relating to content of official plans); 25 Pa. Code §  71.62 (relating to individual and community onlot sewage systems); 25 Pa. Code §  71.73 (relating to sewage management programs for sewage facilities permitted by local agencies); 25 Pa. Code §  72.2 (relating to scope); 25 Pa. Code §  72.21 (relating to general); 25 Pa. Code §  72.33 (relating to well isolation distance exemption); 25 Pa. Code §  171.5 (relating to sewage disposal); 25 Pa. Code §  302.103 (relating to scope); 28 Pa. Code §  18.5 (relating to sewage disposal); 28 Pa. Code §  19.6 (relating to sewage disposal); and 28 Pa. Code §  20.22 (relating to sewer connection); 34 Pa. Code §  403.1 (relating to scope); and 34 Pa. Code §  403.21 (relating to Uniform Construction Code).