Section 312. Hearing, Explanation of Program  

Latest version.
  • Hearing on a motion for accelerated rehabilitative disposition shall be in open court in the presence of the defendant, the defendant’s attorney, the attorney for the Commonwealth, and any victims who attend. At such hearing, it shall be ascertained on the record whether the defendant understands that:

    (1) acceptance into and satisfactory completion of the accelerated rehabilitative disposition program offers the defendant an opportunity to earn a dismissal of the pending charges;

    (2) should the defendant fail to complete the program, the defendant waives the appropriate statute of limitations and the defendant’s right to a speedy trial under any applicable Federal or State constitutional provisions, statutes or rules of court during the period of enrollment in the program.


    Although acceptance into an ARD program is not intended to constitute a conviction under these rules, it may be statutorily construed as a conviction for purposes of computing sentences on subsequent convictions. See, e.g., 75 Pa.C.S. § 3806(a).

    In addition to requesting that the defendant waive Rule 600 for the period of enrollment in the ARD program, the attorney for the Commonwealth may request that the defendant waive Rule 600 for the period of time spent in processing and considering the defendant’s inclusion into the ARD program. See Rule 311.

    Official Note

    Rule 178 approved May 24, 1972; effective immediately; amended February 15, 1974, effective immediately; amended April 10, 1989, effective July 1, 1989; renumbered Rule 312 and Comment revised March 1, 2000, effective April 1, 2001; Comment revised October 1, 2012, effective July 1, 2013.

    Committee Explanatory Reports:

    Final Report explaining the March 1, 2000 reorganization and renumbering of the rules published with the Court’s Order at 30 Pa.B. 1478 (March 18, 2000).

    Final Report explaining the October 1, 2012 Comment revision concerning waiver of Rule 600 published with the Court’s Order at 42 Pa.B. 6629 (October 20, 2012).

The provisions of this Rule 312 amended October 1, 2012, effective July 1, 2013, 42 Pa.B. 6622. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (318605). empty