Section 31.24. Faculty  

Latest version.
  • (a) To provide for the achievement of stated institutional objectives, the faculty shall be sufficient in number to meet instructional needs and provide student advisement appropriate to the level of instruction.

    (b) Both full-time and part-time faculty members shall be employed and qualified to teach in their fields of specialization. At a college or university, a majority of the faculty members shall hold a master’s degree or a doctorate or an equivalent, in the field in which they are teaching. Faculty members offering graduate and professional instruction shall, in most instances, have experience or professional accomplishment supplementing the attainment of the highest degree.

    (c) Full-time faculty members shall constitute a majority of the total number of full-time-equivalent faculty employed by the institution. Care shall be taken to ensure that total commitments of part-time faculty do not impair the quality of the program.

    (d) Faculty development must be in accordance with the institution’s faculty development plan. The institution’s faculty development plan must include policies for providing levels of support for all faculty ranks and status levels. The institution should encourage publication, travel, attendance at professional seminars and conferences, research and similar developmental activities when feasible by the granting of reduced teaching loads, the purchase of needed equipment, and the granting of or assistance in obtaining needed funds.

    (e) Each institution of higher education operating in this Commonwealth shall comply with the English Fluency in Higher Education Act (24 P. S. § § 6801—6806), by filing the certification required by the act by September 1 of each year in the form requested by the Department. Failure to comply with the act and with this subsection shall subject the institution to the penalties under the act.

The provisions of this § 31.24 adopted April 30, 1982, effective May 1, 1982, 12 Pa.B. 1389; amended February 7, 1992, effective February 8, 1992, 22 Pa.B. 578; amended July 14, 2006, effective July 15, 2006, 36 Pa.B. 3650. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (295070) and (244533).



The provisions of this § 31.24 amended under sections 2603-B and 2604-B of the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P. S. § § 26-2603-B and 26-2604-B); and section 1 of the act of August 13, 1963 (P. L. 698, No. 372) (24 P. S. § 2421) (Repealed).

Cross References

This section cited in 22 Pa. Code § 31.1 (relating to purpose and scope).