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Pennsylvania Code (Last Updated: April 5, 2016) |
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Title 22. EDUCATION |
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PART I. State Board of Education |
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Subpart A. Miscellaneous Provisions |
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Chapter 4. Academic Standards and Assessment |
Appendix B.
Academic Standards for Science and Technology and
Environment and Ecology
Grades 6-12
Authority The provisions of this Appendix B amended under sections 121, 2603-B and 2604-B of the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P. S. § § 1-121, 26-2603-B and 26-2604-B).
Source The provisions of this Appendix B adopted January 4, 2002, effective January 5, 2002, 32 Pa.B. 17; amended February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1131; corrected March 21, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1754, unless otherwise noted. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (367435) to (367436), (286565) to (286652) and (294913).
Cross References This appendix cited in 22 Pa. Code § 4.24 (relating to high school graduation requirements); 22 Pa. Code § 4.51 (relating to State assessment system); 22 Pa. Code § 4.51a (relating to Pennsylvania System of School Assessment); and 22 Pa. Code § 4.51b (relating to Keystone Exams).
Introduction VIII.
Unifying Themes 3.1. A. Systems B. Models
C. Patterns
D. Scale E. Change Inquiry and Design 3.2. A. Nature of Scientific Knowledge
B. Process Knowledge
C. Scientific Method
D. Problem Solving in Technology
Biological Sciences 3.3. A. Living Forms
B. Structure and Function C. Inheritance
D. Evolution Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics 3.4. A. Matter
B. Energy
C. Forces and Motion D. Astronomy Earth Sciences 3.5. A. Land Forms and Processes
B. Resources
C. Meteorology D. Hydrology and Oceanography Reading Students read, understand, and respond to informational textwith an emphasis on comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and making connections among ideas and between texts with a focus on textual evidence. Key Ideas and Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Range and Level of Complex Texts Technology Education 3.6. A. Biotechnology
B. Information Technology C. Physical Technologies
(Construction, Manufacturing, and Transportation) Writing Students write for different purposes and audiences. Students write clear and focused text to convey a well-defined perspective and appropriate content. Text Types and Purposes Production and Distribution of Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge Range of Writing Technological Devices 3.7. A. Tools B. Instruments
C. Computer Operations D. Computer Software
E. Computer Communication Systems
Science, Technology and Human Endeavors 3.8. A. Constraints
B. Meeting Human Needs
C. Consequences and Impacts Glossary IX. VIII. INTRODUCTION
This document describes what students should know and be able to do in the following eight areas:
3.1. Unifying Themes of Science
3.2. Inquiry and Design
3.3. Biological Sciences
3.4. Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics
3.5. Earth Sciences
3.6. Technology Education
3.7. Technological Devices
3.8. Science, Technology and Human Endeavors
These standards describe what students should know and be able to do by the end of fourth, seventh, tenth and twelfth grade. In addition, these standards reflect the increasing complexity and sophistication that students are expected to achieve as they progress through school.
This document avoids repetition, making an obvious progression across grade levels less explicit. Teachers shall expect that students know and can apply the concepts and skills expressed at the preceding level. Consequently, previous learning is reinforced but not retaught.
Standards are arranged by categories, for example, 3.5 Earth Science. Under each category are standard statements that are preceded by a capital letter; for example, in 3.1 Unifying Themes, grade 10.B, Describe concepts of models as a way to predict and understand science and technology. Following the standard statements are bulleted standard descriptors, which explain the nature and scope of the standard. Descriptors specify the nature of the standard and the level of complexity needed in meeting that standard in a proficient manner. Descriptorsserve to benchmark the standard statement. Curriculum, instruction and assessment should focus on meeting the standard statement. Technology education, computer applications and science are separate curricular areas. Meeting standards should be approached as a collaborative effort among all curricular areas.
The following descriptors explain the intent of each standard category:
3.1. Unifying
ThemesUnifying themes of science and technology provide big ideas that integrate with significant concepts. There are only a few fundamental concepts and processes that form the framework upon which science and technology knowledges are organizedmotion and forces, energy, structure of matter, change over time and machines. These themes create the context through which the content of the disciplines can be taught and are emphasized in each standard. 3.2. Inquiry and Design The nature of science and technology is characterized by applying process knowledge that enables students to become independent learners. These skills include observing, classifying, inferring, predicting, measuring, computing, estimating, communicating, using space/time relationships, defining operationally, raising questions, formulating hypotheses, testing and experimenting, designing controlled experiments, recognizing variables, manipulating variables, interpreting data, formulating models, designing models, and producing solutions. Everyone can use them to solve real-life problems. These process skills are developed across the grade levels and differ in the degree of sophistication, quantitative nature and application to the content. 3.3. Biological Sciences Biology concerns living things, their appearance, different types of life, the scope of their similarities and differences, where they live and how they live. Living things are made of the same components as all other matter, involve the same kinds of transformations of energy and move using the same basic kinds of forces as described in chemistry and physics standards. Through the study of the diversity of life, students learn to understand how life has changed over a long period of time. This great variety of life forms continues to change even today as genetic instructions within cells are passed from generation to generation, yet the amazing integrity of most species remain. 3.4. Physical Science Chemistry and Physics Physics and chemistry involve the study of objects and their properties. Students examine changes to materials during mixing, freezing, heating and dissolving and then learn how to observe and measure results. In chemistry students study the relationship between matter, atomic structure and its activity. Laboratory investigations of the properties of substances and their changes through a range of chemical interactions provide a basis for students to understand atomic theory and a variety of reaction types and their applications in business, agriculture and medicine. Physics deepens the understanding of the structure and properties of materials and includes atoms, waves, light, electricity, magnetism and the role of energy, forces and motion. 3.5. Earth Sciences The dynamics of earth science include the studies of forces of nature that build the earth and wear down the earth. The understanding of these concepts uses principles from physical sciences, geography and mathematics. 3.6. Technology Education Technology education is the use of accumulated knowledge to process resources to meet human needs and improve the quality of life. Students develop the ability to select and correctly use materials, tools, techniques and processes to answer questions, understand explanations and solve problems encountered in real life situations. These overriding themes require students to design, create, use, evaluate and modify systems of Biotechnologies, Information Technologies, and Physical Technologies. 3.7. Technological Devices Students use tools to observe, measure, move and make things. New technological tools and techniques make it possible to enact far-reaching changes in our world. Technology enhances the students abilities to identify problems and determine solutions. Computers play an integral role in every day life by extending our abilities to collect, analyze and communicate information and ideas. 3.8. Science, Technology and Human Endeavors Scientific knowledge and societal needs often create a demand for new technology. Conversely, new technology advances scientific knowledge. Both influence society through the impact of their products and processes. What Is Science? Any study of science includes the search for understanding the natural world and facts, principles, theories and laws that have been verified by the scientific community and are used to explain and predict natural phenomena and events.
Acquiring scientific knowledge involves constructing hypotheses using observation and knowledge in the content area in order to formulate useful questions that provoke scientific inquiry. As a result of repeated, rigorous testing over time and applying multiple perspectives to a problem, consistent information emerges. A theory describes this verifiable event or phenomena. Theories are powerful elements in science and are used to predict other events. As theories lose their ability to predict, they are modified, expanded or generalized or incorporated into a broader theory.
Knowledge of what science is incorporates carefully developed and integrated components:
Nature of sciencethe ways in which scientists search for answers to questions and explanations of observations about the natural world; includes process knowledge of observing, classifying, inferring, predicting, measuring, hypothesizing, experimenting and interpreting data
Unifying themes of scienceconcepts, generalizations and principles that result from and lead to inquiry
Knowledgefacts, principles, theories and laws verifiable through scientific inquiry by the world community of scientists; includes physics, chemistry, earth science and biological sciences
Inquiryan intellectual process of logic that includes verification of answers to questions about and explanations for natural objects, events and phenomena
Process skillsRecognition by students how knowledge is acquired and applied in science by observing, classifying, inferring, predicting, measuring, computing, estimating, communicating, using space/time relationships, defining operationally, formulating hypotheses, testing and experimenting, designing controlled experiments, recognizing variables, manipulating variables, interpreting data, formulating models, designing models and producing solutions.
Problem solvingapplication of concepts to problems of human adaptation to the environment that often leads to recognition of new problems; has social implications and leads to personal decision-making and action; a process which forms the link for interactions between scientific and technological results or findings; involves operational definitions, recognizing variables, formulating models and asking questions
Scientific thinkingthe disposition to suspend judgment, not make decisions and not take action until results, explanations or answers have been tested and verified with information.
What Is Technology Education? It is the means by which we teach technology. Technology is a body of knowledge separate from but related to the sciences, with specific content, curriculum and specific certification requirements. Technology is the application of tools, materials, processes and systems by humans to solve problems and provide benefits to humankind. We use technology in an attempt to improve our environment. These improvements may relate to survival needs (e.g., food, shelter, defense) or they may relate to human aspirations (e.g., knowledge, art, control). They can include unexpected benefits, unexpected costs and unexpected risks.
Technology education involves a broad spectrum of knowledge and activities. Effective technology education combines knowledge of content, process and skills to provide students with a holistic approach to learning. Technology education offers unique opportunities to apply numerous academic concepts through practical, hands-on applications. Instructional technology, on the other hand, deals specifically with use of computers and different software to solve problems and communicate effectively. Knowledge of content, process and skills should be used together to effectively engage students and promote a complete understanding of the sciences, related technologies and their interrelationship. The relationship between science and technology is one where science builds principles or theories and technology provides the practical application of those principles or theories.
Knowledge of content, process and skills in technology involves learning processes that include these components:
Methods of designing and developing solutions
Standards for selecting and using appropriate materials, tools and processes
Experimental and design specifications for testing and evaluating solutions
Criteria for judging the performance and impact of the solutions
Evaluating the impact of modifying a system to improve performance.
Technology education can be divided into three main systems that include biotechnological, informational, and physical technologies:
Engineering/Design Systems
Research and Development
Informational Systems
Drafting & Design
Desktop Publishing
Design Systems
Communications Systems
Multimedia Technology
Networking Systems
Research and
Video and Television Production
World Wide Web
Design & Publishing
Physical Systems
Computer-Aided and
Manufacturing (CAM/CIM)
Electronic Circuits/
Control Systems
Energy Systems
Architecture and Community Planning
Engineering/Design Systems
Enterprise Organization
& Operation
Material Processes
Research and Development
3.1. Unifying Themes 3.1.4. GRADE 4 3.1.7. GRADE 7 3.1.10. GRADE 10 3.1.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to . . . A. Know that natural and human-made objects are made up of parts.
Identify and describe what parts make up a system.
Identify system parts that are natural and human-made (e.g., ball point pen, simple electrical circuits, plant anatomy).
Describe the purpose of analyzing systems.
Know that technologies include physical technology systems (e.g., construction, manufacturing, transportation), informational systems and biochemical-related systems.
A. Explain the parts of a simple system and their relationship to each other.
Describe a system as a group of related parts that work together to achieve a desired result (e.g., digestive system).
Explain the importance of order in a system.
Distinguish between system inputs, system processes and system outputs.
Distinguish between open loop and closed loop systems.
Apply systems analysis to solve problems.
A. Discriminate among the concepts of systems, subsystems, feedback and control in solving technological problems.
Identify the function of subsystems within a larger system (e.g., role of thermostat in an engine, pressure switch).
Describe the interrelationships among inputs, processes, outputs, feedback and control in specific systems.
Explain the concept of system redesign and apply it to improve technological systems.
Apply the universal systems model to illustrate specific solutions and troubleshoot specific problems.
Analyze and describe the effectiveness of systems to solve specific problems.
A. Apply concepts of systems, subsystems, feedback and control to solve complex technological problems.
Apply knowledge of control systems concept by designing and modeling control systems that solve specific problems.
Apply systems analysis to predict results.
Analyze and describe the function, interaction and relationship among subsystems and the system itself.
Compare and contrast several systems that could be applied to solve a single problem.
Evaluate the causes of a systems inefficiency.
3.1. Unifying Themes 3.1.4. GRADE 4 3.1.7. GRADE 7 3.1.10. GRADE 10 3.1.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to . . . B. Know models as useful simplifications of objects or processes.
Identify different types of models.
Identify and apply models as tools for prediction and insight.
Apply appropriate simple modeling tools and techniques.
Identify theories that serve as models (e.g., molecules).
B. Describe the use of models as an application of scientific or technological concepts.
Identify and describe different types of models and their functions.
Apply models to predict specific results and observations (e.g., population growth, effects of infectious organisms).
Explain systems by outlining a systems relevant parts and its purpose and/or designing a model that illustrates its function.
B. Describe concepts of models as a way to predict and understand science and technology.
Distinguish between different types of models and modeling techniques and apply their appropriate use in specific applications (e.g., kinetic gas theory, DNA).
Examine the advantages of using models to demonstrate processes and outcomes (e.g., blue print analysis, structural stability).
Apply mathematical models to science and technology.
B. Apply concepts of models as a method to predict and understand science and technology.
Evaluate technological processes by collecting data and applying mathematical models (e.g., process control).
Apply knowledge of complex physical models to interpret data and apply mathematical models.
Appraise the importance of computer models in interpreting science and technological systems.
3.1. Unifying Themes 3.1.4. GRADE 4 3.1.7. GRADE 7 3.1.10. GRADE 10 3.1.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to . . . C. Illustrate patterns that regularly occur and reoccur in nature.
Identify observable patterns (e.g., growth patterns in plants, crystal shapes in minerals, climate, structural patterns in bird feathers).
Use knowledge of natural patterns to predict next occurrences (e.g., seasons, leaf patterns, lunar phases).
C. Identify patterns as repeated processes or recurring elements in science and technology.
Identify different forms of patterns and use them to group and classify specific objects.
Identify repeating structure patterns.
Identify and describe patterns that occur in physical systems (e.g., construction, manufacturing, transportation), informational systems and biochemical-related systems.
C. Apply patterns as repeated processes or recurring elements in science and technology.
Examine and describe recurring patterns that form the basis of biological classification, chemical periodicity, geological order and astronomical order.
Examine and describe stationary physical patterns.
Examine and describe physical patterns in motion.
C. Assess and apply patterns in science and technology.
Assess and apply recurring patterns in natural and technological systems.
Compare and contrast structure and function relationships as they relate to patterns.
Assess patterns in nature using mathematical formulas.
3.1. Unifying Themes 3.1.4. GRADE 4 3.1.7. GRADE 7 3.1.10. GRADE 10 3.1.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to . . . D. Know that scale is an important attribute of natural and human made objects, events and phenomena.
Identify the use of scale as it relates to the measurement of distance, volume and mass.
Describe scale as a ratio (e.g., map scales).
Explain the importance of scale in producing models and apply it to a model.
D. Explain scale as a way of relating concepts and ideas to one another by some measure.
Apply various applications of size and dimensions of scale to scientific, mathematical, and technological applications.
Describe scale as a form of ratio and apply to a life situation.
D. Apply scale as a way of relating concepts and ideas to one another by some measure.
Apply dimensional analysis and scale as a ratio.
Convert one scale to another.
D. Analyze scale as a way of relating concepts and ideas to one another by some measure.
Compare and contrast various forms of dimensional analysis.
Assess the use of several units of measurement to the same problem.
Analyze and apply appropriate measurement scales when collecting data.
3.1. Unifying Themes 3.1.4. GRADE 4 3.1.7. GRADE 7 3.1.10. GRADE 10 3.1.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to . . . E. Recognize change in natural and physical systems.
Recognize change as fundamental to science and technology concepts.
Examine and explain change by using time and measurement.
Describe relative motion.
Describe the change to objects caused by heat, cold, light or chemicals.
E. Identify change as a variable in describing natural and physical systems.
Describe fundamental science and technology concepts that could solve practical problems.
Explain how ratio is used to describe change.
Describe the effect of making a change in one part of a system on the system as a whole.
E. Describe patterns of change in nature, physical and man made systems.
Describe how fundamental science and technology concepts are used to solve practical problems (e.g., momentum, Newtons laws of universal gravitation, tectonics, conservation of mass and energy, cell theory, theory of evolution, atomic theory, theory of relativity, Pasteurs germ theory, relativity, heliocentric theory, gas laws, feedback systems).
Recognize that stable systems often involve underlying dynamic changes (e.g., a chemical reaction at equilibrium has molecules reforming continuously).
E. Evaluate change in nature, physical systems and man made systems.
Evaluate fundamental science and technology concepts and their development over time (e.g., DNA, cellular respiration, unified field theory, energy measurement, automation, miniaturization, Copernican and Ptolemaic universe theories).
Analyze how models, systems and technologies have changed over time (e.g., germ theory, theory of evolution, solar system, cause of fire).
Explain how correlation of variables does not necessarily imply causation.
3.1. Unifying Themes 3.1.4. GRADE 4 3.1.7. GRADE 7 3.1.10. GRADE 10 3.1.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to . . . Describe the effects of error in measurements.
Describe changes to matter
caused by heat, cold, light
or chemicals using a rate
function. Evaluate the patterns of change within a technology (e.g., changes in engineering in the automotive industry).
3.2. Inquiry and Design 3.2.4. GRADE 4 3.2.7. GRADE 7 3.2.10. GRADE 10 3.2.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . A. Identify and use the nature of scientific and technological knowledge.
Distinguish between a scientific fact and a belief.
Provide clear explanations that account for observations and results.
Relate how new information can change existing perceptions.
A. Explain and apply scientific and technological knowledge.
Distinguish between a scientific theory and a belief.
Answer What if questions based on observation, inference or prior knowledge or experience.
Explain how skepticism about an accepted scientific explanation led to a new understanding.
Explain how new information may change existing theories and practice.
A. Apply knowledge and understanding about the nature of scientific and technological knowledge.
Compare and contrast scientific theories and beliefs.
Know that science uses both direct and indirect observation means to study the world and the universe.
Integrate new information into existing theories and explain implied results.
A. Evaluate the nature of scientific and technological knowledge.
Know and use the ongoing scientific processes to continually improve and better understand how things work.
Critically evaluate the status of existing theories (e.g., germ theory of disease, wave theory of light, classification of subatomic particles, theory of evolution, epidemiology of AIDS).
B. Describe objects in the world using the five senses.
Recognize observational descriptors from each of the five senses (e.g., see-blue, feel-rough).
Use observations to develop a descriptive vocabulary.
B. Apply process knowledge to make and interpret observations.
Measure materials using a variety of scales.
Describe relationships by making inferences and predictions.
Communicate, use space/time relationships, define operationally, raise questions, formulate hypotheses, test and experiment.
Design controlled experiments, recognize variables, and manipulate variables.
Interpret data, formulate models, design models, and produce solutions.
B. Apply process knowledge and organize scientific and technological phenomena in varied ways.
Describe materials using precise quantitative and qualitative skills based on observations.
Develop appropriate scientific experiments: raising questions, formulating hypotheses, testing, controlled experiments, recognizing variables, manipulating variables, interpreting data, and producing solutions.
Use process skills to make inferences and predictions using collected information and to communicate, using space/time relationships, defining operationally.
B. Evaluate experimental information for appropriateness and adherence to relevant science processes.
Evaluate experimental data correctly within experimental limits.
Judge that conclusions are consistent and logical with experimental conditions.
Interpret results of experimental research to predict new information or improve a solution.
C. Recognize and use the elements of scientific inquiry to solve problems.
Generate questions about objects, organisms and/or events that can be answered through scientific investigations.
Design an investigation.
Conduct an experiment.
State a conclusion that is consistent with the information.
C. Identify and use the elements of scientific inquiry to solve problems.
Generate questions about objects, organisms and/or events that can be answered through scientific investigations.
Evaluate the appropriateness of questions.
Design an investigation with limited variables to investigate a question.
Conduct a two-part experiment.
Judge the significance of experimental information in answering the question.
Communicate appropriate conclusions from the experiment.
C. Apply the elements of scientific inquiry to solve problems.
Generate questions about objects, organisms and/or events that can be answered through scientific investigations.
Evaluate the appropriateness of questions.
Design an investigation with adequate control and limited variables to investigate a question.
Conduct a multiple step experiment.
Organize experimental information using a variety of analytic methods.
Judge the significance of experimental information in answering the question.
Suggest additional steps that might be done experimentally.
C. Apply the elements of scientific inquiry to solve multi-step problems.
Generate questions about objects, organisms and/or events that can be answered through scientific investigations.
Evaluate the appropriateness of questions.
Design an investigation with adequate control and limited variables to investigate a question.
Organize experimental information using analytic and descriptive techniques.
Evaluate the significance of experimental information in answering the question.
Project additional questions from a research study that could be studied.
D. Recognize and use the technological design process to solve problems.
Recognize and explain basic problems.
Identify possible solutions and their course of action.
Try a solution.
Describe the solution, identify its impacts and modify if necessary.
Show the steps taken and the results.
D. Know and use the technological design process to solve problems.
Define different types of problems.
Define all aspects of the problem, necessary information and questions that must be answered.
Propose the best solution.
Design and propose alternative methods to achieve solutions.
Apply a solution.
Explain the results, present improvements, identify and infer the impacts of the solution.
D. Identify and apply the technological design process to solve problems.
Examine the problem, rank all necessary information and all questions that must be answered.
Propose and analyze a solution.
Implement the solution.
Evaluate the solution, test, redesign and improve as necessary.
Communicate the process and evaluate and present the impacts of the solution.
D. Analyze and use the technological design process to solve problems.
Assess all aspects of the problem, prioritize the necessary information and formulate questions that must be answered.
Propose, develop and appraise the best solution and develop alternative solutions.
Implement and assess the solution.
Evaluate and assess the solution, redesign and improve as necessary.
Communicate and assess the process and evaluate and present the impacts of the solution.
3.3. Biological Sciences 3.3.4. GRADE 4 3.3.7. GRADE 7 3.3.10. GRADE 10 3.3.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . A. Know the similarities and differences of living things.
Identify life processes of living things (e.g., growth, digestion, react to environment).
Know that some organisms have similar external characteristics (e.g., anatomical characteristics; appendages, type of covering, body segments) and that similarities and differences are related to environmental habitat.
Describe basic needs of plants and animals.
A. Describe the similarities and differences that characterize diverse living things.
Describe how the structures of living things help them function in unique ways.
Explain how to use a dichotomous key to identify plants and animals.
Account for adaptations among organisms that live in a particular environment.
A. Explain the structural and functional similarities and differences found among living things.
Identify and characterize major life forms according to their placement in existing classification groups.
Explain the relationship between structure and function at the molecular and cellular levels.
Describe organizing schemes of classification keys.
Identify and characterize major life forms by kingdom, phyla, class and order.
A. Explain the relationship between structure and function at all levels of organization.
Identify and explain interactions among organisms (e.g., mutually beneficial, harmful relationships).
Explain and analyze the relationship between structure and function at the molecular, cellular and organ-system level.
Describe and explain structural and functional relationships in each of the five (or six) kingdoms.
Explain significant biological diversity found in each of the biomes.
B. Know that living things are made up of parts that have specific functions.
Identify examples of unicellular and multicellular organisms.
Determine how different parts of a living thing work together to make the organism function.
B. Describe the cell as the basic structural and functional unit of living things.
Identify the levels of organization from cell to organism.
Compare life processes at the organism level with life processes at the cell level.
Explain that cells and organisms have particular structures that underlie their functions.
Describe and distinguish among cell cycles, reproductive cycles and life cycles.
Explain disease effects on structures or functions of an organism.
B. Describe and explain the chemical and structural basis of living organisms.
Describe the relationship between the structure of organic molecules and the function they serve in living organisms.
Identify the specialized structures and regions of the cell and the functions of each.
Explain how cells store and use information to guide their functions.
Explain cell functions and processes in terms of chemical reactions and energy changes.
B. Analyze the chemical and structural basis of living organisms.
Identify and describe factors affecting metabolic function (e.g., temperature, acidity, hormones).
Evaluate metabolic activities using experimental knowledge of enzymes.
Evaluate relationships between structure and functions of different anatomical parts given their structure.
Describe potential impact of genome research on the biochemistry and physiology of life.
C. Know that characteristics are inherited and, thus, offspring closely resemble their parents.
Identify characteristics for animal and plant survival in different climates.
Identify physical characteristics that appear in both parents and offspring and differ between families, strains or species.C. Know that every organism has a set of genetic instructions that determines its inherited traits.
Identify and explain inheritable characteristics.
Identify that the gene is the basic unit of inheritance.
Identify basic patterns of inheritance (e.g., dominance, recessive, codominance).
Describe how traits are inherited.
Distinguish how different living things reproduce (e.g., vegetative budding, sexual).
Recognize that mutations can alter a gene.
Describe how selective breeding, natural selection and genetic technologies can change genetic makeup of organisms.
C. Describe how genetic information is inherited and expressed.
Compare and contrast the function of mitosis and meiosis.
Describe mutations effects on a traits expression.
Distinguish different reproductive patterns in living things (e.g., budding, spores, fission).
Compare random and selective breeding practices and their results (e.g., antibiotic resistant bacteria).
Explain the relationship among DNA, genes and chromosomes.
Explain different types of inheritance (e.g., multiple allele, sex-influenced traits).
Describe the role of DNA in protein synthesis as it relates to gene expression.
C. Explain gene inheritance and expression at the molecular level.
Analyze gene expression at the molecular level.
Describe the roles of nucleic acids in cellular reproduction and protein synthesis.
Describe genetic engineering techniques, applications and impacts.
Explain birth defects from the standpoint of embryological development and/or changes in genetic makeup.
D. Identify changes in living things over time.
Compare extinct life forms with living organisms.
D. Explain basic concepts of natural selection.
Identify adaptations that allow organisms to survive in their environment.
Describe how an environmental change can affect the survival of organisms and entire species.
Know that differences in individuals of the same species may give some advantage in surviving and reproducing.
Recognize that populations of organisms can increase rapidly.
Describe the role that fossils play in studying the past.
Explain how biologic extinction is a natural process.
D. Explain the mechanisms of the theory of evolution.
Analyze data from fossil records, similarities in anatomy and physiology, embryological studies and DNA studies that are relevent to the theory of evolution.
Explain the role of mutations and gene recombination in changing a population of organisms.
Compare modern day descendents of extinct species and propose possible scientific accounts for their present appearance.
Describe the factors (e.g., isolation, differential reproduction) affecting gene frequency in a population over time and their consequences.
D. Analyze the theory of evolution.
Examine human history by describing the progression from early hominids to modern humans.
Apply the concept of natural selection as a central concept in illustrating evolution theory.
3.3. Biological Sciences 3.3.4. GRADE 4 3.3.7. GRADE 7 3.3.10. GRADE 10 3.3.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . Describe and differentiate between the roles of natural selection and genetic drift.
Describe changes that illustrate major events in the earths development based on a time line.
Explain why natural selection can act only on inherited traits.
Apply the concept of natural selection to illustrate and account for a species survival, extinction or change over time.
Ecosystem Standards are in the Environment and Ecology Standard Category (4.6).
3.4. Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics 3.4.4. GRADE 4 3.4.7. GRADE 7 3.4.10. GRADE 10 3.4.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . A. Recognize basic concepts about the structure and properties of matter.
Describe properties of matter (e.g., hardness, reactions to simple chemical tests).
Know that combining two or more substances can make new materials with different properties.
Know different material characteristics (e.g., texture, state of matter, solubility).
A. Describe concepts about the structure and properties of matter.
Identify elements as basic building blocks of matter that cannot be broken down chemically.
Distinguish compounds from mixtures.
Describe and conduct experiments that identify chemical and physical properties.
Describe reactants and products of simple chemical reactions.
A. Explain concepts about the structure and properties of matter.
Know that atoms are composed of even smaller sub-atomic structures whose properties are measurable.
Explain the repeating pattern of chemical properties by using the repeating patterns of atomic structure within the periodic table.
Predict the behavior of gases through the use of Boyles, Charles or the ideal gas law, in everyday situations.
Describe phases of matter according to the Kinetic Molecular Theory.
Explain the formation of compounds and their resulting properties using bonding theories (ionic and covalent).
A. Apply concepts about the structure and properties of matter.
Apply rules of systematic nomenclature and formula writing to chemical substances.
Classify and describe, in equation form, types of chemical and nuclear reactions.
Explain how radioactive isotopes that are subject to decay can be used to estimate the age of materials.
Explain how the forces that bind solids, liquids and gases affect their properties.
Characterize and identify important classes of compounds (e.g., acids, bases, salts).
3.4. Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics 3.4.4. GRADE 4 3.4.7. GRADE 7 3.4.10. GRADE 10 3.4.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . Recognize formulas for simple inorganic compounds.
Describe various types of chemical reactions by applying the laws of conservation of mass and energy.
Apply knowledge of mixtures to appropriate separation techniques.
Understand that carbon can form several types of compounds. Apply the conservation of energy concept to fields as diverse as mechanics, nuclear particles and studies of the origin of the universe.
Apply the predictability of nuclear decay to estimate the age of materials that contain radioactive isotopes.
Quantify the properties of matter (e.g., density, solubility coefficients) by applying mathematical formulas.
3.4. Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics 3.4.4. GRADE 4 3.4.7. GRADE 7 3.4.10. GRADE 10 3.4.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . B. Know basic energy types, sources and conversions.
Identify energy forms and examples (e.g., sunlight, heat, stored, motion).
Know the concept of the flow of energy by measuring flow through an object or system.
Describe static electricity in terms of attraction, repulsion and sparks.
Apply knowledge of the basic electrical circuits to design and construction simple direct current circuits.
Classify materials as conductors and nonconductors.
Know and demonstrate the basic properties of heat by producing it in a variety of ways.
B. Relate energy sources and transfers to heat and temperature.
Identify and describe sound changes in moving objects.
Know that the sun is a major source of energy that emits wavelengths of visible light, infrared and ultraviolet radiation.
Explain the conversion of one form of energy to another by applying knowledge of each form of energy.
Explain the parts and functions in an electrical circuit.
B. Analyze energy sources and transfers of heat.
Determine the efficiency of chemical systems by applying mathematical formulas.
Use knowledge of chemical reactions to generate an electrical current.
Evaluate energy changes in chemical reactions.
Use knowledge of conservation of energy and momentum to explain common phenomena (e.g., refrigeration system, rocket propulsion).
Explain resistance, current and electro-motive force (Ohms Law).
B. Apply and analyze energy sources and conversions and their relationship to heat and temperature.
Determine the heat involved in illustrative chemical reactions.
Evaluate mathematical formulas that calculate the efficiency of specific chemical and mechanical systems.
Use knowledge of oxidation and reduction to balance complex reactions.
Apply appropriate thermodynamic concepts (e.g., conservation, entropy) to solve problems relating to energy and heat.
3.4. Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics 3.4.4. GRADE 4 3.4.7. GRADE 7 3.4.10. GRADE 10 3.4.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . Know the characteristics of light (e.g., reflection, refraction, absorption) and use them to produce heat, color or a virtual image.
3.4. Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics 3.4.4. GRADE 4 3.4.7. GRADE 7 3.4.10. GRADE 10 3.4.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . .TrC. Observe and describe different types of force and motion.
Identify characteristics of sound (pitch, loudness and echoes).
Recognize forces that attract or repel other objects and demonstrate them.
Describe various types of motions.
Compare the relative movement of objects and describe types of motion that are evident.
Describe the position of an object by locating it relative to another object or the background (e.g., geographic direction, left, up).
C. Identify and explain the principles of force and motion.
Describe the motion of an object based on its position, direction and speed.
Classify fluid power systems according to fluid used or mode of power transmission (e.g., air, oil).
Explain various motions using models.
Explain how convex and concave mirrors and lens change light images.
Explain how sound and light travel in waves of differing speeds, sizes and frequencies.
C. Distinguish among the principles of force and motion.
Identify the relationship of electricity and magnetism as two aspects of a single electromagnetic force.
Identify elements of simple machines in compound machines.
Explain fluid power systems through the design and construction of appropriate models.
Describe sound effects (e.g., Doppler effect, amplitude, frequency, reflection, refraction, absorption, sonar, seismic).
Describe light effects (e.g., Doppler effect, dispersion, absorption, emission spectra, polarization, interference).
Describe and measure the motion of sound, light and other objects.
C. Apply the principles of motion and force.
Evaluate wave properties of frequency, wavelength and speed as applied to sound and light through different media.
Propose and produce modifications to specific mechanical power systems that will improve their efficiency.
Analyze the principles of translational motion, velocity and acceleration as they relate to free fall and projectile motion.
Analyze the principles of rotational motion to solve problems relating to angular momentum, and torque.
Interpret a model that illustrates circular motion and acceleration.
3.4. Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics 3.4.4. GRADE 4 3.4.7. GRADE 7 3.4.10. GRADE 10 3.4.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . Know Newtons laws of motion (including inertia, action and reaction) and gravity and apply them to solve problems related to forces and mass.
Determine the efficiency of mechanical systems by applying mathematical formulas.
Describe inertia, motion, equilibrium, and action/reaction concepts through words, models and mathematical symbols.
3.4. Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics 3.4.4. GRADE 4 3.4.7. GRADE 7 3.4.10. GRADE 10 3.4.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . D. Describe the composition and structure of the universe and the earths place in it.
Recognize earths place in the solar system.
Explain and illustrate the causes of seasonal changes.
Identify planets in our solar system and their general characteristics.
Describe the solar system motions and use them to explain time (e.g., days, seasons), major lunar phases and eclipses.
D. Describe essential ideas about the composition and structure of the universe and the earths place in it.
Compare various planets characteristics.
Describe basic star types and identify the sun as a star type.
Describe and differentiate comets, asteroids and meteors.
Identify gravity as the force that keeps planets in orbit around the sun and governs the rest of the movement of the solar system and the universe.
Illustrate how the position of stars and constellations change in relation to the Earth during an evening and from month to month.
Identify equipment and instruments that explore the universe.
D. Explain essential ideas about the composition and structure of the universe.
Compare the basic structures of the universe (e.g., galaxy types, nova, black holes, neutron stars).
Describe the structure and life cycle of star, using the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.
Describe the nuclear processes involved in energy production in a star.
Explain the red-shift and Hubbles use of it to determine stellar distance and movement.
Compare absolute versus apparent star magnitude and their relation to stellar distance.
Explain the impact of the Copernican and Newtonian thinking on mans view of the universe.
D. Analyze the essential ideas about the composition and structure of the universe.
Analyze the Big Bang Theorys use of gravitation and nuclear reaction to explain a possible origin of the universe.
Compare the use of visual, radio and x-ray telescopes to collect data regarding the structure and evolution of the universe.
Correlate the use of the special theory of relativity and the life of a star.
3.4. Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics 3.4.4. GRADE 4 3.4.7. GRADE 7 3.4.10. GRADE 10 3.4.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . Identify the accomplishments and contributions provided by selected past and present scientists in the field of astronomy.
Identify and articulate space program efforts to investigate possibilities of living in space and on other planets. Identify and analyze the findings of several space instruments in regard to the extent and composition of the solar system and universe.
Refer to Technology Standard Category 3.6 for applied uses of these concepts and principles.
3.5. Earth Sciences 3.5.4. GRADE 4 3.5.7. GRADE 7 3.5.10. GRADE 10 3.5.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . A. Know basic landforms and earth history.
Describe earth processes (e.g., rusting, weathering, erosion) that have affected selected physical features in students neighborhoods.
Identify various earth structures (e.g., mountains, faults, drainage basins) through the use of models.
Identify the composition of soil as weathered rock and decomposed organic remains.
Describe fossils and the type of environment they lived in (e.g., tropical, aquatic, desert).
A. Describe earth features and processes.
Describe major layers of the earth.
Describe the processes involved in the creation of geologic features (e.g., folding, faulting, volcanism, sedimentation) and that these processes seen today (e.g., erosion, weathering crustal plate movement) are similar to those in the past.
Describe the processes that formed Pennsylvania geologic structures and resources including mountains, glacial formations, water gaps and ridges.
Explain how the rock cycle affected rock formations in the state of Pennsylvania.
A. Relate earth features and processes that change the earth.
Illustrate and explain plate tectonics as the mechanism of continental movement and sea floor changes.
Compare examples of change to the earths surface over time as they related to continental movement and ocean basin formation (e.g., Delaware, Susquehanna, Ohio Rivers system formations, dynamics).
Interpret topographic maps to identify and describe significant geologic history/structures in Pennsylvania.
Evaluate and interpret geologic history using geologic maps.
Explain several methods of dating earth materials and structures.
A. Analyze and evaluate earth features and processes that change the earth.
Apply knowledge of geophysical processes to explain the formation and degradation of earth structures (e.g., mineral deposition, cave formations, soil composition).
Interpret geological evidence supporting evolution.
Apply knowledge of radioactive decay to assess the age of various earth features and objects.
3.5. Earth Sciences 3.5.4. GRADE 4 3.5.7. GRADE 7 3.5.10. GRADE 10 3.5.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . Distinguish between examples of rapid surface changes (e.g., landslides, earthquakes) and slow surface changes (e.g., weathering).
Identify living plants and animals that are similar to fossil forms. Correlate rock units with general geologic time periods in the history of the earth.
Describe and identify major types of rocks and minerals.
3.5. Earth Sciences 3.5.4. GRADE 4 3.5.7. GRADE 7 3.5.10. GRADE 10 3.5.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . B. Know types and uses of earth materials.
Identify uses of various earth materials (e.g., buildings, highways, fuels, growing plants).
Identify and sort earth materials according to a classification key (e.g., soil/rock type).
B. Recognize earth resources and how they affect everyday life.
Identify and locate significant earth resources (e.g., rock types, oil, gas, coal deposits) in Pennsylvania.
Explain the processes involved in the formation of oil and coal in Pennsylvania.
Explain the value and uses of different earth resources (e.g., selected minerals, ores, fuel sources, agricultural uses).
Compare the locations of human settlements as related to available resources.
B. Explain sources and uses of earth resources.
Compare the locations of strategic minerals and earth resources in the world with their geologic history using maps and global information systems.
Demonstrate the effects of sedimentation and erosion before and after a conservation plan is implemented.
Evaluate the impact of geologic activities/hazards (e.g., earthquakes, sinkholes, landslides).
Evaluate land use (e.g., agricultural, recreational, residential, commercial) in Pennsylvania based upon soil characteristics.
B. Analyze the availability, location and extraction of earth resources.
Describe how the location of earths major resources has affected a countrys strategic decisions.
Compare locations of earth features and country boundaries.
Analyze the impact of resources (e.g., coal deposits, rivers) on the life of Pennsylvanias settlements and cities.
C. Know basic weather elements.
Identify cloud types.
Identify weather patterns from data charts (including temperature, wind direction and speed, precipitation) and graphs of the data.
Explain how the different seasons effect plants, animals, food availability and daily human life.
C. Describe basic elements of meteorology.
Explain weather forecasts by interpreting weather data and symbols.
Explain the oceans impact on local weather and the climate of a region.
Identify how cloud types, wind directions and barometric pressure changes are associated with weather patterns in different regions of the country.
Explain and illustrate the processes of cloud formation and precipitation.
Describe and illustrate the major layers of the earths atmosphere.
Identify different air masses and global wind patterns and how they relate to the weather patterns in different regions of the U.S.
C. Interpret meteorological data.
Analyze information from meteorological instruments and online sources to predict weather patterns.
Describe weather and climate patterns on global levels.
Evaluate specific adaptations plants and animals have made that enable them to survive in different climates.
C. Analyze atmospheric energy transfers.
Describe how weather and climate involve the transfer of energy in and out of the atmosphere.
Explain how unequal heating of the air, ocean and land produces wind and ocean currents.
Analyze the energy transformations that occur during the greenhouse effect and predict the long-term effects of increased pollutant levels in the atmosphere.
Analyze the mechanisms that drive a weather phenomena (e.g., El Nino, hurricane, tornado) using the correlation of three methods of heat energy transfer.
D. Recognize the earths different water resources.
Know that approximately three-fourths of the earth is covered by water.
Identify and describe types of fresh and saltwater bodies.
Identify examples of water in the form of solid, liquid and gas on or near the surface of the earth.
Explain and illustrate evaporation and condensation.
Recognize other resources available from water (e.g., energy, transportation, minerals, food).
D. Explain the behavior and impact of the earths water systems.
Explain the water cycle using the processes of evaporation and condensation.
Describe factors that affect evaporation and condensation.
Distinguish salt from fresh water (e.g., density, electrical conduction).
Compare the effect of water type (e.g., polluted, fresh, salt water) and the life contained in them.
Identify ocean and shoreline features (e.g., bays, inlets, spit, tidal marshes).
D. Assess the value of water as a resource.
Compare specific sources of potable water (e.g., wells, public systems, rivers) used by people in Pennsylvania.
Identify the components of a municipal/agricultural water supply system and a wastewater treatment system.
Relate aquatic life to water conditions (e.g., turbidity, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen levels, pressure).
Compare commercially important aquatic species in or near Pennsylvania.
Identify economic resources found in marine areas.
Assess the natural and man-made factors that affect the availability of clean water (e.g., rock and mineral deposits, man-made pollution).D. Analyze the principles and history of hydrology.
Analyze the operation and effectiveness of a water purification and desalination system.
Evaluate the pros and cons of surface water appropriation for commercial and electrical use.
Analyze the historical development of water use in Pennsylvania (e.g., recovery of Lake Erie).
Compare the marine life and type of water found in the intertidal, neritic and bathyal zones.
3.5. Earth Sciences 3.5.4. GRADE 4 3.5.7. GRADE 7 3.5.10. GRADE 10 3.5.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . Refer to Environment and Ecology Standards Categories 4.1, 4.3, 4.8 for standards that deal with environmental impact of Earth structures and forces.
Pennsylvania Core Standards for Reading in
Science and Technology
Grades 6-12INTRODUCTION These standards describe what students in the science classroom should know and be able to do with the English language in reading, grade 6 through 12. The standards provide the targets for instruction and student learning essential for success in all academic areas, not just language arts classrooms. Although the standards are not a curriculum or a prescribed series of activities, school entities will use them to develop a local school curriculum that will meet local students needs.
The standards below begin at grade 6; standards for K-5 reading in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects are integrated into the K-5 Reading standards.
The English Language Arts Standards for Science and Technical Subjects also provide parents and community members with information about what students should know and be able to do as they progress through the educational program and at graduation. With a clearly defined target provided by the standards, parents, students, educators and community members become partners in learning. Each standard implies an end of year goalwith the understanding that exceeding the standard is an even more desirable end goal.
Reading Informational Text
Students read, understand, and respond to informational textwith emphasis on comprehension, making connections among ideas and between texts with focus on textual evidence.GRADE 6-8 GRADE 9-10 GRADE 11-12 Key Ideas and Details CC.3.5.6-8.A.
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts.
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions.
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account.
Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the texts explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary of the text.
Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms.
Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.
Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks, attending to special cases or exceptions defined in the text.
Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text.Craft and Structure CC.3.5.6-8.D.
Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9-10 texts and topics.
Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 11-12 texts and topics.
Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to an understanding of the topic.
Analyze the structure of the relationships among concepts in a text, including relationships among key terms (e.g., force, friction, reaction force, energy).
Analyze how the text structures information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, demonstrating understanding of the information or ideas.CC.3.5.6-8.F.
Analyze the authors purpose in providing an explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment in a text.
Analyze the authors purpose in providing an explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment in a text, defining the question the author seeks to address.
Analyze the authors purpose in providing an explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment in a text, identifying important issues that remain unresolved.Integration of Knowledge and Ideas CC.3.5.6-8.G.
Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words.
Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on research findings, and speculation
in a text.
Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text support the authors claim or a recommendation for solving a scientific
or technical problem.
Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis, and conclusions in a science or technical text, verifying the data when possible and corroborating or challenging conclusions with other sources of information.
Compare and contrast the information gained from experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with that gained from reading a text on the same topic.
Compare and contrast findings presented in a text to those from other sources (including their own experiments), noting when the findings support or contradict previous explanations or accounts.
Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible.Range and Level of
Complex TextsCC.3.5.6-8.J.
By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades 9-10 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades 11-12 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
3.6. Technology Education 3.6.4. GRADE 4 3.6.7. GRADE 7 3.6.10. GRADE 10 3.6.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . A. Know that biotechnologies relate to propagating, growing, maintaining, adapting, treating and converting.
Identify agricultural and industrial production processes that involve plants and animals.
Identify waste management treatment processes.
Describe how knowledge of the human body influences or impacts ergonomic design.
Describe how biotechnology has impacted various aspects of daily life (e.g., health care, agriculture, waste treatment).
A. Explain biotechnologies that relate to related technologies of propagating, growing, maintaining, adapting, treating and converting.
Identify the environmental, societal and economic impacts that waste has in the environment.
Identify and explain the impact that a specific medical advancement has had on society.
Explain the factors that were taken into consideration when a specific object was designed.
Define and describe how fuels and energy can be generated through the process of biomass conversion.
Identify and group basic plant and animal production processes.
A. Apply biotechnologies that relate to propagating, growing, maintaining, adapting, treating and converting.
Apply knowledge of plant and animal production processes in designing an improvement to existing processes.
Apply knowledge of biomedical technology applications in designing a solution to a simple medical problem (e.g., wheel chair design, artificial arteries).
Apply knowledge of how biomedical technology affects waste products in designing a solution that will result in reduced waste.
Apply ergonomic engineering factors when devising a solution to a specific problem.
Describe various methods of biochemical conversion.
A. Analyze biotechnologies that relate to propagating, growing, maintaining, adapting, treating and converting.
Analyze and solve a complex production process problem using biotechnologies (e.g., hydroponics, fish farming, crop propagation).
Analyze specific examples where engineering has impacted society in protection, personal health application or physical enhancement.
Appraise and evaluate the cause and effect and subsequent environmental, economic and societal impacts that result from biomass and biochemical conversion.
3.6. Technology Education 3.6.4. GRADE 4 3.6.7. GRADE 7 3.6.10. GRADE 10 3.6.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . Explain the impact that agricultural science has had on biotechnology. Describe specific examples that reflect the impact that agricultural science has had on biotechnology. Evaluate and apply biotechnical processes to complex plant and animal production methods.
Apply knowledge of biochemical-related technologies to propose alternatives to hazardous waste treatment.
Apply knowledge of agricultural science to solve or improve a biochemical related problem.
3.6. Technology Education 3.6.4. GRADE 4 3.6.7. GRADE 7 3.6.10. GRADE 10 3.6.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . B. Know that information technologies involve encoding, transmitting, receiving, storing, retrieving and decoding.
Identify electronic communication methods that exist in the community (e.g., digital cameras, telephone, internet, television, fiber optics).
Identify graphic reproduction methods.
Describe appropriate image generating techniques (e.g., photography, video).
Demonstrate the ability to communicate an idea by applying basic sketching and drawing techniques.
B. Explain information technologies of encoding, transmitting, receiving, storing, retrieving and decoding.
Demonstrate the effectiveness of image generating technique to communicate a story (e.g., photography, video).
Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of a graphic object designed and produced to communicate a thought or concept.
Apply basic technical drawing techniques to communicate an idea or solution to a problem.
Apply the appropriate method of communications technology to communicate a thought.
B. Apply knowledge of information technologies of encoding, transmitting, receiving, storing, retrieving and decoding.
Describe the proper use of graphic and electronic communication systems.
Apply a variety of advanced mechanical and electronic drafting methods to communicate a solution to a specific problem.
Apply and analyze advanced communication techniques to produce an image that effectively conveys a message (e.g., desktop publishing, audio and/or video production).
Illustrate an understanding of a computer network system by modeling, constructing or assembling its components.
B. Analyze knowledge of information technologies of processes encoding, transmitting, receiving, storing, retrieving and decoding.
Apply and analyze advanced information techniques to produce a complex image that effectively conveys a message (e.g., desktop publishing, audio and/or video production).
Analyze and evaluate a message designed and produced using still, motion and animated communication techniques.
Describe the operation of fiber optic, microwave and satellite informational systems.
Apply various graphic and electronic information techniques to solve real world problems (e.g., data organization and analysis, forecasting, interpolation).
3.6. Technology Education 3.6.4. GRADE 4 3.6.7. GRADE 7 3.6.10. GRADE 10 3.6.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . C. Know physical technologies of structural design, analysis and engineering, finance, production, marketing, research and design.
Identify and group a variety of construction tasks.
Identify the major construction systems present in a specific local building.
Identify specific construction systems that depend on each other in order to complete a project.
Know skills used in construction.
Identify examples of manufactured goods present in the home and school.
Identify basic resources needed to produce a manufactured item.
Identify basic component operations in a specific manufacturing enterprise (e.g., cutting, shaping, attaching).
C. Explain physical technologies of structural design, analysis and engineering, personnel relations, financial affairs, structural production, marketing, research and design.
Use knowledge of material effectiveness to solve specific construction problems (e.g., steel vs. wood bridges).
Differentiate among the different types of construction applications (e.g., microwave tower, power plants, aircrafts).
Explain basic material processes that manufactured objects undergo during production (e.g., separating, forming, combining).
Evaluate a construction activity by specifying task analyses and necessary resources.
C. Apply physical technologies to structural design, analysis and engineering, personnel relations, financial affairs, structural production, marketing, research and design to real world problems.
Describe and classify common construction by their characteristics and composition.
Compare and contrast specific construction systems that depend on each other in order to complete a project.
Evaluate material failure common to specific applications.
Demonstrate knowledge of various construction systems by building or interpreting models.
Select and apply the necessary resources to successfully conduct a manufacturing enterprise.
C. Analyze physical technologies of structural design, analysis and engineering, personnel relations, financial affairs, structural production, marketing, research and design to real world problems.
Apply knowledge of construction technology by designing, planning and applying all the necessary resources to successfully solve a construction problem.
Compare resource options in solving a specific manufacturing problem.
Analyze and apply complex skills needed to process materials in complex manufacturing enterprises.
Apply advanced information collection and communication techniques to successfully convey solutions to specific construction problems.
3.6. Technology Education 3.6.4. GRADE 4 3.6.7. GRADE 7 3.6.10. GRADE 10 3.6.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . Identify waste and pollution resulting from a manufacturing enterprise.
Explain and demonstrate the concept of manufacturing (e.g., assemble a set of papers or ball point pens sequentially, mass produce an object).
Identify transportation technologies of propelling, structuring, suspending, guiding, controlling and supporting.
Identify and experiment with simple machines used in transportation systems.
Explain how improved transportation systems have changed society. Explain the relationships among
the basic resources needed in the production process for a specific manufactured object.
Explain the difference between design engineering and production engineering processes.
Analyze manufacturing steps that affect waste and pollutants.
Explain transportation technologies of propelling, structuring, suspending, guiding, controlling and supporting.
Identify and explain the workings of several mechanical power systems.
Model and explain examples of vehicular propulsion, control, guidance, structure and suspension systems.
Explain the limitations of land, marine, air and space transportation systems. Apply concepts of design engineering and production engineering in the organization and application of a manufacturing activity.
Apply the concepts of manufacturing by redesigning an enterprise to improve productivity or reduce or eliminate waste and/or pollution.
Evaluate the interrelationship of various transportation systems in the community.
Analyze the impacts that transportation systems have on a community. Assess the importance of capital on specific construction applications.
Analyze the positive and negative qualities of several different types of materials as they would relate to specific construction applications.
Analyze transportation technologies of propelling, structuring, suspending, guiding, controlling and supporting.
Analyze the concepts of vehicular propulsion, guidance, control, suspension and structural systems while designing and producing specific complex transportation systems.Pennsylvania Core Standards for Writing in
Science and Technology
Grades 6-12INTRODUCTION These standards describe what students in the social studies classroom should know and be able to do with the English language in writing, grade 6 through 12. The standards provide the targets for instruction and student learning essential for success in all academic areas, not just language arts classrooms. Although the standards are not a curriculum or a prescribed series of activities, school entities will use them to develop a local school curriculum that will meet local students needs.
The standards below begin at grade 6; standards for K-5 reading in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects are integrated into the K-5 Writing standards.
The English Language Arts Standards for History and Social Studies also provide parents and community members with information about what students should know and be able to do as they progress through the educational program and at graduation. With a clearly defined target provided by the standards, parents, students, educators and community members become partners in learning. Each standard implies an end of year goalwith the understanding that exceeding the standard is an even more desirable end goal.
3.6 Writing
Students write for different purposes and audiences. Students write clear and focused text to convey a well-defined perspective and
appropriate content.GRADES 6-8 GRADES 9-10 GRADES 11-12 Text Types and Purposes CC.3.6.6-8.A.
Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
Introduce claim(s) about a topic or issue, acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically.
Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text, using credible sources.
Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
Establish and maintain a formal style.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.
Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among the claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying data and evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in a discipline-appropriate form and in a manner that anticipates the audiences knowledge
level and concerns.
Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion,
and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.
Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports the argument presented.
Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences the claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant data and evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in a discipline-appropriate form that anticipates the audiences knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases.
Use words, phrases, and clauses as well as varied syntax to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.
Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports the argument presented.CC.3.6.6-8.B. *
Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories as appropriate to achieving purpose; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.
Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.
Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented.
CC.3.6.9-10.B. *
Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
Introduce a topic and organize ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful
to aiding comprehension.
Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audiences knowledge of the topic.
Use varied transitions and sentence structures to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.
Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic and convey a style appropriate to the discipline and context as well as to the expertise of likely readers.
Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic).
CC.3.6.11-12.B. *
Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
Introduce a topic and organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so that each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audiences knowledge of the topic.
Use varied transitions and sentence structures to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts.
Use precise language, domain-specific vocabulary and techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogy to manage the complexity of the topic; convey a knowledgeable stance
in a style that responds to the discipline and context as well as to the expertise of likely readers.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation provided (e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic).Production and Distribution of Writing CC.3.6.6-8.C.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.CC.3.6.9-10.C.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.CC.3.6.11-12.C.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.CC.3.6.6-8.D.
With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed.CC.3.6.9-10.D.
Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.CC.3.6.11-12.D.
Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.CC.3.6.6-8.E.
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently.CC.3.6.9-10.E.
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technologys capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.CC.3.6.11-12.E.
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.Research to Build and Present Knowledge CC.3.6.6-8.F.
Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration.CC.3.6.9-10.F.
Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve
a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry
when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding
of the subject under investigation.CC.3.6.11-12.F.
Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.CC.3.6.6-8.G.
Gather relevant information from multiple
print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.CC.3.6.9-10.G.
Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into
the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.CC.3.6.11-12.G.
Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the specific task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.CC.3.6.6-8.H.
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.CC.3.6.9-10.H.
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.CC.3.6.11-12.H.
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.Range of Writing CC.3.6.6-8.J.I.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.CC.3.6.9-10.I.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.CC.3.6.11-12.I.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.* Students narrative skills continue to grow in these grades. The Standards require that students be able to incorporate narrative elements effectively into arguments and informative/explanatory texts. In history/social studies, students must be able to incorporate narrative accounts into their analyses of individuals or events of historical import. In science and technical subjects, students must be able to write precise enough descriptions of the step-by-step procedures they use in their investigations or technical work that others can replicate them and (possibly) reach the same results.
3.7. Technological Devices 3.7.4. GRADE 4 3.7.7. GRADE 7 3.7.10. GRADE 10 3.7.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . A. Explore the use of basic tools, simple materials and techniques to safely solve problems.
Describe the scientific principles on which various tools are based.
Group tools and machines by their function.
Select and safely apply appropriate tools and materials to solve simple problems.
A. Describe the safe and appropriate use of tools, materials and techniques to answer questions and solve problems.
Identify uses of tools, machines, materials, information, people, money, energy and time that meet specific design criteria.
Describe safe procedures for using tools and materials.
Assess materials for appropriateness of use.
A. Identify and safely use a variety of tools, basic machines, materials and techniques to solve problems and answer questions.
Select and safely apply appropriate tools, materials and processes necessary to solve complex problems.
Apply advanced tool and equipment manipulation techniques to solve problems.
A. Apply advanced tools, materials and techniques to answer complex questions.
Demonstrate the safe use of complex tools and machines within their specifications.
Select and safely apply appropriate tools, materials and processes necessary to solve complex problems that could result in more than one solution.
Evaluate and use technological resources to solve complex multi-step problems.
3.7. Technological Devices 3.7.4. GRADE 4 3.7.7. GRADE 7 3.7.10. GRADE 10 3.7.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . B. Select appropriate instruments to study materials.
Develop simple skills to measure, record, cut and fasten.
Explain appropriate instrument selection for specific tasks.
B. Use appropriate instruments and apparatus to study materials.
Select appropriate instruments to measure the size, weight, shape and temperature of living and non-living objects.
Apply knowledge of different measurement systems to measure and record objects properties.
B. Apply appropriate instruments and apparatus to examine a variety of objects and processes.
Describe and use appropriate instruments to gather and analyze data.
Compare and contrast different scientific measurement systems; select the best measurement system for a specific situation.
Explain the need to estimate measurements within error of various instruments.
Apply accurate measurement knowledge to solve everyday problems.
Describe and demonstrate the operation and use of advanced instrumentation in evaluating material and chemical properties (e.g., scanning electron microscope, nuclear magnetic resonance machines).
B. Evaluate appropriate instruments and apparatus to accurately measure materials and processes.
Apply and evaluate the use of appropriate instruments to accurately measure scientific and technologic phenomena within the error limits of the equipment.
Evaluate the appropriate use of different measurement scales (macro and micro).
Evaluate the utility and advantages of a variety of absolute and relative measurement scales for their appropriate application.
3.7. Technological Devices 3.7.4. GRADE 4 3.7.7. GRADE 7 3.7.10. GRADE 10 3.7.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . Computer literacy, including the use of hardware and software in standard statements C, D, and E, should be integrated across all content areas. C. Identify basic computer operations and concepts.
Identify the major parts necessary for a computer to input and output data.
Explain and demonstrate the basic use of input and output devices (e.g., keyboard, monitor, printer, mouse).
Explain and demonstrate the use of external and internal storage devices (e.g., disk drive, CD drive).
C. Explain and demonstrate basic computer operations and concepts.
Know specialized computer applications used in the community.
Describe the function of advanced input and output devices (e.g., scanners, video images, plotters, projectors) and demonstrate their use.
Demonstrate age appropriate keyboarding skills and techniques.
C. Apply basic computer operations and concepts.
Identify solutions to basic hardware and software problems.
Apply knowledge of advanced input devices.
Apply knowledge of hardware setup.
Describe the process for basic software installation and demonstrate it.
Analyze and solve basic operating systems problems.
Apply touch keyboarding skills and techniques at expectable speed and accuracy.
Demonstrate the ability to perform basic software installation.
C. Evaluate computer operations and concepts as to their effectiveness to solve specific problems.
Describe and demonstrate atypical software installation.
Analyze and solve hardware and advanced software problems.
Assess and apply multiple input and output devices to solve specific problems.
3.7. Technological Devices 3.7.4. GRADE 4 3.7.7. GRADE 7 3.7.10. GRADE 10 3.7.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . D. Use basic computer software.
Apply operating system skills to perform basic computer tasks.
Apply basic word processing skills.
Identify and use simple graphic and presentation graphic materials generated by the computer.
Apply specific instructional software.
D. Apply computer software to solve specific problems.
Identify software designed to meet specific needs (e.g., Computer Aided Drafting, design software, tutorial, financial, presentation software).
Identify and solve basic software problems relevant to specific software applications.
Identify basic multimedia applications.
Demonstrate a basic knowledge of desktop publishing applications.
Apply intermediate skills in utilizing word processing, database and spreadsheet software.
Apply basic graphic manipulation techniques.
D. Utilize computer software to solve specific problems.
Identify legal restrictions in the use of software and the output of data.
Apply advanced graphic manipulation and desktop publishing techniques.
Apply basic multi-
media applications.
Apply advanced word processing, database and spreadsheet skills.
Describe and demonstrate how two or more software applications can be used to produce an output.
Select and apply software designed to meet specific needs.
D. Evaluate the effectiveness of computer software to solve specific problems.
Evaluate the effectiveness of software to produce an output and demonstrate the process.
Design and apply advanced multimedia techniques.
Analyze, select and apply the appropriate software to solve complex problems.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the computer as a presentation tool.
Analyze the legal responsibilities of computer users.
3.7. Technological Devices 3.7.4. GRADE 4 3.7.7. GRADE 7 3.7.10. GRADE 10 3.7.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . E. Identify basic computer communications systems.
Apply a web browser.
Apply basic electronic mail functions.
Use on-line searches to answer age appropriate questions.
E. Explain basic computer communications systems.
Describe the organization and functions of the basic parts that make up the World Wide Web.
Apply advanced electronic mail functions.
Apply basic on-line research techniques to solve a specific problem.
E. Apply basic computer communications systems.
Identify and explain various types of on-line services.
Identify and explain the function of the parts of a basic network.
Describe and apply the components of a web page and their function.
Explain and demonstrate file transfer within and out side of a computer network.
Identify, describe and complete advanced on-line research.
E. Assess the effectiveness of computer communications systems.
Assess the effectiveness of a computer based communications system.
Transfer files among different computer platforms.
Analyze the effectiveness of on-line information resources to meet the needs for collaboration, research, publications, communications and productivity.
Apply knowledge of protocol standards to solve connectivity problems.
3.8. Science, Technology and Human Endeavors 3.8.4. GRADE 4 3.8.7. GRADE 7 3.8.10. GRADE 10 3.8.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . A. Know that people select, create and use science and technology and that they are limited by social and physical restraints.
Identify and describe positive and negative impacts that influence or result from new tools and techniques.
Identify how physical technology (e.g., construction, manufacturing, transportation), informational technology and biotechnology are used to meet human needs.
Describe how scientific discoveries and technological advancements are related.
Identify interrelationships among technology, people and their world.
Apply the technological design process to solve a simple problem.
A. Explain how sciences and technologies are limited in their effects and influences on society.
Identify and describe the unavoidable constraints of technological design.
Identify changes in society as a result of a technological development.
Identify and explain improvements in transportation, health, sanitation and communications as a result of advancements in science and technology and how they effect our lives.
A. Analyze the relationship between societal demands and scientific and technological enterprises.
Identify past and current tradeoffs between increased production, environmental harm and social values (e.g., increased energy needs, power plants, automobiles).
Compare technologies that are applied and accepted differently in various cultures (e.g., factory farming, nuclear power).
Describe and evaluate social change as a result of technological developments.
Assess the social impacts of a specific international environmental problem by designing a solution that applies the appropriate technologies and resources.
A. Synthesize and evaluate the interactions and constraints of science and technology on society.
Compare and contrast how scientific and technological knowledge is both shared and protected.
Evaluate technological developments that have changed the way humans do work and discuss their impacts (e.g., genetically engineered crops).
Evaluate socially proposed limitations of scientific research and technological application.
3.8. Science, Technology and Human Endeavors 3.8.4. GRADE 4 3.8.7. GRADE 7 3.8.10. GRADE 10 3.8.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . B. Know how human ingenuity and technological resources satisfy specific human needs and improve the quality of life.
Identify and distinguish between human needs and improving the quality of life.
Identify and distinguish between natural and human-made resources.
Describe a technological invention and the resources that were used to develop it.
B. Explain how human ingenuity and technological resources satisfy specific human needs and improve the quality of life.
Identify interrelationships between systems and resources.
Identify and describe the resources necessary to solve a selected problem in a community and improve the quality of life.
Identify and explain specific examples of how agricultural science has met human needs and has improved the quality of life.
B. Analyze how human ingenuity and technological resources satisfy specific human needs and improve the quality of life.
Identify several problems and opportunities that exist in your community, apply various problem-solving methods to design and evaluate possible solutions.
Analyze a recently invented item, describing the human need that prompted its invention and the current and potential social impacts of the specific invention.
Apply knowledge of oceanography, meteorology, geology and human anatomy to explain important considerations that need to be made for construction of homes, buildings and businesses in the United States.
B. Apply the use of ingenuity and technological resources to solve specific societal needs and improve the quality of life.
Apply appropriate tools, materials and processes to solve complex problems.
Use knowledge of human abilities to design or modify technologies that extend and enhance human abilities.
Apply appropriate tools, materials and processes to physical, informational or biotechnological systems to identify and recommend solutions to international problems.
Apply knowledge of agricultural science to develop a solution that will improve on a human need or want.
3.8. Science, Technology and Human Endeavors 3.8.4. GRADE 4 3.8.7. GRADE 7 3.8.10. GRADE 10 3.8.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . Assess the impacts that agricultural science has had on meeting human needs and improving the qualify of life.
3.8. Science, Technology and Human Endeavors 3.8.4. GRADE 4 3.8.7. GRADE 7 3.8.10. GRADE 10 3.8.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to. . . C. Know the pros and cons of possible solutions to scientific and technological problems in society.
Compare the positive and negative expected and unexpected impacts of technological change.
Identify and discuss examples of technological change in the community that have both positive and negative impacts.
C. Identify the pros and cons of applying technological and scientific solutions to address problems and the effect upon society.
Describe the positive and negative expected and unexpected effects of specific technological developments.
Describe ways technology extends and enhances human abilities.
C. Evaluate possibilities, consequences and impacts of scientific and technological solutions.
Relate scientific and technological advancements in terms of cause and effect.
Describe and evaluate the impacts that financial considerations have had on specific scientific and technological applications.
Compare and contrast potential solutions to technological, social, economic and environmental problems.
Analyze the impacts on society of accepting or rejecting scientific and technological advances.
C. Evaluate the consequences and impacts of scientific and technological solutions.
Propose solutions to specific scientific and technological applications, identifying possible financial considerations.
Analyze scientific and technological solutions through the use of risk/benefit analysis.
Analyze and communicate the positive or negative impacts that a recent technological invention had on society.
Evaluate and describe potential impacts from emerging technologies and the consequences of not keeping abreast of technological advancements (e.g., assessment alternatives, risks, benefits, costs, economic impacts, constraints).IX. GLOSSARY
Allele: Any of a set of possible forms of a gene. Biochemical conversion: The changing of organic matter into other chemical forms. Biomass conversion: The changing of organic matter that has been produced by photosynthesis into useful liquid, gas or fuel. Biomedical technology: The application of health care theories to develop methods, products and tools to maintain or improve homeostasis. Biomes: A community of living organisms of a single major ecological region. Biotechnology: The ways that humans apply biological concepts to produce products and provide services. Carbon chemistry: The science of the composition, structure, properties and reactions of carbon based matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems; sometimes referred to as organic chemistry. Construction technology: The ways that humans build structures on sites. Desalinization: To remove salts and other chemicals from sea or saline water. Dichotomous: Divided or dividing into two parts or classifications. Electronic communication: System for the transmission of information using electronic technology (e.g., digital cameras, cellular telephones, Internet, television, fiber optics). Embryology: The branch of biology dealing with the development of living things from fertilized egg to its developed state. Engineering: The application of scientific, physical, mechanical and mathematical principles to design processes, products and structures that improve the quality of life. Enzyme: A protein that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being changed by the reaction; an organic catalyst. Ergonomical: Of or relating to the design of equipment or devices to fit the human bodys control, position, movement and environment. Evolution: A process of change that explains why what we see today is different from what existed in the past; it includes changes in the galaxies, stars, solar system, earth and life on earth. Biological evolution is a change in hereditary characteristics of groups of organisms over the course of generations. Fact: Information that has been objectively verified. Geologic hazard: A naturally occurring or man-made condition or phenomenon that presents a risk or is a potential danger to life and property (e.g., landslides, floods, earthquakes, ground subsidence, coastal and beach erosion, faulting, dam leakage and failure, mining disasters, pollution and waste disposal, sinkholes). Geologic map: A representation of a region on which is recorded earth information (e.g., the distribution, nature and age relationships of rock units and the occurrences of structural features, mineral deposits and fossil localities). Hydrology: The scientific study of the properties, distribution and effects of water on the earths surface, in the soil and underlying rocks and in the atmosphere. Hypothesis: An assertion subject to verification or proof as a premise from which a conclusion is drawn. Information technology: The technical means that humans create to store and transmit information. Inquiry: A systematic process for using knowledge and skills to acquire and apply new knowledge. Instructional technology: Any mechanical aid (including computer technology) used to assist in or enhance the process of teaching and learning. Law: Summarizing statement of observed experimental facts that has been tested many times and is generally accepted as true. Manufacturing technology: The ways that humans produce goods and products. Mitosis: The sequential differentiation and segregation of replicated chromosomes in a cells nucleus that precedes complete cell division. Model: A description, analogy or a representation of something that helps us understand it better (e.g., a physical model, a conceptual model, a mathematical model). Nova: A variable star that suddenly increases in brightness to several times its normal magnitude and returns to its original appearance in a few weeks to several months or years. Patterns: Repeated processes that are exhibited in a wide variety of ways; identifiable recurrences of the element and/or the form. Physical technology: The ways that humans construct, manufacture and transport products. Radioactive isotope: An atom that gives off nuclear radiation and has the same number of protons (atomic number) as another atom but a different number of neutrons. Relationship between
science and technology:Science builds principles or theories while technology is the practical application of those principles or theories. Scale: Relates concepts and ideas to one another by some measurement (e.g., quantitative, numeral, abstract, ideological); provides a measure of size and/or incremental change. Science: Search for understanding the natural world using inquiry and experimentation. System: A group of related objects that work together to achieve a desired result. Open Loop
system:A group of related objects that do not have feedback and cannot modify themselves. Closed Loop system: A group of related objects that have feedback and can modify themselves. Subsystem: A group of related objects that make up a larger system (e.g., automobiles have electrical systems, fuel systems). Technology education: The application of tools, materials, processes and systems to solve problems and extend human capabilities. Technological design process: Recognizing the problem, proposing a solution, implementing the solution, evaluating the solution and communicating the problem, design and solution. Theory: Systematically organized knowledge applicable in a relatively wide variety of circumstances; especially, a system of assumptions, accepted principles and rules of procedure devised to analyze, predict or otherwise explain the nature or behavior of a specified set of phenomena. Theory of evolution: A theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modification in successive generations. Topographic map: A representation of a region on a sufficient scale to show detail, selected man-made and natural features of a portion of the land surface including its relief and certain physical and cultural features; the portrayal of the position, relation, size, shape and elevation of the area. Transportation systems: A group of related parts that function together to perform a major task in any form of transportation. Transportation technology: The physical ways humans move materials, goods and people. Tool: Any device used to extend human capability including computer-based tools.
Academic Standards for Environment and Ecology
Introduction XI. THE ACADEMIC STANDARDS Watersheds and Wetlands 4.1. A. Cycles B. Role of Watersheds C. Physical Factors D. Characteristics and Functions of
WetlandsE. Impacts of Watersheds and Wetlands Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources 4.2. A. Uses B. Availability C. Management D. Influential Factors Environmental Health 4.3. A. Environmental Health Issues B. Human Actions C. Biological Diversity Agriculture and Society 4.4. A. Societys Needs B. Agricultural Science C. Agricultural Systems D. Technology Integrated Pest Management 4.5. A. Effects, Benefits and Impacts B. Health Risks C. Management Practices Ecosystems and their Interactions 4.6. A. Living and Nonliving Components B. Cycles C. Change over Time Threatened, Endangered and Extinct Species 4.7. A. Diversity B. Adaptation C. Management Strategies Humans and the Environment 4.8. A. Societal Needs B. Sustainability C. Human Impacts D. Supply and Demand Environmental Laws and Regulations 4.9. A. Environmental Laws and their Impact Glossary XII.
This document includes Environment and Ecology standards that describe what students should know and be able to do in these areas:
4.1. Watersheds and Wetlands
4.2. Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources
4.3. Environmental Health
4.4. Agriculture and Society
4.5. Integrated Pest Management
4.6. Ecosystems and their Interactions
4.7. Threatened, Endangered and Extinct Species
4.8. Humans and the Environment
4.9. Environmental Laws and Regulations
The Declaration of Rights, Article l of the Pennsylvania Constitution states in Section 27: The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and aesthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvanias public natural resources are the common property of all people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people. To this end it is our responsibility to develop a citizenry that is aware of and concerned about the total environment and has the knowledge and skills to work toward solutions to current problems and the prevention of new ones.
Environment and Ecology is grounded in the complexity of the world we live in and our impact on its sustainability. The human interactions with the ecosystem and the results of human decisions are the main components of this academic area. Environment and Ecology examines the world with respect to the economic, cultural, political and social structure as well as natural processes and systems. This integration across systems is what sets this academic area apart from all others.
Environment and Ecology places its main emphasis in the real world. It allows students to understand, through a sound academic content base, how their everyday lives evolve around their use of the natural world and the resources it provides. As we move into a more technologically driven society, it is crucial for every student to be aware of his/her dependence on a healthy environment. The 2lst century will demand a more sophisticated citizen capable of making sound decisions that will impact our natural systems forever.
These standards establish the essential elements of what students should know and be able to do at the end of grades four, seven, ten and twelve. The sequential nature of this document reflects the need for rigorous academic content that students will be expected to achieve. The standards will help students understand decision-making processes, the art of compromise and problem solving skills. The document reinforces all areas across the grade levels with increasing degrees of difficulty as the students mature intellectually.
Environment and Ecology is a very engaging academic area that captivates students innate interests in their surroundings of the natural and built environment. The skills and knowledge that are addressed in this area of study will serve as tools for student participation in a democratic world of constantly evolving issues and concerns. As they achieve these standards, students will become aware of the role they play in the community in reaching decisions related to the environment.
The study of Environment and Ecology will allow students to be active participants and problem solvers in real issues that affect them, their homes, schools and communities.
A glossary is included to assist the reader in understanding terminology contained in the standards.
4.1. Watersheds and Wetlands 4.1.4. GRADE 4 4.1.7. GRADE 7 4.1.10. GRADE 10 4.1.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: A. Identify various types of water environments.
Identify the lotic system (e.g., creeks, rivers, streams).
Identify the lentic system (e.g., ponds, lakes, swamps).
A. Explain the role of the water cycle within a watershed.
Explain the water cycle.
Explain the water cycle as it relates to a watershed.
A. Describe changes that occur from a streams origin to its final outflow.
Identify Pennsylvanias major watersheds and their related river systems.
Describe changes by tracing a specific rivers origin back to its headwaters including its major tributaries.
A. Categorize stream order in a watershed.
Explain the concept of stream order.
Identify the order of watercourses within a major rivers watershed.
Compare and contrast the physical differences found in the stream continuum from headwater to mouth.
4.1. Watersheds and Wetlands 4.1.4. GRADE 4 4.1.7. GRADE 7 4.1.10. GRADE 10 4.1.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: B. Explain the differences between moving and still water.
Explain why water moves or does not move.
Identify types of precipitation.B. Understand the role of the watershed.
Identify and explain what determines the boundaries of a watershed.
Explain how water enters a watershed.
Explain factors that affect water quality and flow through a watershed.
B. Explain the relationship among landforms, vegetation and the amount and speed of water.
Analyze a streams physical characteristics.
Describe how topography influences streams.
Explain the influence of mountains on precipitation.
Explain how vegetation affects storm water runoff.
Delineate the boundaries of a watershed.
Describe factors that affect the quality of groundwater.
Explain how the speed of water and vegetation cover relates to erosion.
B. Explain the relationships that exist within watersheds in the United States.
Understand that various ecosystems may be contained in a watershed.
Examine and describe the ecosystems contained within a specific watershed.
Identify and describe the major watersheds in the United States.
4.1. Watersheds and Wetlands 4.1.4. GRADE 4 4.1.7. GRADE 7 4.1.10. GRADE 10 4.1.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: C. Identify living things found in water environments.
Identify fish, insects and amphibians that are found in fresh water.
Identify plants found in fresh water.C. Explain the effects of water on the life of organisms in a watershed.
Explain how water is necessary for all life.
Explain how the physical components of aquatic systems influence the organisms that live there in terms of size, shape and physical adaptations.
Describe the life cycle of organisms that depend on water.
Identify organisms that have aquatic stages of life and describe those stages.
C. Describe the physical characteristics of a stream and determine the types of organisms found in aquatic environments.
Describe and explain the physical factors that affect a stream and the organisms living there.
Identify terrestrial and aquatic organisms that live in a watershed.
Categorize aquatic organisms found in a watershed continuum from headwater to mouth (e.g., shredder, predator, decomposer).
Identify the types of organisms that would live in a stream based on the streams physical characteristics.
Explain the habitat needs of specific aquatic organisms.
C. Analyze the parameters of a watershed.
Interpret physical, chemical and biological data as a means of assessing the environmental quality of a watershed.
Apply appropriate techniques in the analysis of a watershed (e.g., water quality, biological diversity, erosion, sedimentation).
4.1. Watersheds and Wetlands 4.1.4. GRADE 4 4.1.7. GRADE 7 4.1.10. GRADE 10 4.1.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: D. Identify a wetland and the plants and animals found there.
Identify different kinds of wetlands.
Identify plants and animals found in wetlands.
Explain wetlands as habitats for plants and animals.D. Explain and describe characteristics of a wetland.
Identify specific characteristics of wetland plants and soils.
Recognize the common types of plants and animals.
Describe different types of wetlands.
Describe the different functions of a wetland.
D. Describe the multiple functions of wetlands.
Describe wetlands in terms of their effects (e.g., habitat, flood, buffer zones, prevention areas, nurseries, food production areas).
Explain how a wetland influences water quality, wildlife and water retention.
Analyze wetlands through their indicators (e.g., soils, plants, hydrology).
D. Analyze the complex and diverse ecosystems of wetlands.
Explain the functions of habitat, nutrient production, migration stopover and groundwater recharge as it relates to wetlands.
Explain the dynamics of a wetland ecosystem.
Describe and analyze different types of wetlands.
E. Recognize the impact of watersheds and wetlands on animals and plants.
Explain the role of watersheds in everyday life.
Identify the role of watersheds and wetlands for plants and animals.
E. Describe the impact of watersheds and wetlands on people.
Explain the impact of watersheds and wetlands in flood control, wildlife habitats and pollution abatement.
Explain the influence of flooding on wetlands.
E. Identify and describe natural and human events on watersheds and wetlands.
Describe how natural events affect a watershed (e.g., drought, floods).
Identify the effects of humans and human events on watersheds.
E. Evaluate the trade-offs, costs and benefits of conserving watersheds and wetlands.
Evaluate the effects of natural events on watersheds and wetlands.
Evaluate the effects of human activities on watersheds and wetlands.
4.2. Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources 4.2.4. GRADE 4 4.2.7. GRADE 7 4.2.10. GRADE 10 4.2.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: A. Identify needs of people.
Identify plants, animals, water, air, minerals and fossil fuels as natural resources.
Explain air, water and nutrient cycles.
Identify how the environment provides for the needs of people.
A. Know that raw materials come from natural resources.
Identify resources used to provide humans with energy, food, housing and water.
Explain how plants and animals may be classified as natural resources.
Compare means of growing or acquiring food.
Identify fiber and other raw materials used in clothing and shelter production.
Identify types of minerals and fossil fuels used by humans.
A. Explain that renewable and nonrenewable resources supply energy and materials.
Identify alternative sources of energy.
Identify and compare fuels used in industrial and agricultural societies.
Compare and contrast the cycles of various natural resources.
Explain food and fiber as renewable resources.
A. Analyze the use of renewable and nonrenewable resources.
Explain the effects on the environment and sustainability through the use of nonrenewable resources.
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of reusing our natural resources.
4.2. Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources 4.2.4. GRADE 4 4.2.7. GRADE 7 4.2.10. GRADE 10 4.2.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: B. Identify products derived from natural resources.
Identify products made from trees.
Identify by-products of plants and animals.
Identify the sources of manmade products (e.g., plastics, metal, aluminum, fabrics, paper, cardboard).
B. Examine the renewability of the resources.
Identify renewable resources and describe their uses.
Identify nonrenewable resources and describe their uses.
Compare finished products to their original raw material.
Identify the waste derived from the use of renewable and nonrenewable resources.
Determine how consumption may impact the availability of resources.
Compare the time spans of renewability for fossil fuels and alternative fuels.
B. Evaluate factors affecting availability of natural resources.
Describe natural occurrences that may affect the natural resources.
Analyze technologies that affect the use of our natural resources.
Evaluate the effect of consumer desires on various natural resources.
B. Analyze factors affecting the availability of renewable and nonrenewable resources.
Evaluate the use of natural resources and offer approaches for using them while diminishing waste.
Compare the economics of different areas based on the availability and accessibility of the natural resources.
4.2. Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources 4.2.4. GRADE 4 4.2.7. GRADE 7 4.2.10. GRADE 10 4.2.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: C. Know that some natural resources have limited life spans.
Identify renewable and nonrenewable resources used in the local community.
Identify various means of conserving natural resources.
Know that natural resources have varying life spans.
C. Explain natural resource distribution.
Distinguish between readily available and less accessible resources.
Identify the locations of different concentrations of fossil fuels and mineral resources.
Analyze the effects of management practices on air, land and water in forestry, agriculture, fisheries, wildlife, mining and food and fiber production that is unique to different climates.
C. Analyze how man-made systems have impacted the management and distribution of natural resources.
Explain the complete cycle of a natural resource, from extraction to disposal, detailing its uses and effects on the environment.
Analyze energy uses and energy conservation in different regions.
Examine conservation practices in different countries.
Analyze the costs and benefits of different man-made systems and how they use renewable and nonrenewable natural resources.
Analyze the impact of information systems on management and distribution of natural resources.
C. Analyze factors that influence the availability of natural resources.
Compare the use of natural resources in different countries.
Determine how delivery systems influence the availability of resources at the local, regional and national level.
4.2. Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources 4.2.4. GRADE 4 4.2.7. GRADE 7 4.2.10. GRADE 10 4.2.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: D. Identify by-products and their use of natural resources.
Understand the waste stream.
Identify those items that can be recycled and those that can not.
Identify use of reusable products.
Identify the use of compost, landfills and incinerators.
D. Describe the role of recycling and waste management.
Identify materials that can be recycled in the community.
Explain the process of closing the loop in recycling.
Compare the decomposition rates of different organic materials.
Describe methods that could be used to reuse materials for new products.
Evaluate the costs and benefits of disposable products.
D. Explain different management alternatives involved in recycling and solid waste management.
Analyze the manufacturing process (before, during and after) with consideration for resource recovery.
Compare various methods dealing with solid waste (e.g., incineration, compost, land application).
Differentiate between pre/post-consumer and raw materials.
Illustrate how one natural resource can be managed through reduction, recycling, reuse or use.
D. Evaluate solid waste management practices.
Examine and explain the path of a recyclable material from collection to waste, reuse or recycling identifying the market forces.
Understand current regulations concerning recycling and solid waste.
Research new technologies in the use, reuse or recycling of materials.
4.3. Environmental Health 4.3.4. GRADE 4 4.3.7. GRADE 7 4.3.10. GRADE 10 4.3.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: A. Know that plants, animals and humans are dependent on air and water.
Know that all living things need air and water to survive.
Describe potentially dangerous pest controls used in the home.
Identify things that cause sickness when put into the air, water or soil.
Identify different areas where health can be affected by air, water or land pollution.
Identify actions that can prevent or reduce waste pollution.
A. Identify environmental health issues.
Identify various examples of long-term pollution and explain their effects on environmental health.
Identify diseases that have been associated with poor environmental quality.
Describe different types of pest controls and their effects on the environment.
Identify alternative products that can be used in life to reduce pollution.
A. Describe environmental health issues.
Identify the effects on human health of air, water and soil pollution and the possible economic costs to society.
Describe how indoor pollution may affect human health (e.g., dust mites, fumes, cat dandruff).
Explain the costs and benefits of cleaning up contaminants.
Explain how common household cleaning products are manufactured and how to dispose of their by-products after use.
A. Analyze the complexity of environmental health issues.
Identify environmental health issues and explain how they have been addressed on a worldwide level.
Analyze efforts to prevent, control and/or reduce pollution through cost and benefit analysis and risk management.
Describe the impact of occupational exposures as they relate to environmental health issues.
Identify invisible pollutants and explain their effects on human health.
Explain the relationship between wind direction and velocity as it relates to dispersal and occurrence of pollutants.
Explain the different disposal methods used for toxic and hazardous waste.
4.3. Environmental Health 4.3.4. GRADE 4 4.3.7. GRADE 7 4.3.10. GRADE 10 4.3.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: B. Identify how human actions affect environmental health.
Identify pollutants.
Identify sources of pollution.
Identify litter and its effect on the environment.
Describe how people can reduce pollution.
B. Describe how human actions affect the health of the environment.
Identify land use practices and their relation to environmental health.
Explain how natural disasters affect environmental health.
Identify residential and industrial sources of pollution and their effects on environmental health.
Explain the difference between point and nonpoint source pollution.
Explain how nonpoint source pollution can affect the water supply and air quality.
Explain how acid deposition can affect water, soil and air quality.
Explain the relationship between resource use, reuse, recycling and environmental health.
B. Explain how multiple variables determine the effects of pollution on environmental health, natural processes and human practices.
Explain how human practices affect the quality of the water and soil.
Identify evidence of natural events around the world and their effects on environmental health (e.g., Yellowstone National Park fires).
Identify local and state environmental regulations and their impact on environmental health.
Analyze data and explain how point source pollution can be detected and eliminated.
Identify and explain ways of detecting pollution by using state-of-the-art technologies.
B. Analyze the local, regional and national impacts of environmental health.
Analyze the cost of natural disasters in both dollars and loss of natural habitat.
Research and analyze the local, state and national laws that deal with point and nonpoint source pollution; evaluate the costs and benefits of these laws.
Explain mitigation and its role in environmental health.
Explain industrys initiatives to meet state and federal mandates on clean air and water.
Describe the impacts of point and nonpoint source pollution on the Chesapeake Bay.
Identify and evaluate the costs and benefits of laws regulating air and water quality and waste disposal.
4.3. Environmental Health 4.3.4. GRADE 4 4.3.7. GRADE 7 4.3.10. GRADE 10 4.3.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: C. Understand that the elements of natural systems are interdependent.
Identify some of the organisms that live together in an ecosystem.
Understand that the components of a system all play a part in a healthy natural system.
Identify the effects of a healthy environment on the ecosystem.
C. Explain biological diversity.
Explain the complex, interactive relationships among members of an ecosystem.
Explain how diversity affects ecological integrity of the natural resources.
C. Explain biological diversity as an indicator of a healthy environment.
Explain species diversity.
Analyze the effects of species extinction on the health of an ecosystem.
C. Analyze the need for a healthy environment.
Research the relationship of some chronic diseases to an environmental pollutant.
Explain how man-made systems may affect the environment.
4.4. Agriculture and Society 4.4.4. GRADE 4 4.4.7. GRADE 7 4.4.10. GRADE 10 4.4.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: A. Know the importance of agriculture to humans.
Identify peoples basic needs.
Explain the influence of agriculture on food, clothing, shelter and culture from one area to another.
Know how people depend on agriculture.
A. Explain societys standard of living in relation to agriculture.
Compare and contrast agricultural changes that have been made to meet societys needs.
Compare and contrast how animals and plants affect agricultural systems.
Compare several technological advancements and their effect(s) on the historical growth of agriculture.
Compare different environmental conditions related to agricultural production, cost and quality of the product.
A. Describe the importance of agriculture to society.
Identify the major cash crops of Pennsylvania.
Identify what percentage of the United States population is involved in the food and fiber industry.
Compare and contrast the influence of agriculture on a nations culture, standard of living and foreign trade.
Identify laws that affect conservation and management of food and fiber production in the local area and analyze their impact.
Compare a contemporary economic issue in agriculture to its historical origin.
A. Analyze the management practices in the agriculture business.
Define the components of an agriculture system that would result in a minimal waste of resources.
Identify the diversity in crop production and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of such diversity.
Research and analyze environmental practices related to agricultural systems.
Analyze the effects of agricultural practices on the economy.
Analyze the impact of nutrient management laws on Pennsylvania agriculture.
Assess the role of agriculture cooperatives.
4.4. Agriculture and Society 4.4.4. GRADE 4 4.4.7. GRADE 7 4.4.10. GRADE 10 4.4.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: B. Identify the role of the sciences in Pennsylvania agriculture.
Identify common animals found on Pennsylvania farms.
Identify common plants found on Pennsylvania farms.
Identify the parts of important agricultural related plants (i.e., corn, soybeans, barley).
Identify a fiber product from Pennsylvania farms.
B. Investigate how agricultural science has recognized the various soil types found in Pennsylvania.
Explain the importance of particle sizes in different soil types.
Determine how water has influenced the development of Pennsylvania soil types.
Investigate how soil types have influenced the plant types used on Pennsylvania farms
Analyze how soil types and geographic regions have impacted the profitability of Pennsylvania farms.
B. Assess the influence of agricultural science on farming practices.
Compare the practices of no-till farming to traditional soil preparation (e.g., plow, disc).
Analyze and explain the various practices of nutrient management on the farm.
Analyze and explain how farm efficiencies have changed human nutrition.
B. Describe how agricultural science has influenced biotechnology.
Investigate how bioengineered crops may influence the food supply.
Analyze the use of specific bacteria for the control of agricultural pests.
Evaluate the use of feed additives in shifting metabolism to increase muscle mass and reduce fat in farm animals.
4.4. Agriculture and Society 4.4.4. GRADE 4 4.4.7. GRADE 7 4.4.10. GRADE 10 4.4.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: C. Know that food and fiber originate from plants and animals.
Define and identify food and fiber.
Identify what plants and animals need to grow.
Identify agricultural products that are local and regional.
Identify an agricultural product based on its origin.
Describe several products and tell their origins.
Describe the journey of a local agricultural product from production to the consumer.
C. Explain agricultural systems use of natural and human resources.
Analyze the needs of plants and animals as they relate to climate and soil conditions.
Identify the plants and animals that can be raised in the area and explain why.
Identify natural resources necessary for agricultural systems.
Compare the need for crop production to the need for animal production.
Define issues associated with food and fiber production.
C. Explain the functions of the components of the food and fiber system.
Compare and analyze growing conditions in the United States to determine which plants and animals are most suitable to each region.
Compare the management practices needed for a commodity (i.e., production, processing, research and development, marketing, distribution and regulations).
Identify a commodity, its origin and its steps of production.
Compare and analyze the cost of a commodity to its production cost.
Identify and describe how food safety issues have impacted production in agriculture.
C. Analyze and research the social, political and economic factors that affect agricultural systems.
Analyze the costs and benefits associated with agriculture practices and how they affect economic and human needs.
Analyze the costs and benefits of agriculture research practices in society.
Research the use of by-products that are the results of agriculture production (e.g., manure handling, bird feathers).
4.4. Agriculture and Society 4.4.4. GRADE 4 4.4.7. GRADE 7 4.4.10. GRADE 10 4.4.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: D. Identify technology and energy use associated with agriculture.
Identify the various tools and machinery necessary for farming.
Identify the types of energy used in producing food and fiber.
Identify tools and machinery used in the production of agricultural products.
D. Explain the improvement of agricultural production through technology.
Compare the technologies that have advanced agricultural production.
Explain how energy sources have changed to meet agricultural technology.
D. Analyze the efforts of increased efficiency in agriculture through technology.
Compare various technological advancements and analyze each for its contribution toward labor and cost efficiency.
Compare the current market value of both natural and alternative energy sources involved in the production of food and fiber.
D. Analyze research and development activities as they relate to agriculture.
Analyze the role of research, development and technology as it relates to the food and fiber system.
Research and analyze energy sources used and/or generated by producing, processing and marketing agricultural products.
4.5. Integrated Pest Management 4.5.4. GRADE 4 4.5.7. GRADE 7 4.5.10. GRADE 10 4.5.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: A. Know types of pests.
Identify classifications of pests.
Identify and categorize pests.
Know how pests fit into a food chain.
A. Explain benefits and harmful effects of pests.
Identify different examples of pests and explain the beneficial or harmful effects of each.
Identify several locations where pests can be found and compare the effects the pests have on each location.
A. Identify similar classifications of pests that may or may not have similar effects on different regions.
Identify environmental effect(s) of pests on different regions of the world.
Identify introduced species that are classified as pests in their new environments.
A. Research integrated pest management systems.
Analyze the threshold limits of pests and the need for intervention in a managed environment.
Research the types of germicides and analyze their effects on homes, industry, hospitals and institutions.
Design and explain an integrated pest management plan that uses a range of pest controls.
4.5. Integrated Pest Management 4.5.4. GRADE 4 4.5.7. GRADE 7 4.5.10. GRADE 10 4.5.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: B. Explain pest control.
Know reasons why people control pests.
Identify different methods for controlling specific pests in the home, school and community.
Identify chemical labels (e.g., caution, poison, warning).
B. Explain how pest management affects the environment.
Explain issues related to integrated pest management including biological technology, resistant varieties, chemical practices, medical technology and monitoring techniques.
Describe how integrated pest management and related technology impact human activities.
Identify issues related to integrated pest management that affect the environment.
B. Analyze health benefits and risks associated with integrated pest management.
Identify the health risks associated with chemicals used in common pesticides.
Assess various levels of control within different integrated pest management practices including increased immunity to pesticides, food safety, sterilization, nutrient management and weed control.
B. Research and analyze integrated pest management practices globally.
Research worldwide integrated pest management systems and evaluate the level of impact.
Research and analyze the international regulations that exist related to integrated pest management.
Explain the complexities associated with moving from one level of control to the next with different integrated pest management practices and compare the related costs of each system.
4.5. Integrated Pest Management 4.5.4. GRADE 4 4.5.7. GRADE 7 4.5.10. GRADE 10 4.5.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: C. Understand societys need for integrated pest management.
Identify integrated pest management practices in the home.
Identify integrated pest management practices outside the home.
C. Explain various integrated pest management practices used in society.
Compare and contrast integrated pest management monitoring methods utilized in different community settings.
Compare integrated pest management to past practices.
Compare and analyze the long-term effects of using integrated pest management products.
C. Determine the effects of integrated pest management practices on society over time.
Analyze the risks to the environment and society associated with alternative practices used in integrated pest management.
Analyze the benefits to the environment and society associated with alternative practices used in integrated pest management.
C. Analyze the historical significance of integrated pest management on society.
Explain the dynamics of integrated pest management practices and their relative effects upon society.
Identify historic events affecting integrated pest management and cite the practices used (e.g., avian flu, bubonic plague, potato blight).
Research and analyze the long-term effects of pest management practices on the environment.
4.6. Ecosystems and their Interactions 4.6.4. GRADE 4 4.6.7. GRADE 7 4.6.10. GRADE 10 4.6.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: A. Understand that living things are dependent on nonliving things in the environment for survival.
Identify and categorize living and nonliving things.
Describe the basic needs of an organism.
Identify basic needs of a plant and an animal and explain how their needs are met.
Identify plants and animals with their habitat and food sources.
Identify environmental variables that affect plant growth.
Describe how animals interact with plants to meet their needs for shelter.
Describe how certain insects interact with soil for their needs.
Understand the components of a food chain.
A. Explain the flows of energy and matter from organism to organism within an ecosystem.
Identify and explain the characteristics of biotic and abiotic.
Describe and explain the adaptations of plants and animals to their environment.
Demonstrate the dependency of living components in the ecosystem on the nonliving components.
Explain energy flow through a food web.
Explain the importance of the predator/prey relationship and how it maintains the balances within ecosystems.
Understand limiting factors and predict their effects on an organism.
A. Explain the biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem and their interaction.
Identify the major biomes and explain their similarities and differences.
Compare and contrast the interactions of biotic and abiotic components in an ecosystem.
Analyze the effects of abiotic factors on specific ecosystems.
Describe how the availability of resources affects organisms in an ecosystem.
Explain energy flow in a food chain through an energy pyramid.
Evaluate the efficiency of energy flow in a food chain.
Explain the concept of carrying capacity in an ecosystem.
Explain trophic levels.
A. Analyze the interdependence of an ecosystem.
Analyze the relationships among components of an ecosystem.
Evaluate the efficiency of energy flow within an ecosystem.
Explain limiting factors and their impact on carrying capacity.
Understand how biological diversity impacts the stability of an ecosystem.
Analyze the positive or negative impacts of outside influences on an ecosystem.
Analyze how different land use practices can affect the quality of soils.
4.6. Ecosystems and their Interactions 4.6.4. GRADE 4 4.6.7. GRADE 7 4.6.10. GRADE 10 4.6.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: Identify a local ecosystem and its living and nonliving components.
Identify a simple ecosystem and its living and nonliving components.
Identify common soil textures.
Identify animals that live underground.
Identify niches for producers, consumers and decomposers within an ecosystem.
Compare and contrast the major ecosystems of Pennsylvania.
Identify the major characteristics of a biome.
Compare and contrast different biomes and their characteristics.
Identify the relationship of abiotic and biotic components and explain their interaction in an ecosystem.
Explain how different soil types determine the characteristics of ecosystems.
Identify a specific environmental impact and predict what change may take place to affect homeostasis.
Examine and explain how organisms modify their environments to sustain their needs.
Assess the effects of latitude and altitude on biomes.
Interpret possible causes of population fluctuations.
Explain how erosion and sedimentation have changed the quality of soil related habitats.
4.6. Ecosystems and their Interactions 4.6.4. GRADE 4 4.6.7. GRADE 7 4.6.10. GRADE 10 4.6.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: B. Understand the concept of cycles.
Explain the water cycle.
Explain the carbon dioxide/oxygen cycle (photosynthesis).B. Explain the concepts of cycles.
Identify and explain cycles within an ecosystem.
Analyze the role of different cycles within an ecosystem.
B. Explain how cycles affect the balance in an ecosystem.
Describe an element cycle and its role in an ecosystem.
Explain the consequences of interrupting natural cycles.
B. Analyze the impact of cycles on the ecosystem.
Evaluate the materials necessary for natural cycles.
Explain the processes involved in the natural cycles.
C. Identify how ecosystems change over time. C. Explain how ecosystems change over time.
Explain how ecosystems change.
Identify the succession stages of a given ecosystem.
Explain how specific organisms may change an ecosystem.
Explain a change in an ecosystem that relates to humans.
C. Analyze how ecosystems change over time.
Identify and explain the succession stages in an ecosystem.
Identify causes of succession.
Analyze consequences of interrupting natural cycles.
C. Analyze how human action and natural changes affect the balance within an ecosystem.
Analyze the effects of substances that move through natural cycles.
Analyze the effects of natural occurrences and their effects on ecosystems.
Analyze effects of human action on an ecosystem.
Compare the stages of succession and how they influence the cycles existing in an ecosystem.
4.7. Threatened, Endangered and Extinct Species 4.7.4. GRADE 4 4.7.7. GRADE 7 4.7.10. GRADE 10 4.7.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: A. Identify differences in living things.
Explain why plants and animals are different colors, shapes and sizes and how these differences relate to their survival.
Identify characteristics that living things inherit from their parents.
Explain why each of the four elements in a habitat is essential for survival.
Identify local plants or animals and describe their habitat.
A. Describe diversity of plants and animals in ecosystems.
Select an ecosystem and describe different plants and animals that live there.
Identify adaptations in plants and animals.
Recognize that adaptations are developed over long periods of time and are passed on from one generation to the next.
Understand levels of ecosystem organization (e.g., individuals, populations, species).
A. Explain the significance of diversity in ecosystems.
Explain the role that specific organisms have in their ecosystem.
Identify a species and explain what effects its increase or decline might have on the ecosystem.
Identify a species and explain how its adaptations are related to its niche in the environment.
A. Analyze biological diversity as it relates to the stability of an ecosystem.
Examine and explain what happens to an ecosystem as biological diversity changes.
Explain the relationship between species loss and bio-diversity.
Examine and explain how a specialized interaction between two species may affect the survival of both species.
4.7. Threatened, Endangered and Extinct Species 4.7.4. GRADE 4 4.7.7. GRADE 7 4.7.10. GRADE 10 4.7.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: B. Know that adaptations are important for survival.
Explain how specific adaptations can help a living organism to survive.
Explain what happens to a living thing when its food, water, shelter or space is changed.B. Explain how species of living organisms adapt to their environment.
Explain the role of individual variations in natural selection.
Explain how an adaptation is an inherited structure or behavior that helps an organism survive and reproduce.
Describe how a particular trait may be selected over time and account for a species adaptation.
Compare and contrast animals and plants that have very specific survival requirements with those that have more general requirements for survival.
Explain how living things respond to changes in their environment.
Explain how one species may survive an environmental change while another might not.
B. Explain how structure, function and behavior of plants and animals affect their ability to survive.
Describe an organisms adaptations for survival in its habitat.
Compare adaptations among species.
B. Examine the effects of extinction, both natural and human caused, on the environment.
Predict how human or natural action can produce change to which organisms cannot adapt.
Identify species that became extinct through natural causes and explain how that occurred.
Identify a species that became extinct due to human actions and explain what occurred.
4.7. Threatened, Endangered and Extinct Species 4.7.4. GRADE 4 4.7.7. GRADE 7 4.7.10. GRADE 10 4.7.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: C. Define and understand extinction.
Identify plants and animals that are extinct.
Explain why some plants and animals are extinct.
Know that there are local and state laws regarding plants and animals.C. Explain natural or human actions in relation to the loss of species.
Identify natural or human impacts that cause habitat loss.
Explain how habitat loss can affect the interaction among species and the population of a species.
Analyze and explain the changes in an animal population over time.
Explain how a habitat management practice affects a population.
Explain the differences among threatened, endangered and extinct species.
Identify Pennsylvania plants and animals that are on the threatened or endangered list.
C. Identify and explain why adaptations can lead to specialization.
Explain factors that could lead to a species increase or decrease.
Explain how management practices may influence the success of specific species.
Identify and explain criteria used by scientists for categorizing organisms as threatened, endangered or extinct.
C. Analyze the effects of threatened, endangered or extinct species on human and natural systems.
Identify and explain how a species increase, decline or elimination affects the ecosystem and/or human social, cultural and economic structures.
Explain why natural populations do not remain constant.
Analyze management strategies regarding threatened or endangered species.
Identify laws, agreements or treaties at national or international levels regarding threatened or endangered species.
Analyze the role of zoos and wildlife preserves on species that have been identified as threatened or endangered.
4.7. Threatened, Endangered and Extinct Species 4.7.4. GRADE 4 4.7.7. GRADE 7 4.7.10. GRADE 10 4.7.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: Describe state laws passed regarding threatened and endangered species in Pennsylvania.
Explain why one species may be more susceptible to becoming endangered than another species.
Examine the influence of wildlife management in preserving different species in Pennsylvania (e.g., bobcat, elk, bald eagle).
4.8. Humans and the Environment 4.8.4. GRADE 4 4.8.7. GRADE 7 4.8.10. GRADE 10 4.8.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: A. Identify the biological requirements of humans.
Explain how a dynamically changing environment provides for sustainability of living systems.
Identify several ways that people use natural resources.
A. Describe how the development of civilization relates to the environment.
Explain how people use natural resources in their environment.
Locate and identify natural resources in different parts of the world.
Compare and contrast how people use natural resources throughout the world.
A. Analyze how societys needs relate to the sustainability of natural resources.
Explain why some societies have been unable to meet their natural resource needs.
Compare and contrast the use of natural resources and the environmental conditions in several countries.
Describe how uses of natural resources impact sustainability.
A. Explain how technology has influenced the sustainability of natural resources over time.
Describe how technology has changed the use of natural resources by business and industry.
Analyze the effect of natural resource conservation on a product over time (e.g., automobile manufacturing, aluminum can recycling, paper products).
4.8. Humans and the Environment 4.8.4. GRADE 4 4.8.7. GRADE 7 4.8.10. GRADE 10 4.8.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: B. Know that environmental conditions influence where and how people live.
Identify how regional natural resources influence what people use.
Explain the influence of climate on how and where people live.
B. Explain how people use natural resources.
Describe how natural resources are used for survival.
Explain how natural resources and technological changes have affected the development of civilizations.
Explain how climate and extreme weather events (e.g., drought, flood) influence peoples lives.
B. Analyze the relationship between the use of natural resources and sustaining our society.
Explain the role of natural resources in sustaining society.
Analyze the effects of a natural resources availability on a community or region.
B. Analyze technologys role on natural resource sustainability.
Explain how technology has decreased the use of raw natural resources.
Explain how technology has impacted the efficiency of the use of natural resources.
Analyze the role of technology in the reduction of pollution.
4.8. Humans and the Environment 4.8.4. GRADE 4 4.8.7. GRADE 7 4.8.10. GRADE 10 4.8.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: C. Explain how human activities may change the environment.
Identify everyday human activities and how they affect the environment.
Identify examples of how human activities within a community affect the natural environment.C. Explain how human activities may affect local, regional and national environments.
Describe what effect consumption and related generation of wastes have on the environment.
Explain how a particular human activity has changed the local area over the years.
C. Analyze how human activities may cause changes in an ecosystem.
Analyze and evaluate changes in the environment that are the result of human activities.
Compare and contrast the environmental effects of different industrial strategies (e.g., energy generation, transportation, logging, mining, agriculture).
C. Analyze how pollution has changed in quality, variety and toxicity as the United States developed its industrial base.
Analyze historical pollution trends and project them for the future.
Compare and contrast historical and current pollution levels at a given location.
4.8. Humans and the Environment 4.8.4. GRADE 4 4.8.7. GRADE 7 4.8.10. GRADE 10 4.8.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: D. Know the importance of natural resources in daily life.
Identify items used in daily life that come from natural resources.
Identify ways to conserve our natural resources.
Identify major land uses in the community.
D. Explain the importance of maintaining the natural resources at the local, state and national levels.
Explain how human activities and natural events have affected ecosystems.
Explain how conservation practices have influenced ecosystems.
Define the roles of Pennsylvania agencies that deal with natural resources.
D. Explain how the concept of supply and demand affects the environment.
Identify natural resources for which societal demands have been increasing.
Identify specific resources for which human consumption has resulted in scarcity of supply (e.g., buffalo, lobsters).
Describe the relationship between population density and resource use and management.
D. Analyze the international implications of environmental occurrences.
Identify natural occurrences that have international impact (e.g., El Nino, volcano eruptions, earthquakes).
Analyze environmental issues and their international implications.
4.9. Environmental Laws and Regulations 4.9.4. GRADE 4 4.9.7. GRADE 7 4.9.10. GRADE 10 4.9.12. GRADE 12 Pennsylvanias public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to: A. Know that there are laws and regulations for the environment.
Identify local and state laws and regulations regarding the environment.
Explain how the recycling law impacts the school and home.
Identify and describe the role of a local or state agency that deals with environmental laws and regulations.
A. Explain the role of environmental laws and regulations.
Identify and explain environmental laws and regulations (e.g., Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, Act 26 on Agricultural Education).
Explain the role of local and state agencies in enforcing environmental laws and regulations (e.g., Department of Environmen-
tal Protection, Department of Agriculture, Game Commission).
A. Explain why environmental laws and regulations are developed and enacted.
Explain the positive and negative impacts associated with passing environmental laws and regulations.
Understand conflicting rights of property owners and environmental laws and regulations.
Analyze the roles that local, state and federal governments play in the development and enforcement of environmental laws.
Identify local and state environmental regulations and their impact on environmental health.
Explain the positive and negative impacts of the Endangered Species Act.
A. Analyze environmental laws and regulations as they relate to environmental issues.
Analyze and explain how issues lead to environmental law or regulation (e.g., underground storage tanks, regulation of water discharges, hazardous, solid and liquid industrial waste, endangered species).
Compare and contrast environmental laws and regulations that may have a positive or negative impact on the environment and the economy.
Research and describe the effects of an environmental law or regulation and how it has impacted the environment.
Academic Standards for Environment and Ecology
Abiotic: A nonliving factor or element (e.g., light, water, heat, rock, energy, mineral). Acid deposition: Precipitation with a pH less than 5.6 that forms in the atmosphere when certain pollutants mix with water vapor. Biological diversity: The variety and complexity of species present and interacting in an ecosystem and the relative abundance of each. Biotic: An environmental factor related to or produced by living organisms. Closing the loop: A link in the circular chain of recycling events that promotes the use of products made with recycled materials. Commodities: Economic goods or products before they are processed and/or given a brand name, such as a product of agriculture. Composting: The process of mixing decaying leaves, manure and other nutritive matter to improve and fertilize soil. Consumer: 1) Those organisms that obtain energy by feeding on other organisms and their remains. 2) A person buying goods or services for personal needs or to use in the production of other goods for resale. Decomposer: An organism, often microscopic in size, that obtains nutrients by consuming dead organic matter, thereby making nutrients accessible to other organisms; examples of decomposers include fungi, scavengers, rodents and other animals. Delineate: To trace the outline; to draw; to sketch; to depict or picture. Ecosystem: A community of living organisms and their interrelated physical and chemical environment. Endangered Species: A species that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. Environment: The total of the surroundings (air, water, soil, vegetation, people, wildlife) influencing each living beings existence, including physical, biological and all other factors; the surroundings of a plant or animal, including other plants or animals, climate and location. Equilibrium: The ability of an ecosystem to maintain stability among its biological resources (e.g., forest, fisheries, crops) so that there is a steady optimum yield. Extinction: The complete elimination of a species from the earth. Groundwater: Water that infiltrates the soil and is located in underground reservoirs called aquifers. Hazardous waste: A solid that, because of its quantity or concentration or its physical, chemical or infectious characteristics, may cause or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed of, or otherwise managed. Homeostasis: The tendency for a system by resisting change to remain in a state of equilibrium. Incinerating: Burning to ashes; reducing to ashes. Integrated pest management: A variety of pest control methods that include repairs, traps, bait, poison, etc. to eliminate pests. Lentic: Relating to or living in still water. Lotic: Relating to or living in actively moving water. Mitigation: The policy of constructing or creating man-made habitats, such as wetlands, to replace those lost to development. Niche (ecological): The role played by an organism in an ecosystem; its food preferences, requirements for shelter, special behaviors and the timing of its activities (e.g., nocturnal, diurnal), interaction with other organisms and its habitat. Nonpoint source pollution: Contamination that originates from many locations that all discharge into a location (e.g., a lake, stream, land area). Nonrenewable resources: Substances (e.g., oil, gas, coal, copper, gold) that, once used, cannot be replaced in this geological age. Point source pollution: Pollutants discharged from a single identifiable location (e.g., pipes, ditches, channels, sewers, tunnels, containers of various types). Pest: A label applied to an organism when it is in competition with humans for some resource. Recycling: Collecting and reprocessing a resource or product to make into new products. Regulation: A rule or order issued by an executive authority or regulatory agency of a government and having the force of law. Renewable: A naturally occurring raw material or form of energy that will be replenished through natural ecological cycles or sound management practices (e.g., the sun, wind, water, trees). Risk management: A strategy developed to reduce or control the chance of harm or loss to ones health or life; the process of identifying, evaluating, selecting and implementing actions to reduce risk to human health and to ecosystems. Shredder: Through chewing and/or grinding, microorganisms feed on non-woody coarse particulate matter, primarily leaves. Stream order: Energy and nutrient flow that increases as water moves toward the oceans (e.g., the smallest stream (primary) that ends when rivers flow into oceans). Succession: The series of changes that occur in an ecosystem with the passing of time. Sustainability: The ability to keep in existence or maintain. A sustainable ecosystem is one that can be maintained. Trophic levels: The role of an organism in nutrient and energy flow within an ecosystem (e.g., herbivore, carnivore, decomposer). Waste stream: The flow of (waste) materials from generation, collection and separation to disposal. Watershed: The land area from which surface runoff drains into a stream, channel, lake, reservoir or other body of water; also called a drainage basin. Wetlands: Lands where water saturation is the dominant factor determining the nature of the soil development and the plant and animal communities (e.g., sloughs, estuaries, marshes).