Section 89.65. Proceedings confidential
Section 89.71. Conferences to expedite proceedings
Section 89.72. Subjects which may be considered at conferences to expedite hearings
Section 89.73. Initiation of conferences
Section 89.74. Authority of hearing committee member or special master at conferences
Section 89.91. Appearances
Section 89.92. Order of procedure
Section 89.93. Presentation by the parties
Section 89.94. Limiting number of witnesses
Section 89.95. Additional evidence
Section 89.101. Recording of proceedings
Section 89.102. Transcript corrections
Section 89.103. Copies of transcripts
Section 89.121. Oral examination
Section 89.122. Fees of witnesses
Section 89.123. Evidence by persons associated with Board
Section 89.131. Presentation and effect of stipulations
Section 89.141. Admissibility of evidence
Section 89.142. Reception and ruling on evidence
Section 89.143. Form and size of documentary evidence
Section 89.144. Copies to participants
Section 89.151. Separate consideration of evidence relevant to type of discipline
Section 89.161. Oral argument
Section 89.162. Time for filing of briefs
Section 89.163. Content and form of briefs
Section 89.164. Filing and service of briefs
Section 89.171. Filing of report
Section 89.172. Contents of report
Section 89.173. Report a part of the record
Section 89.174. Service of report
Section 89.181. Abbreviated procedure