Section 87.4. Preliminary screening and docketing of complaints  

Latest version.
  • Complaints received by the Office of Disciplinary Counsel against Disciplinary Counsel involving alleged violations of the Disciplinary Rules shall be transmitted forthwith to the Office of the Secretary for disposition pursuant to § 93.52(d)(2) (relating to communications and filings generally). All other complaints shall be assigned a docket number consisting of the letter ‘‘C,’’ the number of the disciplinary district to which the matter will be assigned, the last two digits of the calendar year in which the matter is docketed, and the serial number of the matter in such disciplinary district in such calendar year, e.g.: ‘‘C4-73-1,’’ etc.

The provisions of this § 87.4 amended January 15, 1988, effective April 1, 1988, 18 Pa.B. 242; amended April 18, 2008, effective April 19, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 1812. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (276496).