Section 131.41. Agency responsibilities  

Latest version.
  • The Department, through its Office of Community Services, will be responsible for the overall administration of this program. The staff of the Office of Community Services will perform the following functions:

    (1) Make copies of these regulations and the appropriate forms available to all interested parties requesting them.

    (2) Give notice of the availability of the regulations for the act directly through the Department’s regional offices and indirectly through as many news media as will assure adequate announcement of the availability of the program.

    (3) The Departmental procedure for processing a program request shall be the PERC system as outlined in the Executive Directive of the Department 1-7 dated January 20, 1970, copies of which are available from the regional office.

    (4) Proposals shall be treated in the following manner:

    (i) Proposals will be reviewed in the regional office and submitted to a Regional PERC. If approved the proposal will be forwarded to the Office of Community Services.

    (ii) The Office of Community Services will review and evaluate the proposal as to feasibility, funding and legality. If not disapproved by the Bureau, the proposal will be forwarded to other State agencies for comment before submitting the proposal to PERC.

    (iii) PERC will review and evaluate the proposal and return the complete proposal to the Office Director stating it is approved, disapproved or tabled.

    (iv) The Office Director will notify the appropriate regional office of the disposition of the proposal.

    (v) The regional office will notify the applicant of the final disposition of the proposal.

    (vi) The Office Director will initiate preparation of the contract of approved proposals.