Pennsylvania Code (Last Updated: April 5, 2016) |
PART I. Legislative Reference Bureau |
Subpart B. Legislative Procedure Manual |
Chapter 11. Printing and Distribution of Final Enactments |
Section 11.1. Digests and indices
(a) Roberts Digest of British Statutes. Roberts Digest of British Statutes (2nd Ed. 1847) is an unofficial publication setting forth those English statutes in force in Pennsylvania as determined by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in its report issued December 14, 1808 (3 Binneys Reports 599) as directed by the General Assembly pursuant to the act of April 7, 1807 (P. L. 63, Ch.99). These statutes were enacted during the years 1225 through 1738.
(b) Duke of Yorks Book of Laws. The charter to William Penn and the laws of the Province of Pennsylvania passed between 1676 and 1700 are contained in the 1879 publication entitled Duke of Yorks Book of Laws 1676-1682, Charter and Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania 1682-1700, compiled and published under authority of the act of June 12, 1878 (P. L. 203, No. 233).
(c) McKinneys Digest of Laws. McKinneys Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania (1841) contains the Constitutions of the United States and Pennsylvania and a digest of the laws of a public and permanent nature from 1700 through 1840.
(d) Beitels Digest of Titles to Corporations. Digest of Titles to Corporations (2nd. Ed. 1874) contains an index to certain local and special laws from 1700 to 1873 including acts declaring rivers and creeks to be public highways and acts relating to real estate and title hereto.
(e) Prices Index to Local Legislation. Prices Index to Local Legislation in Pennsylvania (1894) contains an index to local and special laws from 1700 to 1892 including titles of corporations organized by special laws.